The Divine Swordsmanship and the Yin-Yang Swordsmanship (Part 4)


Shin stood a few meters away from his opponent while maintaining his relaxed stance. But despite how his stance looked, Dylan couldn't find any flaw in it. He couldn't find any kind of opening he could take advantage of.

Given that, the young swordsman had no choice but to maintain his stance and wait for his Sword Qi to accumulate enough strength to take the initiative.


A gentle wind started to revolve around Dylan as he locked his gaze on Shin. And after a few moments, the wind surrounding him created a vortex that seemingly protected him from any harm.

'Divine Swordsmanship: The Divine Wind'


Dylan was about to make his move when he suddenly saw that body of his opponent flickered for a brief moment.

Shin was still standing in the same spot since he took his stance, but Dylan knew that his opponent was no longer in there. "An afterimage!"
