Gambling Everything


Shin immediately shared his thoughts with others after his reassessment. And when the others heard him, they immediately agreed with it.

Lycan could either be a friend or a foe depending on how they were going to approach this situation. If they did it wrong, then they would face a pair of Emperor Rank Monster Bosses. And if their gamble was successful, then they would gain a very powerful ally.

But the problem still remained.

How they were going to wake Lycan from his confused state?

Lupus only entered the special state when he sensed the similarity between Cloe's Holy Field and the Divine Powers of the Goddess of Ice and Snow. But it was a little different to Lycan.

Shin told Cloe to send a couple of cleansing spells to Lycan, trying to see if they were effective. Unfortunately, they only wasted those debuff spells and cleanse skills for nothing since the armored wolf didn't show any kind of reaction.