The Undying Army and the Legion of Chaotic Sun (Part 1)


Shin just came back from the meeting with Mowglee when he noticed that the atmosphere surrounding everyone was a little too gloomy.

He then walked towards Arthur and Lawless who were currently discussing with each other. From the expression that their faces were making, he could tell that the topic of their discussion was very serious.

"What's the matter? Your face is telling me that something is up," greeted Shin at the two as he walked over to them.

Arthur and Lawless turned at him the moment they heard his voice. The former couldn't help but have a sigh of relief as he could tell from the expression that Shin had that the negotiation went well.

Lawless, on the other hand, slightly frowned when he saw that Shin was alone. "You come back alone? Where are Faker and Zero?"