Talent could ignite other talent (Part 2)


Arthur and Justin stood in their respective spots while staring at each other. The air surrounding them immediately turned heavy due to the pressure that they had.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Then they suddenly disappeared from their respective spots before reappearing again when they were only a little over two meters away from each other.

Justin stomped his foot powerfully on the ground at that time, halting himself from moving further. He also swung his tightly gripped halberd, channeling his demonic powers into it as he swung it down with all his might.

'Apostle of the Underworld Skill (Tier 2): Cleaving the River of Dead'

A heavy pressure was locked at Arthur as a massive halberd similar to the one that Justin was holding appeared above him all of a sudden.

It was reflecting the movements that Justin was doing and continued to press downward, seemingly trying to crush Arthur in an overwhelming manner.