

Real World.

Soaring Continent, Eastern Sea Region.

Ace City.

An old man wearing a worn-out gentleman's hat partnered with a set of casual clothing entered the city. He had a slouch posture that seemingly told everyone that he was lazy and too tired to do anything.

There was an old-looking but exquisite cane on his hands that he played with while walking. He twirled that cane around his hand while casually looking at the surroundings.

What was surprising about this was that no one seemed to be able to notice his presence despite the oddness of his actions. Even the people who were brushing past him did not notice that the cane was right in front of them and about to hit their heads.

Surprisingly, none of them got hit as the twirling cane turned illusionary and passed through their bodies when it was about to fall on the head of anyone.