High Wire (Part 2): The Killing Star



The Lost Soul Continent was known for its assassins, particularly the ones that came from the Assassin Families with a long history. Most of the strongest, most skilled, and well-known assassins around the world came from this continent.


In this continent, there was a certain belief that lasted since ancient times. It was passed down from generation to generation until it reached the current era.


The Killing Star.


It was said that when a child was born under such a star, they were destined to become the most notorious and terrifying killer. They were born with a special talent that could make them the perfect killer.


They were not necessarily assassins, but they would without a doubt a murderer, slaughterer, or any description of a killer. They had a talent meant for killing, which was second nature for them.


Killing would become an instinct that they were born with.