Chapter 3 : Return to Bin Hai

"Little brother, I am really embarrassed, just now, I was too agitated and misunderstood you." Liu Zhihui said with regret.

"Not a problem, it's human nature, I understand." Lin Xiu said and looked at Chen Zhiyu: "Right now are you still sure that I am a swindler?"

Chen Zhiyu face filled with surprise said "I had misunderstood, little brother please don't blame me, but I am still very confused. Since so many medical treatments can't cure the disease. How did you do it with a few slaps?"

"This is my life saving healing palm of my ancestors, whatever trouble and miscellaneous diseases, with just a few slaps, the patient will be full of vim and vigor." Lin Xiu naturally can't explain to them what is aura, what evil spirit is, he just casually gave them a story.

"Life saving healing palm?" Chen Zhiyu glanced, if someone had said this to him before, he would absolutely be scornful, and he would use various hypothetical relativism to hit their pride, however, now a living examples is right in front, he couldn't not believe it.

"Brother Lin, is Xiao Cong disease, cured?" Liu Zhihui did not care how Lin Xiu was treated, his only concern was whether he was cured.

Lin Xiu shook his head, "It's only the symptoms, I still need to cure the root cause."

"What do you need to cure it, Brother Lin just said whatever you need." Liu Zhihui quickly replied, "As long as I can cure my son's illness, I can give you whatever amount you want."

"It's not that I don't want to cure it, it can't be cured at the moment, let's wait until we return to Bin Hai."

In any case, his son's illness is settled, Liu Zhihui finally relaxed as if the boulder has been lifted from his heart.

"Brother Lin, let's sit outside."

Seeing that Lin Xiuguo really is skilled, Liu Zhihui's attitude became more polite.

"Brother Lin are you also from Bin Hai?" Liu Zhihui asked as he sat on the sofa.

Lin Xiu nodded: "Well, do you know seedling orphanage, I grew up there."

"I know, but that orphanage, it seems to have been ruined a few years back, there is no longer anyone left." Liu Zhihui said.

Lin Xiu became slightly startled, "The orphanage is gone?"

"Yes, after the dean of the orphanage died in a car accident, the orphans were adopted by good people from all over the country."

Lin Xiu became silent, the orphanage is scattered, as it should be said that it is to be expected. After all, no one except his mother will have such a good heart to take care of a group of orphans.

In Liu Zhihui's words, the dean of the orphanage who died in a car accident was actually Lin Xiu's mother, Huang Ting.

Lin Xiu had a bitter life since he was a child. Ever since he was born, he was constantly sick with minor or major illness. Huang Ting not only has to maintain the daily expenses of the orphanage, but she also had to find a way to pay for the medical expenses of Lin Xiu.

It was on a night of heavy rain when Huang Ting was hit by a big truck on the way back from loaning money.

When Huang Ting fell, Lin Xiu lost the source of income, while suffering from the pain, he can only steal a small boat to find the legendary island, peerless island!

"Brother Lin, what's wrong?" seeing Lin Xiu dazing, Liu Zhihui asked.

Lin Xiu returned back to reality and said, "Nothing, I am tired, I want to take a rest."

"If you don't mind, please rest here."

Liu Zhihui said and he escort Lin Xiu to one of the bedrooms in suite.

While lying in the room, Lin Xiu stared at the ceiling with his eyes open.

"Mom, I have survived, after these five years, I am not dead, all the diseases I had have been cured."

Only after a long time, did he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


As Lin Xiu fatigue sets in, his slept directly through to the following morning, as he had slept for more than 20 hours.

If it wasn't for the horn of the cruise ship that woke him up, he might continue on sleeping.

As Lin Xiu washed his face in the room, he smiled at the mirror and said to himself: "Handsome guy! What should I eat this morning."

"Eat buns! Brother Lin, come out to eat buns." as Liu Zhihui suddenly knocked on the door loudly.

"Buns!"as Lin Xiu swallowed his saliva and said, "Coming."

In the living room, on the dining table outside the door, Liu Zhihui, Chen Zhiyu and Xiao cong have already taken their seats.

Regarding Xiao Cong to waking up in the morning, Liu Zhihui feeling can be described as ecstatic. Although the swellness had dissipated from Xiao cong face previously, he wasn't at ease until his son woke up.

Lin Xiu didn't feel unexpected, Xiao Cong had a healthy body after the evil influence in his body was expelled, there was nothing else holding back his recovery, of course he would naturally awake.

"Brother Lin, we would be reaching Bin hai soon. Would you be going to our house to cure Xiao Cong with us, or?" Liu Zhihui asked.

Lin Xiu shook his head: "It's not suitable do it during the day, and I still have something to do, let's talk about it at night."

"Alright, could you leave your contact information with me." Liu Zhihui said with a smile.

Lin Xiu stunned, "Contact?"

"Your mobile phone number." Liu Zhihui reminded.

Lin Xiu had been in the peerless island for the past five years. How can he have a mobile phone number?

"Erm, regarding that, I don't have a cell phone." Lin Xiu said with a wry smile.

"Haha, not a problem, let me give you one." Liu Zhihui went straight into the room and took out a mobile phone and a brand new phone card and handed it to Lin Xiu.

As he many business dealings, he usually would carry more than two mobile phones on him.

"Brother Lin, here's 100,000 yuan for you to use first, if it is not enough, please call me anytime." as Liu Zhihui took out a sum of money.

Lin Xiu did not refuse, and received it directly.

As he had saved his son, this amount of money and the mobile phone isn't much.

Not long after, the ship had docked.

Lin Xiu went onto the deck while overlooking the familiar and unfamiliar city, his heart could not help but also surge.

"Bin Hai, I have returned."

As Lin Xiu yelled out loud, it attracted many people on the ship and the port to look over.

"I will head out first, give me a call me before dusk." after Lin Xiu greeted Liu Zhihui behind him, he left the ship.

"President Liu, what is this person Lin Xiu is in the end? Life saving healing palm? Is there really such a kungfu?" Chen Zhiyu sighed on the side.

"No matter what kind of person he is, he is my Liu Zhihui, saviour." Liu Zhihui said with Xiao Cong.