Chapter 10 : Xiao Tong's call

"Spare your life? Sure, break a limp and destroy your core!"Lin Xiu said softly.

"This, my lord…."

Although Old ghost wanted to speak, he was stunned by Lin Xiu's fierce stare.

"If you don't want to do it yourself, I'll do it."

Lin Xiu is one who keeps his promise, since he had promised Liu Zhuhui solve the root cause of Xiao Cong disease, he naturally can't renege on his words.

Old ghost bit his teeth, as he came to a resolve, his palm strike his chest as a mouthful of blood spurt out, next he gritted his teeth and took out a knife, cutting off his left arm.

Regarding a person with such a resolve, without any words and hatred in his heart, Lin Xiu never looked at him again.

Although to old ghost it felt a little cruel, but it was merciful enough from Lin Xiu.

If he wanted his life to Lin Xiu it's as easy as just a thought.

"Destroying my foundation, I don't want to live anymore." after Lin Xiu left, old ghost cried out and exhausting kneel on the floor.

After decades of hard work, just entering the doorway to cultivation, he haven't get the chance to enjoy and got destroyed right away by someone.

Once he returned to the hotel, Liu Zhihui who was nervously hugging Xiao Cong saw Lin Xiu returned, hurriedly asked, "Brother Lin, where is the person who knows evil arts? Did you take care of him?"

"He's just a new evil cultivator, in front of me he can't cause any trouble." Lin Xiu replied as he waved his hand.

After hearing what Lin Xiu said, Liu Zhihui was overjoyed as he face Xiao Cong and said, "Xiao Cong quickly give your thanks to big brother."

"Thank you Lin Xiu big brother."

"No need to thank me, it's something I should do. Right, where do I sleep tonight?" Lin Xiu back half of the sentence was directed at Liu Zhihui.

"I have already booked a room in this hotel for Brother Lin, please follow me."

In the luxurious presidential suite of the hotel, on the soft mattress and bright lights, Lin Xiu sat on the bed as he stretches.

Ever since he went to peerless island, he had never slept on this type of bed.

"Brother Lin, your kindness can't be given back with a thanks, in the future as long as the things that can be done I Liu Zhihui will do it for you, you just need to mention it." as Liu Zhihui stood at the doorway as he gave his thanks.

Lin Xiu felt that he wanted to be good friends with him.

This is quite normal, since he had just experienced the ways of the evil, it could be said that Liu Zhihui had just opened up a new world, who knows if this will happen again in the future?

Since he had met such a expert like Lin Xiu, natural if he could make friends with he would.

Lin Xiu nodded his head, "En, I understand, go back and rest."

"Alright." Liu Zhihui took Xiao Cong along as they left the hotel.

"Ai, it's been 3 years since I am stuck at entrance level, when can I improve, master said my opportunity is in the mortal world, I wonder where is it."

Lin Xiu hugged his hands, while looking at the ceiling and talk to himself, "There is also the senior brother my master said, if I were in trouble to find him, in a vast china, where do I go to find him. He didn't even leave a name for me to find."

Although he complained, he did not have any impatience shown on his face, since compared to life on peerless island, it's much more comfortable here, at least he can sleep on this big soft bed rather than the hard wooden board in peerless island.

Di Di Di!

Lin Xiu's phone begin to ring.

As he pick up the phone and see, a stranger's number had sent him a sms.

"Guess who i am?" a black line on Lin Xiu's forehead appeared, beside Liu Zhihui who knows his phone, the only other is Ni Xiao Tong, as he believe that Liu Zhihui would never sent him such a message, the can only be person, so there isn't a need to guess.

"Guess who I am!" Ni Xiao Tong, purposefully make a deep voice to pretend.

"Guess you big head ghost, it's so late, and you still haven't gone to bed." Lin Xiu directly said.

Ni Xiao Tong snorted on the other end, "Lin Xiu big brother, you are not humorous at all."

After hearing those words, Lin Xiu became speechless, it's not that he isn't humorous rather it's you who is too childish.

"Stupid little girl, go to bed early." Lin Xiu replied as he shakes his head.

"I can't sleep." Ni Xiao Tong immediately said out, "Please chat with me, else tell me a story like when we were young."

"I don't know how to tell!" Lin Xiu decisively refused.

In his heart, Ni Xiao Tong, this girl is still really that little girl after so many years.

"Don't, just tell me about your experiences from getting cure." Ni Xiao Tong anticipately said.

Lin Xiu smiled bitterly, the thing that he made up how to tell you about it.

"Weh Weh, speak!" Xiao Tong said.

"It's just as you said, there isn't anything I can say." Lin Xiu vaguely reply.

"Lin Xiu big brother, you were like that last time, last time when I find you to chat you never reject." Ni Xiao Tong's tone became soft as she sounded hurt.

Lin Xiu couldn't seem to handle this little girl, and said, "Alright, as long as you don't ask me to tell you a story, I'll tell you my experience these past few years."

"Hehe, I knew Lin Xiu big brother is the best." Ni Xiao Tong immediately smile on the other end.

Lin Xiu felt he got cheated by this girl, her expression change so fast, as if her tone being hurt was just her pretending

"What are your plans after you came back?" Ni Xiao Tong asked.

Lin Xiu took a moment and think, other than to break through entrance level realm, he want to find all those friends from the orphanage, sit down to eat and drink with them.

Due to being too poor long ago, they would wake up in hunger every night, huddle together to warm up and talk about their future dreams.

Little kids like them than don't have much ambition, all they wished for was to have a good meal.

Thinking about this, Lin Xiu asked, "Xiao Tong, are you still in contact with Chen Jian Yu, Li Han Qiu, Wang Yang?"

Ni Xiao Tong stunted for a moment, and replied, "After mother dean pass away, everyone got adopted, many of them were foreigners, I also don't know where they went."

"Haiz! Originally, I wanted to find everyone and sit down together and have a meal." Lin Xiu sighed.

"We will definitely find them in the future." Ni Xiao Tong said firmly.

Lin Xiu missed his companions, doesn't Ni Xiao Tong also have the same feelings?

"Lin Xiu big brother, this time you came back, are you staying long in Bin Hai?" Ni Xiao Tong asked.

"Eh, what's up? You need something?"Lin Xiu replied.

Ni Xiao Tong said in a soft voice, "In the near future, I will be heading to Haizhou Province Provincial Capital University, I, I wish you can accompany me."

Haizhou Province Provincial Capital?

Lin Xiu's heart shook, a painful expression emerged between his eyebrows as his fist subconsciously clenched.