Chapter 14 : Going to the hospital to save people

"Lin Xiu big brother, you amazing, those guys were totally not your opponents!" Ni Xiao Tong was excitedly dancing and waving her hands around while making actions of shadow boxing.

Lin Xiu smiled for a second, while modestly saying, "It's okay, at least you don't have to worry about someone bullying you in the future."

"Haha, with you as my bodyguard who dares to bully me." Ni Xiao Tong stuck her hands on her waist as she laughed loudly.

That's not right, it's more like laughing unbridledly.

Unlike the cheerful Ni Xiao Tong, Zhang Ying was biting her lip with a look of disappointment.

When Ni Xiao Tong turned around to look and she found out. She asked, "Zhang Ying what happened to you? We beat up that Li Jie, aren't you happy?"

Zhang Ying pouted and said, "I don't care about his life and death, it's just that, it's just that after such thing happening, what about my parent's life and death."

While saying, Zhang Ying crouch on the floor and cried.

"Uncle and uncle? What happened to them?" Ni Xiao Tong curiously asked.

Zhang Ying grabbed her head, "Late stage of gastric cancer, if they don't get chemotherapy they might not survive the next few days. I need money, I need money to save them."

"Zhang Ying don't panic, I have some money here, you can take it and use it first, if it's not enough, we'll slowly find a solution."as Ni Xiao Tong said, she took out a pink wallet from her pocket and handed a few thousand dollars to Zhang Ying's hand.

Xiao Tong, from young you had no worries, you're very innocent, these amount of money isn't enough, only the money Li Jie give me is able to save my parents." Zhang Ying bit her lips as she spoke.

After listening up to this point, Lin Xiu understand why Zhang Yin wanted to 'date' that Li Jie.

No one wants to sell their body willing, but many times, this world doesn't give you much choices.

Lin Xiu sighed and said towards Zhang Ying, "Let me take a look, who knows I might have a way to cure your parent's illness."

After hearing what Lin Xiu said, Zhang Ying lifted her head and raised a voice, "You? Cure my parents illness? It's cancer, do you think it's a small cold? What can you do to cure it?"

Regarding Zhang Ying's venting, Lin Xiu didn't get angry, as this girl is stressed from the oppressing by life.

"Seeing that you are Xiao Tong's friend, I wanted to help you, if you believe me bring me, else forget it!" Lin Xiu smiled at Zhang Ying and said.

Ni Xiao Tong pulled Zhang Ying's hand, "Zhang Ying, Lin Xiu big brother is very good, he was following a miracle doctor up until recently, he definitely can help you cure uncle and auntie."

When Zhang Ying heard what she said, she hesitantly looked at Lin Xiu, this boy looks about the same age as her, how come there is a reliable feeling coming off from him?

Zhang Yin shook her head and threw away her thoughts out of her mind, clenched her teeth and said to Lin Xiu, "If you can really cure my parents, whatever you want me to do I will agree."

"No need for that!" Lin Xiu waved he hands, "Bring me to that hospital."


The first people's hospital of Bin Hai city, outside of the intensive care unit.

A doctor with a mustache and wearing a white coat, holding a stack of documents in his hands.

This middle age doctor is the hospital's head doctor, his name is Tang Wei.

"Xiao Li, that two cancer late stage patients have they paid their fees?" while walking Tang Wei suddenly remembered and ask the nurse beside him.

The nurse Xiao Li shook her head, "Head doctor Tang, haven't, it seems that their daughter promised to bring the money over tonight."

"Hoho, Xiao Li ah, to think you have been a nurse for so many years, and still not see clearly? If they have the money, they would have long ago paid up, still needing to wait until now?" Tang Wei shook his head and said, "You ah, are still to tender."

Xiao Li asked, "Head doctor, your meaning is?"

Tang Wei took a look at his watch, "It's about noon soon, get the security guards over and send those people out, if they don't have money, don't occupy the beds."

"Ah!" Xiao Li was a little shocked.

Tang Wei looked a Xiao Li, "Why, do you have any opinion?"

"No, I don't have."

"Quickly go get the security guards, later Doctor Chen Zhiyu will come to teach a lesson, to let him see that would not have a good impact." Tang Wei waved his hand.

Although Xiao Li couldn't bear it, however she couldn't change the head doctor's decision, she sighed and called in two security guards to the sick ward.

In the sick ward, a pair of old couple were lying on the bed, if anyone knew them they were only in their forties, but they look like they were fifty or sixty years old.

With an oxygen tube inserted through their nostrils, their eyes were shut, being tortured by the pain, this couples became a bag of bones.

"Really want to kick them out?" One of the security guards asked.

Xiao Li sighed, "This is the head doctor's decision, just follow it."

The two security guards looked at each other and could only step forward, as they were preparing to unplug the old couple oxygen tubes.

"What are you guys doing!"

A piercing shriek sounded out.

Zhang Ying quickly rushed in, using her hands to push the two security guards.

Lin Xiu and Ni Xiao Tong who were standing at the doorway of the sick ward were surprised that Zhang Ying's parents where very ill, and they could see that if the oxygen tubes were to remove at this point of time, it would be no difference from murder.

Lin Xiu opened his mouth, "What you guys are doing isn't right."

The two security guards knew and didn't say a word as they looked towards Xiao Li.

Xiao Li helplessly said, "You guys have been dragging on and not paying, the head have tasked us to send you guys out, we also have no choice."

"Money! Is money more important than life?" Lin Xiu voice deepen.

Because of how the hospital works, Lin Xiu felt disgusted, when he was young, due to lack of money, uncountable amount of hospital shut him out.

"Lin Xiu big brother."Ni Xiao Tong felt Lin Xiu's mood was somewhat wrong as she pulled on Lin Xiu with her hand.

"Heh, a hospital is not a charity organisation, don't give money? Don't give money why should we do chemotherapy for you." Tang Wei heard some activity from here and walked over, he retorted when he heard Lin Xiu's words.

Lin Xiu turned around and looked at Tang Wei, "So you are the head doctor here?"

"Yes I am!" Tang Wei crossed his arms and looked at Lin Xiu.

Do you even have a little medical ethics?" Lin Xiu said bluntly, "What it meant to throw them out, don't tell me you don't know the consequence be, can you sleep well?"

The reason why such major principles were brought isn't because they didn't have money. In front of all these major principles, Tang Wei have been hearing so many times, thus he have a way to handle the situation.

Tang Wei disdainfully smiled, "I am acting according to rules, I am worthy of my conscience, if you want to open a back door, that will be unfair to other patients."