Chapter 33 : Student's Gathering

Wang Yun is a fellow cultivator, however, Zhang Fu Qiang is a rich man in Bin Hai, if he can help it, Lin Xiu don't want to dirty his hands.

The saying, 'brother you die, I won't die' ( for the benefit of oneself, at the expense of others), He Chenghui simply didn't hesitate and nodded directly: "Since that Zhang Fu Qiang dare to find the trouble for my lord, naturally he deserve to die, let me handle it."

Lin Xiu nodded and left the area with his hand in his pocket.

Liu Zhihui who was anxiously waiting in the parking area saw Lin Xiu walking out the worried expression on his face calm down.

"Mr. Lin!" Liu Zhihui greeted him with a light voice, "How was it?"

"The deed is done." Lin Xiu nodded to Liu Zhihui.

Hearing that, Liu Zhihui smiled.

The originally laid back expression on Zhang Fu Qiang's face became shocked and panicky.

He unconsciously took a few steps back and left Liu Zhihui's car.

Lin Xiu took a look at Zhang Fu Qiang, shook his head and said, "President Liu, let's go."

Liu Zhihui was taken aback and said softly, "Mr. Lin, how about this Zhang Fu Qiang?"

"Someone will take care of him." Lin Xiu said, and got into the car directly.

Liu Zhihui was doubtful however he still got on the driver's seat and started the car.

As they were leaving, Lin Xiu saw He Chenghui walking slowly step by step towards Zhang Fu Qiang through the rear view mirror.

Originally panicky, Zhang Fu Qiang was afraid that Lin Xiu attack him directly, but seeing Lin Xiu and Liu Zhihui left directly he became relieved.

Seeing He Chenghui had lost an arm while approaching, his heart was even more angry.

"How do you guys do your job? You guys can even let this kid run away." Zhang Fu Qiang directly scolded.

A chilling glare flash across He Chenghui's eyes.

If it wasn't for this guy, letting him deal with an entrance level expert, how could he have lost his right arm?

However He Chenghui who had an assassin instinct, habitually hid the chilling glare in his eyes and approached Zhang Fu Qiang.

Zhang Fu Qiang is still scolding: "You are just useless, I really don't know why my uncle would ask you to come help me."

"Scolded enough?" He Chenghui suddenly said.

Zhang Fu Qiang was taken aback, "What kind of tone are you using to talk to me?"

At such a close distance, He Chenghui didn't need to cover up anymore and attack directly, one move and he caught Zhang Fu Qiang's neck.

"I asked if you have scolded enough."

Zhang Fu Qiang was lifted by He Chenghui by his neck as his legs begin kicking wildly.

"What, what are you trying to do."

He Chenghui didn't say a word any longer as he gradually increase exerting his strength.

"Don't, don't kill me, my uncle, he, he is the deacon of the Taoist alliance."

Zhang Fu Qiang's voice became softer and softer.

Until he gradually lost all of his breath.

"Deacon?" He Chenghui shook his head and tossed Zhang Fu Qiang's body to the side.


In the car, Lin Xiu closed his eyes shut, but Liu Zhihui couldn't hold back and asked, "Mr. Lin, you said that someone would take care of Zhang Fu Qiang, is it true?"

"Rest assured, if nothing unexpected happens, you won't need to wait for tomorrow morning and you will be able to receive the news of Zhang Fu Qiang's death." Lin Xiu said in a dull voice.

"Okay." Liu Zhihui hearing Lin Xiu's assurance again, he felt relieved.

At this moment, Lin Xiu's phone rang.

After glancing at the caller's name, a smile floated from Lin Xiu's face.

"Hello, Xiao Tong? What's the matter?"

"Lin big brother, where are you?" Ni XiaoTong asked on the other end of the call.

"I'm currently heading back to the hotel. Why, what's the matter?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Well, aren't we leaving Bin Hai soon to go study, my high school classmates had just organized a classmate party and asked me to attend. I want you to go with me." Ni Xiao Tong said.

"High school classmates gathering?" Lin Xiu took a moment and nodded. "Where is it? I'll hurry over."

Hearing Lin Xiu coming, Ni Xiao Tong also became happy, "At the Imperial City KTV, I will be waiting for you at the door!"


After speaking finish, Lin Xiu hang up the call.

"President Liu, send me to Imperial City KTV."


Hai Yu street, it can be said that the entire Bin Hai entertainment clubs are located in this street.

Imperial City KTV is located here, on this entire Haiyu Street, Imperial City KTV can be regarded as one of the top entertainment clubs. Just casually ordering would cost a few thousand, ordinary folks would not be able to afford it.

The vehicle stopped in front of the Imperial City KTV entertainment club, Lin Xiu could see Ni Xiao Tong from afar.

Today she wore a lace dress as her lovely face was looking around.

"This place looks quite big." Lin Xiu looked at the door of the Imperial City KTV and sighed.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, the price of consumption here is not something that students can come to play." Liu Zhihui said.

Lin Xiu smiled: "Can you blow up the card you gave me?"

"That card of mine has a limit of 30 million yuan, you can use that amount to build a few of these kinds of KTVs." Liu Zhihui shook his head.

Lin Xiu smiled, "Enough of teasing you, I'm getting off."

After speaking, Lin Xiu got out of the car.

Ni Xiaotong who had been looking around naturally discovered Lin Xiu instantly.

Lifting the skirt in small steps, she ran over gently and slamming Lin Xiu's shoulder while shouting, "Lin Xiu Big Brother!"

"I saw you long ago, want to scare me please at least try to find a place to hide it next time." Lin Xiu rolled his eyes and looked speechless.

Ni Xiao Tong pouted her mouth, "So boring, can't you just cooperate with me."

Lin Xiu opened his mouth, followed by a laugh while shaking his head, "Alright, let's head in, what about your classmates?"

"They're all inside." Ni Xiaotong said.

Lin Xiu and Ni Xiaotong walked into Imperial City KTV.

The Imperial City KTV is not only decorated luxuriously on the outside, but also on the inside is dazzling as well, along the pathway are many showcases, with bottles of alcohol in it.

However, each of these showcase alcohol is very expensive, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

All this made Lin Xiu give a higher rating for this KTV.

It really looks rich and imposing.

Following behind Ni Xiao Tong they walked to the door of a luxurious private room.

"Is that your classmate inside?" Lin Xiu took a look inside, the private room was huge, there were 30 to 40 people who were drinking and singing.

Ni Xiaotong nodded as she opened the door and went in.

"Yo! Xiao Tong is finally here, the one next to you is your boyfriend right." The person who was singing with the microphone saw Ni Xiao Tong and Lin Xiu came in, immediately shouted out.

His shout caused everyone in the private room looked over.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Xiu."

"Let's go, Lin Xiu big brother, let's go over there and sit." Ni Xiaotong was not accustomed to the feeling of being noticed by so many people, thus she pulled Lin Xiu over to a corner.

"Xiao Tong Xiao Tong! Come and sit here." A beautifully dressed girl suddenly stood up and beckoned at Lin Xiu and Ni Xiaotong.