Chapter 41 : Wei Xiao Ding

Lin Xiu's attitude makes Bai Mengjie who has always been quite self-confident about herself felt a little unpleasant.

This place where Bai Mengjie was kidnapped to was very remote, it was deep in the night, as there were basically no taxi.

Lin Xiu walked for a few minutes without encountering any car.

This makes Lin Xiu somewhat depressed.

"I say, are we supposed to walk all the way back?" Bai Mengjie said to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu was a little surprised when he heard her words, and turned back, "Why are you still following me?"

Bai Mengjie is even more taken aback, she is such a beautiful, she has identity and status, normally the number of handsome and outstanding youth who would want to associate with her couldn't be counted, but now listening to the meanings of this kid's words, it seems like she is being rejected?

Lin Xiu's words made Bai Mengjie so angry that she turned around, but after turning and seeing the dark streets, Bai Mengjie coughed dryly, "I'm worried that you are afraid, so I will accompany you for a while."

"I'm scared? Big sis, are you okay?" Lin Xiu rolled his eyes. "You better call someone to pick you up."

Bai Mengjie said: "I, I don't have a cell phone."

She was kidnapped, how could those people let her keep her cell phone and valuables with her.

Lin Xiu said, "Use my phone to call."

"I can't remember their numbers."

Lin Xiu shrugged, looked around, he also didn't know where Daring Nicholas had brought him to, it seems so remote.

Seeing that Lin Xiu didn't continue talking, Bai Mengjie stepped up two steps and asked, "Lin Xiu, are you still studying?"

"Studying? No." Lin Xiu answered directly.

"So what are you doing? Don't tell me it's special forces soldier?" According to Bai Mengjie's guess, Lin Xiu can have such a skill at this age, it must be the ace soldier king of a special force.

"Don't guess at it, I'm just a jobless vagrant." Lin Xiu was a little speechless, did he look so upright? Previously someone guessed that he was a police officer, and now this woman said he is a soldier.

"Jobless vagrants, are jobless vagrants so powerful." Bai Mengjie asked again.

"Well, I said aren't you annoying? Am I that familiar with you, why talk so much." Lin Xiu said without being polite.

After saying this sentence Bai Mengjie didn't know what to say.

At this time, a person was at the street alleyway staring at Lin Xiu and Bai Mengjie sneakily.

Lin Xiu suddenly stare over there.

A burning cigarette leaked his identity.

"Daring Nicholas!" Lin Xiu cried in surprise.

"Police officer." The non-mainstreamer stepped out of the street alleyway.

"Why are you here, I'm so excited to see you." Lin Xiu was really happy, at least he did not need to walk back to the hotel.

"Police officer? This guy, is a police?" Bai Mengjie heard the non-mainstreamer words and glanced at Lin Xiu.

"I'm not worried about you, I'm just taking a look here." The non-mainstreamer looked at Lin Xiu after training himself, "By the way, where's the mafia? Why didn't I heard any gunshot sound just now?"

"Hello, may I ask who you are?" Bai Mengjie asked the non-mainstreamer.

The non-mainstreamer turned his head and looked at Bai Mengjie. After seeing her, he stared blankly at her, growing so big, he always have a rule, a non dying hair, no piercing, not wearing short skirts girl, he will never date.

But seeing Bai Mengjie made him feel that he could be a person without those rules.

He scratched his hair with his hands, and revealed a smile that he thought was humorous,"Hi beauty, my name is Nicholas, no, my name is Wei Xiaoding!"

"Okay, daring brother, don't say too much. Hurry up and send us back. If we are too slow, those mafia will come chasing and we would be finished." Lin Xiu intentionally threatened Xiaoding.

Wei Xiaoding face became serious and said to Bai Mengjie, "Relax, as long as I am around, I won't let others hurt you."

After speaking, Wei Xiaoding turned and ran back to the alley.

Although Bai Mengjie didn't have a good feeling about gangsters, but she finds that this Wei Xiaoding is very humorous.

"Are you a friend with this gangster?" Bai Mengjie asked Lin Xiu.

"Gangster?" Lin Xiu smiled. "He isn't my friend, but he is not a gangster, he is just a taxi driver."

"A Taxi driver? Looking like that?" Bai Mengjie was not convinced.

It was just then a taxi came flying out of the alley making her believe it.

As if to show his own car skills in front of Bai Mengjie, Wei Xiaoding stopped just in the nick of time in front of the two with a beautiful elegant drift.

Bai Mengjie was stunned.

Wei Xiaoding saw Bai Mengjie's response, his mouth slightly raised, he lit a cigarette, and said in the tone of an old driver, "Get on."

Lin Xiu didn't care about Bai Mengjie, he just pulled opened the car door and got on.

"Not even a little bit of gentlemanliness." Bai Mengjie complained to Lin Xiu.

Although it's just Lin Xiu who has no gentlemanliness, doesn't mean that others don't, Wei Xiaoding came out of the driver's seat, walked over and opened the door for Bai Mengjie, "Beauty, hopped on."

Fools can see what Wei Xiaoding is doing, Lin Xiu felt that it was funny.

Wei Xiaoding naturally didn't need to say anything more, it didn't take long before he stopped at the entrance of Haitian Pavilion Hotel.

"Bye." Lin Xiu waved and said to the two.

Bai Mengjie asked: "Lin Xiu, what's your number, to keep in contact."

"No need, there is nothing much to keep in contact." Lin Xiu waved and refused.

Are you joking, if he gave her his contact information, and find him for everything in the future, wouldn't that be so much trouble.

"This guy." Bai Mengjie clenched her teeth and stomped.

"He has no interest I guess, beauty, in fact I am a very interesting person." Wei Xiaoding winked at Bai Mengjie.

Bai Mengjie a corner of her mouth move up, "Hoho."

After Bai Mengjie got into the car, Wei Xiaoding's driving speed also slowed down.

Looking at Bai Mengjie with the rearview mirror, Wei Xiaoding quickly thought about the declaration of love in their non-mainstreamer family.

After a while, Wei Xiaoding picked one of the most classic.

"Ah! One person after walking so long, will also get tired, if someone were to accompany you to bask in the winter afternoon and give you a cup of steaming green tea and slowly grow old with your beloved, what other kind of happiness can be better than that? "

After speaking, Wei Xiaoding glanced at Bai Mengjie and found that there was no response, in his mind believe that this was not good enough.

"Before I met you, happiness was insubstantial for me. I look forward to holding your hand and walking forward with you. I believe that happiness will follow behind us."


Words and sentences of non-mainstreamer declarations of love made Bai Mengjie so embarrassed that cancer could grow, as soon as she finally got to her destination, Bai Mengjie ran out of the car immediately.

"Beauty, do you don't have any feelings for me?" Wei Xiaoding shouted to Bai Mengjie's back.

"I don't like boys with blonde hair." Bai Mengjie casually found a reason.