Chapter 45 :Grand Pa Huang Zhen Qiang

"Grandpa, should still be here."

In his memory, his Grandpa lived in a small house in the village of Hai sheng.

Although the environment was poor, that was the first time Lin Xiu felt affection from someone other than his mother, even though he was young, he had a deep impression of that place.

After taking a taxi, Lin Xiu and Ni Xiao Tong reached the village in the city.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Ni Xiaotong sighed while looking at the village in the city.

When you hear of a village in a city, many people may think that it is a poor place like a slum, but the village in a city in Hai Sheng is not the same.

This village in the city was planned for development many years ago by Hai Sheng Province. Originally, a commercial street was in the planning to be built, but because of the Huang family, the village in the city kept it's looks.

Speaking of a village in the city, it can actually be renamed Huang family Village, because the people here are basically from the Huang family.

Being able to retain a village in the prosperous Hai Sheng is enough to illustrate the influence of the Huang Family in Hai Sheng.

"Follow me quietly." Lin Xiu whispered to Ni Xiaotong and took her into the village in the city.

Even at night, the village in the city is very lively, and the lights in each house are greatly lit. After all, the people who live here are all from the same family, once nightfall they begin visiting each other.

However, compared to the lively appearance of other houses, there is a house in the corner of the village in the city, that seems a bit deserted, Lin Xiu collected himself as he arrived at the door.

His grandfather is in Huang's family, but he wasn't like is because of his own reasons, but a large part of it is because of his relationship with Lin Xiu's mother and son.

After knocking on the door, the light inside turned on.

"Who is it?"

An old voice sounded in the room.

Lin Xiu was excited when he heard this voice. Grandfather Huang Zhen Qiang is his only relative now.

The big iron door of the bungalow slowly opened, a white-skinned old man looked at Lin Xiu strangely, probably because he was old and his eyes were not good.

"You are?"

"Grandpa, I'm Lin Xiu, I'm here to see you." Lin Xiu said softly.

"Xiu, you are Xier?" Huang Zhen Qiang had no tiredness on his face, as his glasses also enlarged, as if he is trying his best to open his eyes to look at his grandson.

"Grandpa, let's talk inside, it would be bad if you let others see us." Lin Xiu said to Grandpa.

Grandpa nodded as he move aside, "Come in."

Lin Xiu and Ni Xiao Tong followed the grandfather into the house, as Huang Zhen Qiang walked to the living room he pulled out a pair of reading glasses and put them on.

"Xiu Er, hurry up and let grandpa see you."

Lin Xiu sat on the sofa, his grandfather's eyes stared straight at Lin Xiu, "alike, you really look so much like your mother, it's all my fault. I have let down your mother and you. If I am more successful, your mother will not live such a bitter life, and ended up in a car accident."

Lin Xiu shook his head: "Grandpa, I don't blame you, it's my mother and I that implicated you."

"Hey, I am just an old bone, what implicated or not, but you, after your mother's accident, I went to Bin Hai to find you. Where did you go? I thought you had already ..." Grandpa asked.

The truth that even Ni Xiao Tong did not believe it, Lin Xiu reckon that his grandfather will not believe it either, so he could only continue to tell his grandfather the reason for being taken away by the miracle doctor for treatment.

"There are still so many good people in the world." As Grandpa listen to Lin Xiu's encounter and sighed.

"How is the Huang family now?" Lin Xiu asked.

"It isn't as good as before, during elder brother era, it was glorious, but because of corruption and bribery, it started to decline. I told them long ago, dishonest practices immoral doings isn't the way to go, they don't listen, only to regret it now."Grandpa was very glad to see that his grandson wasn't dead, so he kept talking.

Lin Xiu nodded with the current situation, he had heard some from Liu Zhihui's mouth.

Just seeing the grandfather's attitude, Lin Xiu begin to understand why he was not treated well by the Huang family. In short, he is out of the group, when everyone else is corrupt and accepting bribes and walking the way of dishonest practices immoral doings, a person who insists on opinions and has principles, people will seem alien and incompatible.

It is not surprising that incompatible people are naturally excluded.

"By the way, do you have any plans to come to Hai Sheng? Although the grandpa have already fallen, this house is still worth quite a bit of money. I will sell it and let you start a business." Grandpa said.

Previously when Lin Xiu's mother brought him to Hai Sheng for help, the grandpa said he wanted to sell the house, but this can be said to be the only thing that grandpa left. If he sell this house, he would be homeless, even when Lin Xiu's mother is in difficulty, she wouldn't ask for this money.

Regardless of whether or not, Grandpa has this heart, Lin Xiu is very happy: "Grandpa, I didn't come to ask you for money, I came to Hai sheng to attend college. I have two days before going to school so I came here to live temporarily with you."

"Going to college, good, going to college is good." Grandpa nodded happily, "Going to college then will have a future."

In the eyes of these older generations, going to college is a matter of honor and pride.

"Oh right, this little lady is?" Grandpa said with a glance at Ni Xiaotong.

"This is my little sister, she used to live in my mother's orphanage." Lin Xiu explained.

Ni Xiaotong stood up and said hello to his grandfather, "Hello grandpa."

"Well-behaved!" Grandpa was so happy that as he thought he was only one person. He didn't expect his grandson who had been missing for five years to recover and brought back a beautiful girl.

Lin Xiu didn't know that Ni Xiaotong was already a grandson-in-law in the eyes of his grandpa.

Grandpa seemed very happy, he pulled Lin Xiuyu to talk about household trivia for hours.

From his grandpa Lin Xiu felt the long-lost affection.

After speaking until it was almost twelve o'clock, Lin Xiucai said to his grandfather, "Grandpa, it's late, you go take a rest first."

"I'll clean up the room for you two." Grandpa said, walking back upstairs with a bow on his back.

Lin Xiu hurriedly follow behind, "No need, grandpa, we can clean up the room ourselves."

"Yes we can!" Ni Xiaotong nodded.

"How can I let you guys do it, just watch from the side?" Grandpa said stubbornly.

Lin Xiu had no choice but to clean up the room with his grandpa. Although his room was basically not occupied by other people, each room was very clean and it was very obvious that it had been cleaned often.

Not long after, the beds in the two rooms were ready.

Lin Xiu send grandpa back to his room.

"Xiu'er, you go to bed quickly." Grandpa went into the room and sat on the bed, wave his hand.

Lin Xiu thought for a moment, and asked, "Grandpa, do you want to be the patriarch of the Huang family?"

With Lin Xiu's current ability, as long as his grandfather nods, he can definitely push his grandpa Huang Zhenqiang to the position of Huang's clan leader.