Chapter 50 : Growing ghost

"Some people, have no professional ethics, just got on the car and sleep, does it look like a bodyguard?" Hu Yu stood in the courtyard at this time, saying with a weird tone.

Although he didn't name the person, as long as one was not a fool, the person would know that he was talking about Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu glanced at Hu Yu, "I am not a bodyguard, such a promising career, I'll leave it to you."

Since Hu Yu wasn't polite, Lin Xiu of course would not say anything good as well and he mocks Hu Yu directly, by saying he can only be a bodyguard for the rest of his life.

However for the people present here, except for Lin Xiu and Bai Meng Tie, which one isn't a bodyguard?

Lin Xiu's sentence can be said to have offended everyone present here.

Lei Yi Ming frowned slightly.

"Kid, you dare to say it again?" Hu Yu pointed at Lin Xiu.

A high school student dared to speak to himself like this, if he didn't go against that, he would have not have any pride to continue as the security captain in the future.

Before Lin Xiu could say a word, a sharp cry from Bai Meng Tie came from within the farmhouse.


This cry caught the attention of everyone present.

Everyone no longer had the mood to care about Lin Xiu as they rushed into the farmhouse.

Lin Xiu wasn't surprised, although he didn't like Bai Meng Tie, but he needed the Bai family to help him find Wang Yang, so this Bai Meng Tie cannot have any accidents under his watch.

A group of people ran into the hall of the farmhouse, they saw Bai Meng Tie sitting on the ground face full of horror.

In front of Bai Meng Tie was an old man that had a lit candle and a hunchback.

The old man's skin is full of wrinkles with the candle sparks and the dark surroundings, it was really scary.

The group of security guards immediately surrounded Bai Meng Tie as Hu Yu shouted out, "How dare you frightened Second Miss by pretending to be a ghost, arrest him."

"I'm really sorry, there was a power outage tonight, I didn't mean it." The old man waved his hand, and said in a panic.

"Don't give me so many reasons."

With such a chance to display his loyalty, Hu Yu didn't care if the old man was wronged.

"Enough, he is just an ordinary old man, why do you need to make it difficult for him?" Lei Yiming said in a louder tone.

The bodyguard who wanted to do something to the old man, stopped after hearing Lei Yiming's words.

"Old master, are you the boss here?" Lei Yiming asked the old man kindly.

The old man nodded, "My name is Yu Xian. This farmhouse is opened by my son for me."

Watching Lei Yi Ming chat with the old man, Lin Xiu crossed his arms and a smile appeared from the corners of his mouth.

From Yu Xian's body, he could see a very strong Yin energy.

There was almost difference from a ghost, however this Yu Xian isn't a ghost cultivator, he haven't even reach grade 9.

In his mind Lin Xiu believe that this Yu Xian is a ghost that someone else grown.

In the world of cultivation, although the most is Tao, Buddha, demon, devil, ghost, evil, these six ways.

But other than these six methods of cultivation, there are some ways that were developed by those who have no talent for cultivation.

This technique of growing ghosts is one of them.

To put it bluntly, it is to keep a ghost of the dead, make it sign a master-slave contract with himself, and then try to help him improve his strength, as the strength of the undead ghost becomes stronger, it will indirectly increase his strength.

"Oh, there's a room upstairs, I'll take you guys there." Yu Xian came back and walked slowly upstairs.

The group of people followed behind Yu Xian, however Lin Xiu didn't go up, but sat in the hall waiting for Yu Xian to come down.

In just a few minutes, after arranging the rooms for them, Yu Xian leisurely came down.

"Hey, I say old man, just to remind you, today you better not have any ideas on Bai Meng Tie. If you want to deal with her in the future, I will be too lazy to care about it, but just not today."Lin Xiu looked at Yu Xian in the eyes.

Yu Xian, like an ordinary old man, said with a smile, "This guest, I don't understand what are you talking about."

"My words, you should know what I am saying, this is my reminder to you, you better think about it." after Lin Xiu finished his sentence, he headed upstairs.

After Lin Xiu left, Yu Xian made a cold smile and walked into a small room in the backyard.

In this room, a middle-aged man in his thirties was holding a poster in his hand, staring blankly, and there was drool in the corner of his mouth.

The woman on this poster is a photo of Bai Meng Tie's concert.

"Xiao Le!" Yu Xian went into the room and called out.

The middle-aged man known as Xiaole looked up, "Grandpa, how is it, Xiao Tie is here?"

"Oh, seeing you being so anxious, of course she's here." Yu Xian said.

This man is Yu Xian's grandson, Yu Le, talking about it, Yu Xian has spoiled his grandson to the extreme, from an early age to adult, no matter what he wants, he will help him to settle it. As a result, people in Yu Le's thirties are still mentally like a child, like he didn't grow up.

"What are you waiting for grandpa, please hurry up and kidnap her to me, I will try to make you a great grandfather." Yu Le said with his eyes brightened, his throat knot pulsating up and down, looking very excited.

"Don't be so anxious, there seems to be a guy who is very alert and waits until they all fall asleep." Yu Xian whispered.

Yu Le said impatiently, "Grandpa, grandma is so powerful, why are we worried about what these guys are doing, just kill them directly."

"Xiao Le, listen to your grandpa."

Inside the little house, an old lady with pale hair and pale appearance suddenly appeared.

The old lady was almost translucent.

"Grandma, I am thinking about her and am going crazy." Yu Le said dryly.

This Yu Xian, the ghost who signed the contract with him is his wife.

"Old Yu, give them some drugs and we can start early." The old lady care about her grandson, is no less than Yu Xian, she stayed back and turned to ghost cultivation and did not go to reincarnation, it was not for her own sake, but because she is worried about this grandson.

"Okay." Yu Xian nodded, leaving a bag of white powder in a teapot and left the cabin.

On the second floor of the farmhouse, a huge room was filled with people.

In fact, it cannot be said that it's a room, this is the case for rural houses, even outside the room on the second floor, there is a large living room.

Bai Meng Tie is sleeping inside, while the other bodyguards are sitting in the living room.

Lin Xiu held his mobile phone and looking at the text message Ni Xiao Tong sent to him.

It's just that when Ni Xiao Tong texted himself, he was making up for sleep and didn't check it.

Hu Yu took a look at Lin Xiu with his fierce eyes and looked at his posture. If it wasn't for Bai Mengdie who was sleeping and worried that she might be awakened by the noise, Hu Yu would just jump to Lin Xiu and beat him up.

Of course, if that happens the one being beaten would be him instead.