Chapter 56 : Lei Yi Ming's request

Grandpa's presence in Huang Family have been him doing whatever that was requested to him by the Huang family.

However, this time he retorted Huang Zhen Zhong's words had surprised everyone.

This was even more shocking than Lin Xiu's slap on the face.

Huang Zhenzhong's chest moved up and down, it took awhile for him to stabilize his emotions, "Okay, old three, even you feel like I am useless now? You want to slap my face in front of everyone, right? I'll give the patriarch position to you how about it? "

That sudden outburst did not change the grandfather's personality, but after hearing Huang Zhen Zhong's words, grandpa had an ugly smile on his face, "Big Brother, it's not what you think ..."

However before grandpa could finish his sentence, Lin Xiu walk up and intervened between grandpa and Huang Zhen Zhong.

"This sentence is not what we said, if you don't want to be patriarch, just let my grandpa become it." Lin Xiu retorted.

Everyone could hear what Huang Zhen Zhong said just now was just in anger.

But Lin Xiu slammed back with such a sentence, causing Huang Zhen Zhong to be confused on what to do.

The words that he had said, now couldn't just be meant as a joke right?

"Heh, just a lousy patriarch position and you considered it as a treasure." Lin Xiu looked disdainfully as he shook his head, pulled his grandpa by the hand and headed inside.

"Haha!" Lei Yi Ming laugh out and followed behind Lin Xiu as he headed into the house.

"Hey, Patriarch, do we still attack?" The gang leader looked at Haung Zhen Zhong and ask, "If there is no fighting, we will head back to play majong."

"Go, get out of here!" Huang Zhen Zhong shouted in anger as he kicked the tree nearby.

Remembering the time when he was at his peak, and now even a few small time gangsters actually dare to laugh at him, this disparity made him felt it was unacceptable.

Lin Xiu doesn't care whether he could accept it or not.

In fact, if it wasn't for his grandpa who step out, the situation would not have ended so easily.

"Xiu er, you are too rash, that Zhou Xing Rong is still your elder, even if she wasn't right, you shouldn't have hit people." Grandpa had a frown on his head as he sighed.

Seeing his grandpa like that, Lin Xiu felt his heart hurt, a person's personality is always determined by the environment, his grandpa's unpretentious appearance, one could imagine how he had lived through all these years.

"Grandpa, don't you worry, since it's a fight we will fight, what can they do?" Lin Xiu reply.

Grandpa sighed, "Haiz! Let nature takes its course. Oh right, who is this?"

While speaking, grandpa looks towards Lei Yi Ming.

"Hi elderly, I am Lei Yi Ming, Lin Xiu's friend." Lei Yi Ming replied to grandpa.

"Hello Small Lei, in future please take care of our family's Lin Xiu." Grandpa walks towards the kitchen as he spoke, "You guys take a sit, I'll make some tea for you."

Lei Yi Ming looked at his surroundings, "Lin Xiu, I could never have guessed that you were one of Huang's."

"I'm not." Lin Xiu shakes his head, "Never is never will be."

After seeing Lin Xiu's relationship with Huang Family just now, Lei Yi Ming didn't spoke another word.

"Lin Xiu Big Brother! You finally came back." Ni Xiao Tong came running down from upstairs.

Seeing Ni Xiao Tong, Lin Xiu asked worriedly, "Are you alright? What's up with that guy called Huang Jun?"

Hearing Lin Xiu's question, Ni Xiao Tong explained to him what had happened.

It turned out that when Lin Xiu wasn't around, Ni Xiao Tong felt bored at home and when around exploring the village city.

It resulted in her being seen by Huang Jun.

Ni Xiao Tong felt something was wrong and headed back.

At first it was alright, but as night fell, Huang Jun, who seemed to be drunk thought of Ni Xiao Tong and came over to cause trouble.

After knowing what happened, Lin Xiu nodded his head, as long as Ni Xiao Tong didn't suffer from anything, he won't pursue the matter, if Huang Jun dares to touch her, Lin Xiu wouldn't mind killing him.

"Here, have some tea." Grandpa brought tea out from the kitchen.

They chatted as they drank the tea.

In fact, it was just Lin Xiu explaining his childhood to his grandpa and Lei Yi Ming explaining his experience in the army.

"With your skills, Uncle Lei, why did you retire?" Ni Xiao Tong couldn't wrapped around her head as she asked Lei Yi Ming.

Lei Yi Ming face turned dark, as he smiled a little, "My leg was injured before, it was broken by someone."

"Oh?" Lin Xiu looked a little surprised.

He knows Lei Yi Ming's skills.

If it wasn't for him training hard on peerless island for 5 years, he would not be his opponent when it comes to close combat.

Although he wasn't a cultivator, but if a person weaker than a cultivator were to encounter Lei Yi Ming, that person might not win against him.

"Who broke it?" Ni Xiao Tong ask in curiorsity.

Lei Yi Ming smiled bitterly, "Forget it, it's already in the past, there isn't much to say."

Lei Yi Ming's situation wasn't right, after Lin Xiu spoke with him for awhile, he stood up and said, "It's already quite late, I'll leave first."

"See you!" Lin Xiu politely stood up and said.

"Xiu er, send small Lei off." Grandpa waved his hand.

Lin Xiu bitterly smiled and nodded, it seems that grandpa was really enthusiastic about the people around him, he most likely is worried that the Huang family will take revenge on Lei Yi Ming.

But grandpa's worries were excessive, from the all the way to the village city entrance, there wasn't any danger.

Along the way, Lei Yi Ming didn't say a word, as he was thinking about something.

All the way until the main road, Lei Yi Ming suddenly spoke up, "Lin Xiu, we can be considered as friends right?"

"Hmm? We can be." Lin Xiu replied.

In actuality Lei Yi Ming is already just a 'friend' in Lin Xiu's heart.

If it wasn't because of Lei Yi Ming's help with the fight just now, he wouldn't have even consider it.

An environment creates a person, the environment which Lin Xiu grew up in was like that, those who he held dearly are Ni Xiao Tong and those few, the others who wants to be Lin Xiu's real friend is difficult.

"Could I request you to help me?" Lei Yi Ming asked.

Lin Xiu didn't reply, but looked at Lei Yi Ming.

Lei Yi Ming stunned for a second, realizing that his relationship with Lin Xiu wasn't at that stage yet.

"I overstep my boundaries, forget it, I'll not mention it." Lei Yi Ming waved his hand.

"En, we can talk about it in the future." Lin Xiu nodded and said.

Lei Yi Ming got on the car waved at Lin Xiu, "Goodbye!"

"See you next time."

After greeting, Lei Yi Ming drove off.

Lin Xiu roughly knows what Lei Yi Ming wanted his help for, it most likely has to do with his broken leg and Lin Xiu didn't want to get involved in such bothersome matters.

Right now in his heart, he just wanted to accompany Ni Xiao Tong to school, find his old friends and spend time with them. With regards to his master's task to find his senior, it could be postpone later, since there wasn't any clue, he is difficult to find.