Chapter 25 The Murder

It was past noon, all the remaining students were studying in their classes, suddenly a portal opens in the office of Head Master, Selveric is also on the verge that he sees a 40-year-old man with golden hair with Sabrina who comes out of the portal with blue eyes.

The man was none other than his headmaster Zebronics. Selveric greets him on seeing him and those people are sitting and talking, The headmaster is a very funny kind of person. He seems to be the leg-keeper of Selveric that suddenly there is a loud sound of someone shouting in school.

The whole school is shocked to hear Luna screaming, teachers quickly reach and see, That the body of Rey is lying on the ground below and the law is holding a knife in his hand which has blood on it and his clothes were also covered with blood.

Selveric goes there with the headmaster and sees the knife in Law's hand, everyone is thinking that Rey has killed Law, The law is taken from there and locked in an empty classroom and the Headmaster, Sabrina, and Selveric are investigating the case.

Headmaster Zebronics asks Luna about this, she is very scared but slowly she dares to tell Zebronics, Tells all the things from the beginning till now and says that he was going to tell his teacher about this today but it happened before that.

After a while, Luna leaves but Luna's statement complicates the matter, now Law is brought and questions are asked to him,Law tells the headmaster that he had gone to the washroom and when he returned from the washroom, he saw blood coming out of the door of class 3-2 so he went in.

And she saw that the girl was stabbed and was suffering on the ground, then she removed the knife from her stomach and then she died, And at the same time Luna came there and now some things seemed settled but those people still could not believe in the law.

Headmaster really, I was very upset that a girl lost her life as soon as she came here, then Sabrina tells them, That she has informed the S.I.T about this, now that they will handle the matter, but Selveric still believes in the law, he himself is investigating the matter,

He once again goes to class 3-2 and looks around and he sees a camera on the end of the corridor, He immediately extracts the footage of that camera and tells the headmaster about it. All the teachers are shocked after see that footage.