
"Ha..Ha..!" In the middle of a forest clearing a young boy could be seen swinging a wooden sword. And a man is watching the boy practice from a distance. And occasionally he would give some corrections on the boy's sword forms.

"Come're not even halfway done." The silver haired man shouted at the boy.

"Come on.. I've done about 5000 now."

"No. You're at 4879 right now.And that's one more" He replied.

"Tch..! I don't understand..why you are making me... practice sword all of a sudden though." The boy asked panting heavily.

"In the future there might be situations where you can't attack the enemy barehanded. What will you do then."

"That's why you're teaching me magic right.."

"What would you do in situations where you can't use magic then.? A good mage must be proficient in both physical and magical attacks. Or else someone could always beat you before you even start casting a spell."

"Huhh....huff...and how would i even be in a situation like that. I haven't literally left this forest for my whole life."

"That's because you're too weak."

"As i have said before I'm not weak , you're just too strong. I have even defeated the biggest boar in the forest."

"Trust me kid. That boar is nothing but small fry in the real world. And besides you even got injured trying to hunt that thing."

"That was just an accident.."

"Accident like that could cost your very life. Or even the lives of the ones you care about.." He stopped for a second and walked towards the boy.And continued.

"Listen here. There is always someone who is stronger than you. So don't be arrogant , because it will lead to your down fall one day." He concluded staring into Luciel's eyes.


"Now continue your training. Don't space out." He said hitting the boy with a stick in his hand.

[After 3 months]

Time flew by. And day by day the intensity of training luciel had to go through increased exponentially.

From morning till lunch he would do sword training.

Then after lunch Lucifer would blindfold him and then begin attacking him from different directions. By obstructing the vision he could learn to detect enemies and attacks by the movement of air.

But in the beginning he could only stand there and take the attacks onto himself. And he was forbidden to use magic for defending his body of deflecting the attacks. Slowly he grasped the hang of it and started dodging the attacks. But as soon as lucifer would see that the attacks were dodged he would up the difficulty.

After the blindfold training they would study magic principles and other things like literature or culture and such. Long story short his daily routine was tightly packed.

"Ouch! Can't you be gentler? My whole body is aching." Luciel screamed after getting hit in the head.

Current he is in a sparring session with his father.

Even though it's called sparring the more appropriate word would be beatdown. The boy is in defensive trying to avoid or parry all the attacks coming his way.

"In a fight your opponent wont care if you're in pain or dying. What you must think is how to defeat the person in front of you. That and that only." The older man said in an indifferent tone.

"But dad aren't we just sparring...?" Ciel asked after dodging another blow from his dad.

"That's why I'm going easy on you."

"What...This is you going easy on me.." The boy rebuked.

"Concentrate" Another blow was landed on the boy's head.

"AAahhh" Thus the training continued as the screams and shouts echoed through the forest.

After some time.

"Alright. That's all for now. Take a rest." Lucifer said to his son. Who was already on the ground panting and tired from the long training session.

"Finally...over.." The boy said by taking some huge breaths.

"Come inside after resting a bit. I'm going to make dinner now." The father said walking towards the house.

"Yeah.." he replied.

"It's been 3 months now , since i have started this hell of training. I wonder when this will end though." He thought while picking himself up and walking towards the tree shade.

Leaning onto the tree he fell asleep that moment from all the tiredness that have been accumulating. After a few hours he woke up to the sound of his father calling him and ran inside the house.

The insides of the house were simple. There was a fireplace burning. And on a small table dinner was served for the two of them.

As they were eating dinner lucifer started talking.

"Is your body fine now.?"

"Hmm..Yes.I don't feel much pain now. " The boy replied while biting onto the meat stuck on a bone.

"mmm...Looks like some of Etherios biology is applied to him. As his magic power replenishes,his body also heals at a small rate. My decision was correct then. As long as i tear his muscles up to a permitted degree it can get stronger." The man thought looking at the figure of the child who was enthusiastically eating his meal.

"Since your sword skills also have improved I will teach to some sword magic tomorrow"

The boy perked up hearing sword magic and asked.

"Sword magic..! Is it the magic that will shoot slashes from sword?"

"Yes. That one. It's fairly simple. You should be able to do it in a few tries." The man said with a smile on his face.

[The next day]

"HOW IS THIS SIMPLE..?" A shout could be heard from the forest.

Ciel was in the middle of his sword magic training. And right now he is trying to concentrate magic power into the blade of his practice sword.

"What happened." Lucifer asked from the branch of a nearby tree.

"Didn't you say this was simple. Isn't magic manipulation of this level very advanced stuff"

"You use this type of manipulation in the slayer magic right.."

"No.In most of my spells I concentrate magic power onto a point or a small area. This is like a straight line. As soon as I'm ready to fire , it's crumbles apart "

"Heee...seems like you're not ready yet. In that case we'll have to include advanced magic manipulation to the schedule" The older man said in a menacing tone.

"Ahh...on second thoughts i should try once more." Luciel said nervously as he recalled his memories from his past training.

"Haaa...What do I do..? If I fail again there's no doubt that dad will make me train even more." He thought staring onto the sword in his hands.

It was a common double edged sword made out of iron with a regular guard. It was probably bought from a cheap store or something. In fact this is only one of the sword that was in his house. A sword like this will break apart as soon as you inject too much magic into it. So it's important to handle the amount too.He had already destroyed man y sword this way.

"I can't inject too much or too little magic. I need to find the right amount first.But i can't still maintain the magic outside my body too much.. What will I do..?"

"Hey kid..are going to do it anytime soon or what" Lucifer asked from a distance.

"Just..hold on..I'm concentrating here..concentrating..?" He shouted back.

"That's it.. If I can't fully spread it ,I'll just concentrate the magic on the tip" He said in glee and started gathering magic on the tip of the sword.

Magic started gathering at the tip and formed into a small sphere of dense white light.

"Gooooo..." He lunged forward and stabbed the sword onto a nearby tree.

A beam of light was shot from the tip of the sword drilling through the tree. Putting a small hole in it.

Seeing the attack succeed, Luciel jumped in happiness. Turning around he called out to his father.

"Dad...look I did it."

"Hmmm..That was very clever of you."

"Isn't it..." The boy said puffing his chest in pride.

"But it's just a temporary though." He said cutting the boy off. Drawing his blade He swung it in the opposite direction.

A flash of white arc was shot from the sword cutting down many trees.

"THIS is the real sword magic." He said turning to the astonished boy.

"Don't space out. Continue your practice." He said after bumping the kid's head.