"Aargh... " With a groaning sound, the little boy opened his eyes slowly. Rays of sunlight piercing through the branches of trees fell on his face.
Looking around he slowly rose and sat on the pale grass. As he tried to understand his current situation.
"Where..am I....?" Confused he stroked his head trying to remember what happened before.
"Right.....I was with dad, near a mountain....then...then he...we..fought?"Even though he tried to remember further into the memories, he couldn't piece everything up.
"I can't remember anything at all. But it looks like I'm still in the forest." He thought while trying to stand up. But quickly fell.
"What...is this...? I can't even stand properly."Clutching his head, he tried to focus.
Even the magic power inside him was flowing in a disturbed fashion. Quickly calming down, Ciel started to focus and meditate a little bit.
After some time, the dizziness and pain slowly faded away.
With small movements, he finally managed to stand up. Slowly walking with the support of a wooden stick from a nearby tree, he made his way to the nearest river.
Splashing the cold water onto the face he felt relieved.
Remembering about the bag he carried on him, he took it from his back.
Reaching into the bag, he saw there were some fruits still in it. Resting in the shade of a tree, he began eating the fruits while searching the bag of its contents. It seems like there was more stuff in it than before.
There were quite a few books about magic and other stuff. And from one of the books inside a paper stuck up.
It was a letter addressed to him. Opening the letter he started reading it.
If you are reading this, then it means I have already left. My friend Anna must be with you right now. Since I'll be away for a long time she'll act as your guardian for the time being. Be nice to her, and listen to her. Don't cause her any trouble. You should be at a relatively safer place right now. So just don't try to get involved in anything dangerous for the time being. I have put some books containing the remaining spells that you need to learn in your bag. So make sure to practice hard.
Also, the necklace on your neck belonged to your mother. I thought it would be better if I just gave it to you. Keep it safe and Don't lose it somewhere.
I guess that's all then.
Your father
P.S - If you happen to meet someone named Acnologia, run from there immediately.
"That's right. I fought him. He told me that he was leaving for someplace" Reading the letter seemed to have stricken a connection that made him remember what happened before.
"I think I remember...something else too...vaguely though. Dad was sitting on the ground with a black-haired man. Was that real..?" He thought, trying to recall his foggy memories once again.
"Besides...A keepsake from mother...huh.."
He thought, taking the pendant that was hanging on his neck. It was made out of a shining blue Lacrima. And inside you could see two people.
"Is that dad...and mom...?" Looking at the pendant, one of the people inside it had a familiar face, just like his dad while the other was a woman. With silver hair and deep blue eyes.
"My mother.....even though I have never seen her even once...." He thought staring at the shining jewel.
"Looks like I have her eyes, and dad's hair." Turning around he saw his reflection in the river, A young boy with bright blue eyes and pure white hair was looking back at him.
"HOOOWLLLL....." A loud howl echoed through the forest making Ciel snap out of his trance.
"Is that a wolf...? Ohh.... yeah, I'm in a forest right now.... wait a minute, wasn't I suppose to be with this Anna person..?" His father did mention he would be with his friend by now.
"Where is she..?" Looking around the area that he was currently in, found out another fact.
"Didn't dad and I fought in a rocky place. How come I'm in a forest now..?" Something didn't feel about right. But he couldn't pinpoint it.
"Did he carry me all the way here..?"
"WOOOWLLLL....."Breaking him from his thoughts another howl was heard.
"...looks like I'm on my own now." Taking all of the stuff inside his bag he began walking to find a place to stay the night. And cast a spell.
*Sky devil's Domain*
It's a spell that creates an area around the user that is virtually under his control. At higher levels, he would be able to control the movements of the air in that area to the molecules.
But as of now he can only sense the presence of others inside it, or hear sounds which are physically not possible. This was one of the byproducts of his blindfolded training.
Casting the support spell to scout the area around him, be moved carefully.
After walking through the forest for some time, Ciel arrived at a much denser part.
"Oh no...Looks like I'm going inside the forest. My magic flow hasn't stabilized fully yet. Or I could just fly out of here." Looking at the position of the sun, he saw that it's going to set soon.
"The sun's gonna set soon. If I don't secure a place to sleep, It could get dangerous."
Continuing to walk until he reached a tall and sturdy tree, he stopped.
And begun climbing the tree to a height where normal creatures wouldn't be able to reach.
Making sure the place was good he went and moved his belongings onto the beach and secured them from falling.
By that time, the world had been dyed in the color of the setting sun. As the red sky began to fade, a resplendent starry sky filled its place.
With the recent developments, Ciel was already at the brink of passing out. Finding himself a comfortable spot, he went to sleep.
As the boy fell into a deep slumber, the stone on the necklace which he wore emitted a pale blue light as if it was keeping the sleeping child safe.