The Takeover Siblings

"That devil women...!" Thinking about Erza, Ciel sat down on an empty seat.

The train started moving towards its destination.

"The village where the request is from is called Kushiro. Apparently, one of their residents was possessed by a demon after they tried to vanquish it." He thought while reading the job description in the flyer.

"Hmm...if it's a possession, then the demon's power level should be lesser than it's original one. Unless something unexpected happens."

"Let's just hope everything goes well."

[A few hours later.]

Luciel had gotten off at a station near the village where he had to go was situated.

It was quite an empty town. Even after looking around, he couldn't find any modes of transportation.

"Sigh...looks like I'm on my own now."

Activating his magic, the wind started to gather around him.

"I'd rather save my magic power if given the chance. But it looks like I've got no other choice." Slowly he started ascending from the ground and flew away.

"Hmph...flight magic is as troublesome as always. I wonder how dad managed to fly so fast..?" He complained lightly recalling how his father used to fly.

Tearing through the air he continued to fly until a small village could be seen.

"Is this the place...? " landing inside the village he started inspecting around.

"Looks like there was a demon here, after all. The air is quite polluted with miasma. I shouldn't eat this air." He thought checking the air quality around.

Walking further in he saw a bunch of people surrounding a house with weapons in their hands.

"What is happening there..?" talking to himself he went to the commotion.

"You demon..!"

"How long are you planning on staying here...?"

"Cursed family"

"Give us back all the people you killed demon.."

People were cursing all around and throwing stones inside.

Suddenly the window was opened and a small girl's head peeked outside.

"My sister is not a demon.! She got rid of the evil demon in that church. She defeated it for the sake of this village, and now you're blaming her..? It's not her fault." She screamed out with tears flowing from her eyes.

"Can anyone explain this situation to me...?" Ciel asked the villagers who were standing there stunned by the words of the little girl.

Hearing Ciel's voice they snapped out and turned to him.

"Where did you come from kid..? Go home.." One man said angrily.

"I asked, why are you people throwing stones at the house."

"Because there is a demon inside. Don't tell me you're with them too.." A woman replied to him.

"No. I have come from the Fairy tail guild. I accepted your request" He said showing them the paper.

"Hahh...A kid..? what are those mages thinking these days. How will a kid defeat a demon" Another angry villager shouted.

"Hahh...I should have learned some transformation magic in the meantime...I'm sick of people treating like me this wherever I go." Sighing he thought.

Charging up his magic power, strong winds started to surround him.

"How I do my business is none of your concern Mister. Now If you would move, I have a job to do." He said in his lowest voice trying to intimidate the villagers.

"Huhh..wind?...He's using magic.." Once again they started to become noisy.

Seeing that they were still not listing to him, Ciel started walking forward. Feeling the strength of the wind getting stronger the villagers decided to move and make a path for him.

Walking through the villagers Ciel arrived at the front of the house. The door was locked from inside.

"Hey, please unlock the door. I've come to help you." The boy shouted to the people inside.

"What he came to help them..?" The villagers were also startled hearing what the kid just said.

"Please open the door. Or I'll have to use force." But there was still no reply from the inside.

"Ok...You asked for it..!" cladding the hands in the wind he punched towards the door, destroying it.

"Wow..he broke that door in a single punch." Talking of the villagers could be heard from behind. Ignoring them he walked inside to find three kids. They looked like they were older than him.

The eldest looking one had covered her body with a tattered robe. The other two were hiding behind her.

"You damned mage..! Get out of our house.." The elder girl screamed at him.

"Ah...sorry about the door. I will pay for it." He apologized bowing. Earning a surprised look from the trio.

But quickly recovering, the girl shouted again.

" You're here for me right." She said revealing her arm. Unlike a normal girl's arm, it had turned into a demonic-looking arm.

"I have been commissioned to hunt a demon lurking in this village," He said explaining the situation.

"Mira has already defeated the demon...So you can go now." The younger girl said from behind. While Luciel had been carefully looking at the girl's arm. he was using his demon slayer abilities to inspect it.

"Hmm...she certainly has demon particles inside of her. But she's not a demon" He thought continuing to observe.

"Well, looks like you're correct. Your sister is not a demon indeed."

"See, Sis I told you. You're fine." The young girl said smiling at her sister.

"You're just a brat, even smaller than Lisanna, what do you know." The other girl still said angrily.

"I might be young. But I can assure you that I know more than you miss." Ciel replied earning more anger from the girl.

Ignoring the girl's ramblings, Ciel took out a book from his bag and started flipping pages.

"Hahh...he's suddenly reading..? What's with this weird kid." They all asked in confusion Looking at the young demon slayer as if he's a weirdo.

"Haa...found it. I knew it wasn't a demon," he shouted surprising everyone.

"What..did you find...?" The girl too asked in suspicion now that it piqued her interest.

"Your condition, it's caused by a magic called takeover magic."

"Take over magic..?"

"Yes. Take Over allows the user to, essentially, "take over" the power of an entity and use it to fight. It can increase the power, strength, and speed of the Caster, sometimes adding a new skill, such as flying or breathing underwater." Ciel concluded explaining.

"So...I took over that demon..?"


"But that isn't much different...I'm that demon now..!"

"No...don't be stupid. You certainly have demon particles in your body. But it doesn't make you a demon..! It's just a type of spell."

"But.. my arm...!" She said holding her demonic arm.

"Ohh..if it's the arm that you're worried about I can take care of it temperately."

"You can...?" The girl said with doubt in her voice.

"Yeah give me your arm." He said stretching his arm.

After pondering a bit the girl gave him her arm.

Holding her arm Ciel closed his eyes and concentrated a bit. Suddenly a black marking appeared on his forehead. (Imagine the demon mark of Meliodas, from seven deadly sins.)

Opening his eyes, they were pure black. This was the result of his demon slayer training. It's called demon marks or so. It's the power of demons that a demon slayer has.

Using it Devil Slayers have the ability to kill or exorcise demonic power by exerting their Magic Power upon the target, in others words using the "demon" side of their Magic, given it is the true purpose of the Magic.

Exerting his magic into the girl's arms the demonic look of it started to fade away, regaining the original appearance.

" arm. It's back." The girl said touching it and making sure this was real.

"Mira...Sis.." Suddenly she was hugged by both the other siblings from the back.

"You're normal again.." They cried, hugging her tight.

Seeing them cry the eldest girl named Mira also couldn't hold back anymore.

Standing their Ciel watched over their touching family moment.

After a while of crying, they got back up again. Wiping their tears away, Mira said to Ciel.

"I...I don't know how to thank you.."

"Don't thank me yet.." he paused.

"I hate to break it to you, but given time your arm will be back to its demonic state." He said shocking them.

"I..I see..then" Mira stuttered with a face full of despair.

"Just hear me out first, Will ya..? Your arm will indeed be back if we don't do anything. But If you were to master it, it will become a great tool in your arsenal."

"Master my magic..?"

"Yeah. That's the only way for you.."

"Then...can you teach me..?"


"Why..? If its money that you want, then I..."

"That's not it. I don't know anything about teaching this type of magic."

"Oh..I see. That was to be expected." Mira said with a downfall expression.

"But I might know someone else though.."

"You do..?" She regained the hope in her eyes.

"Yeah. The master of our guild. He's a pretty knowledgeable guy when it comes to magic." He said thinking a bit.

"Your guild..."

"I can introduce you guys to him if you want."

"Joining a guild.." She hesitated looking back at her siblings.

"Come on Sis. It's a good chance for us. Let's go" The girl named Lisanna said.

"I..I think..we should go too, sister." The timid boy also said.

"I..uh...sigh...We will come with you." She finally said after considering everyone's opinions.

"Perfect. Then get ready to leave. We'll leave as soon as you're ready."

After a few minutes, the siblings took everything they need and packed their bags. There wasn't much to start with though.

Along with the young demon slayer then stepped outside.

"Look he has returned."

"That girl is fine now..?"

"Did he really exorcise the demon then.?"

The villagers started talking as they saw the kids step out of the house.

Looking at the villagers Ciel Said in a loud voice.

"Who's the chief of this village. I have completed the request. We'll need to talk about my rewards now."

Hearing the boy speak the people again went into a frenzy. And then an elderly man stepped out.

"I'm the village chief. Have you really exorcised the demon..?"

"Hello, nice to meet you, sir. As you can see the girl's arm is back no" He said with a smile plastered on his face.

"But..." Taken aback he tried to speak up.But.

"Is there any other problem, sir..?" Cutting the man he asked again with a dark smile.

"N..No..There's not."

"Also, as you can see these guys are coming with me. So they would like to sell their house and the land that's in their names. Can you arrange that for me too."

"Well that's..."

"No...I was just asking since they will move out, this place will be sold anyways. So it's better for you to buy it than an outsider no..?"

The man was stunned by the words of the child. It seemed like he had been mistaken. The one in front of him wasn't a child, but the demon in human skin.

After a while, Ciel could be seen walking away from the village with the trio of siblings.

"'re really amazing," Lisanna said admiring the younger boy in front of her.

"Why do you say that miss Lisanna..?"

"You knew all of the things. And you even made the chief himself buy our old house."

"Hahh..about that, let's just say I've done a lot of paperwork. Aside from that, are you okay with your house being sold like that." He said turning to Mira.

"Yes. We will probably never return here after all."

"But it was where your family used to live right..?"

"My wherever those two are.." Mira said looking at her siblings walking in front of her.