
"Phew...that should do it." Wiping the sweat off his face, Ciel put his pen down. He was currently in an inn he had been staying on for the past few weeks.

Throughout the entire mission, he had to change the inn he would stay in. To avoid suspicion. Currently, he was making the report of the mission he had to turn in when finishing up the job.

"This is crazy..! How many pages did I even write in total...?" He marveled at the heap of papers at the desk.

Taking all the papers and arranging them in the order he stored them into his bag. It was time to pack up. After a while packing up all the stuff he went to the reception and checked out.

Walking to the train station in the town he thought.

"Hahh...finally I'm going back home. I can't believe I was away for this long. How would everyone react to seeing me after such a long time? They'd be so mad. Well in my defense even I didn't know that this damn job would take so long."

While being immersed in his own thoughts he moved forward. At this point, this had become a habit of his. Sometimes he would be in deep thoughts that anything happening around would not even wake him up.

As he continued along the path indulging in thoughts he fell down bumping into someone.

It was a hooded figure, who had their face hidden completely behind the cloth.

"Uhh...why does this feel so much familiar.?" Rubbing his head, Ciel raised his head to look at the person that he had bumped into for apologizing and froze.

Under the cloths was a face that Ciel couldn't forget that easily. Recognizing the person his face faulted. And it seemed like the other person noticed it too.

"Looks like you recognize me." A female voice was heard from the hooded figure.


"What do you say we move to a less crowded place. Let's talk a little bit. Shall we."

"..." Seeing that the other party didn't respond the woman spoke again.

"I mean, we can talk here. It's just that the surroundings might get a bit messy, I fear."

"Come on," Ciel said in a small voice.

Hearing the boy the woman put her hands on him, which was unnaturally covered in scales and inhuman looking. And then both of them disappeared from there.

There weren't many people around there. So no one noticed the things that just transpired there, except for a person around the corner.

He was a man dressed in a blue cloak with a bandana covering most of his face. On the back, he had a few staves. He stared at the position from where the boy had just disappeared and turned into mist flying away.

Meanwhile, the duo that had disappeared previously landed in a deserted place a few kilometers away from the town.

As soon as they arrived, Ciel jumped away from the woman. Creating some distance between them.

"What do you want..?" He asked in a cold tone.

"Aww...come on. As I said, I just wanted to have a talk with you."

"Yeah right, as if. How would a talk hurt people around me...?"

"Haha...you're a clever one. Aren't you.." she paused.

"That good. I like clever ones." She continued licking her lips.

Ciel felt like it was a predator staring at its prey right now. His brain was working full speed, trying to find a way out of this situation.

"Crap...she's one of the top guns in Tartaros. It's questionable whether I would be able to get out unscathed." As the boy was busy thinking of plans for escape, the person spoke again.

"You see...I've kept an eye on you since that day. You've got an interesting body."

"Wh..what do you mean my body...?" Although he was surprised, Ciel suppressed his emotions and asked her.

"Now..now..don't play dumb. I know you're quite aware of it...You're one us boy."

"What are you talking about..? I'm not like you guys. If it's anything, I would the exact opposite of your people."

"Hahaha...what a sight. A demon refusing his own existence.." A burst of laughter was given in response.

"So she doesn't know I'm only half-demon, that's...good" Ciel thought looking at the women.

"Kyoka of Tartaros. What do you want from me..? Is it because of what I know..?"

"Well, indeed you can say that. After all, that's how I met you. But don't misunderstand...I'm not here to hurt you" She paused leaving Ciel in confusion.

"I'm here to invite you to our cause."

"So she wants me to join Tartaros.."

"It is your fate, don't you try to deny it, boy. We were made to return to Zeref. That is the destiny of all Etherios. That is simply how we are made." She said seeing the boy's expression.

"Well, I beg to differ...so how about this..!" Ciel said fastening the bag on his back.


*Mist Body*

Turning into mist he flew away in the opposite direction.

"Well, that's too bad then. I shall not kill you..! You shall know a hell more painful than death..! And slowly you'll turn into a puppet of the Tartaros. "

As she concluded, her whole body was shrouded in a pale green light and she disappeared.

Meanwhile, Ciel was trying his best to get away from the demon. He had already traveled a great distance but.

"You are pretty fast." A sudden voice shocked him. As he turned and looked at the direction from which the voice came from, Kyoka was standing there.

Seeing her, Ciel dropped his spell and landed on the ground.

"Not gonna run anymore..?" Kyoka asked sarcastically.

"I already tried didn't I."

"That's right. It's quite meaningless." She said as her claws extended into a whip and lashed onto him.


The whip landed on the ground, breaking it. Ciel had only managed to dodge at the last second.

"If even one blow lands on me, It's game over...This strength, speed...all of it is way above what I have experienced till now."

He thought looking at the woman who was walking towards him right now.

She had a cruel smile on her face as if she was going devour him.