Boudoir Glamour Inc. #2

If you have ever been in an underground station for high-speed passenger lines, you might have felt it. A pressure wave.

Sometimes the noise might distract from pressure effect. It is easier to detect when the cars go through the station without stopping. You get to experience both sides of the pressure wave.

That sensation of a long gentle thump on your upper body.

There was that kind of thing. Here. Just now. Out here on the beach.

Somewhere close by. I think I hear an electric crackle.

I once read about lightning 'sprites'. Towering huge movements of lightning that discharge opposite in direction to usual lightning. But that kind of thing is not found on this side of the world.

When I look around. I see a woman.

Literally floating in the air above the sand.

Otherworldly. Dressed oddly. Like cos-play.

The gaze of her eyes are averted and stay that way.

She is not inviting in expression, but she hovers onto the ground.

With no signs of movement and nothing from her that acknowledges my presence.