Boudoir Glamour Inc. #6

My first time with her. Taking her picture on that beach.

It will never be repeated. Never like that with any other. She could read my mind! She knew what would put me at ease in taking a picture of her.

She morphed into clothes much like I imagined, but better. More contrast to the colors. More sparkle to the fasteners.

She took my hand to let me pose her.

At one point I had both hands on her wrists to pose the arrangement of the upward palms.

I was nervous. I did not want to have my breath tickle her. Breaking the arrangement of her on the sand.

When I looked her face was slightly turned away. The composition was perfect. I rushed for the camera.

After I took it she was up with her arms around her knees.

"I can take care of the final image. On the camera. Just let yourself imagine the picture. It will show up in that device."

I put the camera down and asked her to demonstrate.

Before she returned to the pose. She asked me to explain why I worked to get that pose for the picture.

The supine position. Laying back, relaxed. Is a mindful thing. The upward palms (lost of symmetry) evokes an inward surrender. An image made stronger by the gaze focus being away. A person mindful of someone not there (the flame of a far off fire).

The picture of someone who would be kissed on the side of the face, while still unsure about their own thoughts.

She graced me to a very nice smile after my description and whispered "Strange yet rational.. just like you!"