Boudoir Glamour Inc. #18

When you get into a pool or tub, you are surrounded by water. Water has a property known as cohesion. It forms drops. Even when you dip into water, the water attempts to create a bubble drop around you.

This was not experience of her melding over me. It was a even more shocking sensation of something actively working to find a home in every pore, ear channel, mouth, and nose. I had just a hazy eyesight (like I was looking through diving goggles).

The two of us, melded, stood significantly taller than humans grow.

I was held firm. Fixed entirely to her motion.

I could tell my bones would have slightly shivered, but they were clamped solid.

The amount of time that passed was hard to gauge. The sounds were murky like having my ears plugged. Making the rush of blood in my head that loudest sound.

The meld ended abruptly. I was collapsed and shivering.

She went back to her human looking form and hugged me.

"I am so sorry. They told me you probably would not be compatible. I was just so hopeful. You and

I travelling the galaxy together.

First impressions have a power. That first day, I had called you 'Alien Child'. It was wrong of me to think of you as having mature species skills.

I must leave you here. Leave you behind.

Do not fear 'new management'. I have external partners to make sure they treat you well.

Goodbye. I will think of you often over the millennia."

I was alone. The background systems went black.