Boudoir Glamour Inc #74

There are times your question your career choices. Sometimes, you see something and all those questions melt away.

The Resort-Amorphic Adaptive Beach Towel is no longer sold. I left a good job in marketing to work here.

I know now what sets of programmed priorities motivated my Beach Towel. Which set of memory history erasing schedules cleared the records. Left that towel like any of the others. Never knowing it was a hero.

Product Refinement is a tough job description to announce at dinner parties.

My job is nowhere as public facing as my last one. That is by design.

Even now, in rare cases, they ask me to attend a private meeting and re-live the 'acceptable timeline events' of that day. Relive it with emotion. Usually for an important politician.

Was the job change worth it?

Today the answer to "OHH YES ABSOLUTELY!"

We saw a random blast of debris from the asteroid belt stray into near earth orbit.

Despite precautions, it caught the satellite brigade flat-footed. They reported one young female astronaut as missing.. no signal from her communication systems. Nothing at all.

Official reports were cautious and vague.

I wondered about those aliens and their spaceship. Could they be back and making trouble? Who would I tell?

But today! Today! She landed back on Earth.

No re-entry tools or pods. It was just an odd report of something falling out of the sky near Oregon.

A high school film crew running into the woods.

Finding that missing astronaut. With an inner space suit the moved on its own.

That was the reason for secret meetings. The technology had not been dumped, it had been re-purposed.

And the astronaut, that look on her face. Was there any doubt? Gratitude. Relief. She knew death was the most likely outcome, but she had an unexpected friend in the deep of space. A friend she could never repay.

Adaptive fabric technology supported by Artificial Intelligence (systems I had helped to improve).

Today.. I love my job.

As far as I know that astronaut girl and I are in a tiny club. We owe our lives, we really owe lives to our clothes.