Boudoir Glamour Inc. #78

It did not take long for me to understand. This young woman was protected. She was not to be touched.

I nodded my head quickly to show that I understood.

But then, the woman took two of the men by their upper arms and shoved them apart.

Not a strike. Not a shove like others would do. She pushed them apart leaving them stable and standing.

She did the same for two other of these men in dark suits. Speaking words. Low in volume, but distinct. Like the ring of sea winds across a tall lamppost.

She stood center in the circle of men, which roughly included me.

She spoke in measured pauses and then lifted her eyes up to the men.

They regrouped in ranks off to the side of the crowd.

She then drew close to me (her hands behind her back), saying: "I am so sorry about that. I wonder if you would tell me about yourself."

The voice was so different than before. A slight accent, but otherwise perfectly clear and soft. As if, she had trained as a voice actor.

We stood amongst the crowd, where she gave a detailed history of the art on display.

I told her about my previous visits to this place.

She slid closer and asked: "I want to ask you some questions. Away from the men that circled you before. Do you know of place close by where we could talk privately?"

I knew of some places with century old architecture. Beautiful and mostly ignored. Just one building over and a quick walk away.

Out the side door here, into the next building, down some stairs. Exit that building at the north and we would be there.

She grabbed my wrist and was rushed off in tow. She was quick and strong.

I was flustered. Worried.

But she was touching me. I was not touching her. So maybe the men guarding her would not judge to hastily.

We dashed out the side door and an alarm started chirping.

She got to the other building but those the doors were locked.

I looked at the street we ran into.

I was absolutely empty.

It was never this empty.

Long black vehicles blocked both ends of the street.

I think she read my expression. Something was quite different. The building was locked. At least this side was locked.

She gave me a kind look, and jumped over me by using my shoulder like a long-jump pole.

When I turned to look, her back was stuck with two small tranquilizer darts.

She pulled my shirt collar so I was close to her face.

"Do not fight them. I will make this right. I promise you."

She turned and spoke in that manner from before. Like she was scolding children.

Tranquilizer darts hit my arm.

She caught me as I fell, holding my head.

She glowed again. Just like that first instant I saw her.

The glow became a full wash of fuzzy light.