Boudoir Glamour Inc. #86

I woke up. My legs were tired, but not sore. I found that really strange because it felt like we had walked for days to get here.

I felt very, very rested, and even more so when I saw her looking down at me.

She had on different clothes. That impression of shining I see around her was even stronger.

"Good new day, I rose at the early purification hour. During the time of communing, I answered many questions. That is good, it will let you get adjusted without prying looks or questions."

She helped me up, and walked me to a place of bathing. There were modest sized trees round the pool.

"Before you get into the pool and cleanse your body and soul. Ask me any question.. about life here.. about how things will proceed.

That kind of thing really helps during mediation."

As she walked me there, a saw two winged women sparing with swords. The swords moved so fast, it looked like a blur.