1.1: Prologue

Chapter 1.1: Prologue

"Useless nerd! Why don't you just take a swan dive off of the roof and pray that in your next life you aren't born as a Quirkless nobody," these words echoed in Midoriya Izuku's mind as he stared lifelessly at the paper in his hands. He had just finished writing a suicide note which explained in great detail why he was about to kill himself.

Since he found out he was destined to be Quirkless at age four, Izuku's once-cheerful life quickly degraded. For ten years, he endured the constant harassment and bullying of his peers; of society. In a world where not all men were born equal, everyone could qualitatively measure another's worth and to the Quirkless, who had no advantage in the superhuman society, they amounted to little more than pests.

Nobody, not even his mother, the only relative he could count on, had given him a chance and believed in him after learning of his life-long status. The children where the most honest of society as they directly belittled him, even those with Quirks that were arguably more detrimental to their owners, than his Quirkless self. Where 80% of the population had some sort of Quirk, and most of the remaining 20% were elders of past generations, the Quirkless kids of today, like Izuku, were shunned with supreme prejudice.

The teachers feigned ignorance when he was bullied and all those he introduced himself to looked at him with a wide spectrum of disgust. The most polite hid it in their eyes, while the brash publicly and brutally humiliated him. "Normal" humans, the Quirkless of the era before Quirks caused a paradigm shift, naturally wouldn't be able to handle such extreme and perpetual rejection; and Izuku was no different.

He grew up unable to socialize well, with only bullies and the indifferent surrounding him on a day to day basis. The only solace he had to cope with was his more-than supportive mom, who at least treated him lovingly, and his undying love for heroes. Well, the second part of that had just been crushed and with it came the feelings of worthlessness that drove Izuku to his current position.

Recently, he had encountered his previous idol, the number one pro hero All Might. Yet, after asking him the same question he had asked countless times to countless people, he received the same answer, "No, you can't be a hero… Young man, you have to be realistic… You have a good heart, why not pursue a career with the police or firefighting?" His explanation was rooted in pragmatism and while he was more encouraging than the overwhelming majority of people he had asked that question, his rejection came as destructive as the rest; if not even more so.

'If even All Might doesn't think I can be a hero, why bother?' All his life, even when he was but a toddler, the only thing he wanted was to become a hero; to help people and better society. But such a cruel world simply rejected his existence; his desire. When he found out he was Quirkless, instead of being encouraged, he was shunned. His mother even apologized to him, leaving behind the subconscious understanding in the boy that she too was sorry for his existence; sorry that she had given birth to such a useless son.

His once-best friend developed an amazing and versatile Quirk and with his attitude, there was no question that he would become a great hero in the future. But instead of sticking with him during the darkest of times, he further pushed Izuku into the abyss. All these years, he had assaulted Izuku, if not daily, then every other day; if not physically, then verbally. He was actually the one who told Izuku to commit suicide. Sadly, this prompt came mere hours before Izuku met All Might and had his world finally collapse.

Now, life simply wasn't worth living anymore. With his dreams crushed, that final hope he had been keeping for himself now gone, Izuku seriously considered committing suicide and decided to go through with it. 'Why bother living when everyone around me despises my presence? Why bother studying when I'll hardly have a chance to earn a living when a big fat "QUIRKLESS" is printed on my resume? Why continue this never-ending life of torment...'

Izuku sighed as he slid the note under his pillow before sneaking out of his room through the window. As he thought about his mother while heading over to the place where he would end his life, he couldn't help but shed a tear. Though, after reassuring himself that she would be better off not having to pay for such a useless waste such as himself, he quietly trekked with his head facing the ground.

Eventually, he found himself standing on the very same roof where his hopes and dreams were crushed by All Might. There, he braved the wind as he climbed up on the railing and looked up at the moon. It was a new moon that night, and in such a desolate place with nary a person in sight, Izuku let his body fall over to the street, 10 stories down.

Even as he felt time slow to a crawl with the ground fast approaching, Izuku barely reacted. The pain that was his life would promptly end, so he was eerily at peace. In what felt like half a minute later, Izuku's vision instantly darkened and his senses failed him; he was thoroughly dead.

IMPORTANT: I'm not plagiarizing from Fanfiction.net; My account over there, GengXin, is BrightDawn here on Webnovel. To clear any doubts, I've updated Chapter 1 on Fanfiction.net to confirm that these are my accounts. At the bottom of the chapter there as well as on the synopsis for the fic on this site, you can find my explanation~