6.3: You're A Healer, Too?!

Chapter 6.3: You're A Healer, Too?!

Izuku walked over to the girl and was initially a bit shocked by her appearance. In the current Quirked society, humans came in various forms, all manner of colors and with endless oddities which might never have even been conceived 200 or so years ago; before the existence of Quirks. The girl before Izuku simply had an appearance that was a bit estranged even for someone who was once a hero fanatic.

Possessing pink skin and hair, along with sclera of the eyes that were pitch black and housed golden irises, and also horns, the girl before Izuku would be more accurately described to be a humanoid than a human. Nevertheless, Izuku treated her as he would anyone else. After he had gotten over his initial period of shock, he asked, "Aside from your bruised and torn left ankle, is there anywhere else you are injured?"

"Nah, not really. I mean, because of my Quirk, my skin's in a pretty bad state right now from producing so much acid, but that shouldn't count as an injury..." The girl looked a bit rattled and understandably so. As the ruble that previously imprisoned her had pinned her belly-side up, she had seen the boy before her actions before he descended like a war god.

"Ok, I think I can fix that too," Izuku muttered to himself, just barely loud enough for the girl to hear him. He didn't intend for that to happen as he then said, "With your permission, would you let me heal you?" Despite being a licensed doctor, having years worth of experience and possessing a desire to help everyone he possibly could, Izuku wasn't above asking for consent from the people that were lightly hurt. The only time this might not apply would be should the recipient of his treatment by just a hair shy of literally dying.

"You're a healer, too?!" The girl gasped disbelieving the reality presented before her. 'This guy can fly, pack a punch, and heal too?' He could do a lot more than that, but it was natural for her not to know that.

"Mhmm… Usually, I could only be considered a doctor, but since your injuries are still relatively light and fresh, my power can heal them." After pondering thoughtfully, Izuku explained his case as simply as he could vaguely.

"Doctor? Ah, whatever, do your thing~" The smile she flashed Izuku, causing him to take a step back. Never had he been the recipient of such a carefree smile. He might have seen a couple of actors on the television or his computer monitor express something similar, but never had anyone in his two relatively short lifetimes directed one at him; nevermind a nice girl, like the one before him.

Izuku did away with his nonsensical thoughts before his eyes transformed into heterochromatic stars of dazzling cyan and gold; one pupil shaped like a horizontal slit while the other, a vertical slit. Spatial Awareness concentrated on the girl's ankle first and foremost before his unrestrained power over Time washed over her wound. Immediately, her wound clotted over and then began to draw from the fabric of reality itself as time rewound and her wound began stitching itself back together.

Within a couple of seconds, the cyan aura around the girl's ankle wound dispersed across the rest of her body, though it mostly concentrated on her hands and feet, and within the minute, Izuku finished healing her as promised. Awestruck as she felt completely fine, albeit a tad bit tired from all the running around she did during the practical exam, the girl loudly shouted, "Dude, that was freaking epic! How'd you do it?"

Before he could answer… "AND STOP! THE PRACTICAL EXAM IS… OVER!" Present Mic's voice boomed across all seven Mock Cities. Around Izuku and the still hyped pink-skinned girl, what remained of the mock villains instantly stopped and started retreating to where ever they came from; probably to be stored for a different exercise in the future. From a distance, Izuku could see people start to converge on his location as they were beyond curious to see what kind of monstrosity had utterly annihilated the 0-pointer.

Izuku could see some people that were injured walking in his direction, thus, as he felt his altruistic compulsion acting up, he turned to the girl he had helped and said, "I can control spacetime. All I did was rewind time on the site of your injuries to make it so they never happened in the first place. Sorry, I better get going, there are others that look injured that I could be helping." He gave the girl a short bow in mild embarrassment for cutting their conversation short, but the years worth of clinic duty had ingrained in him this sort of skill as it wasn't uncommon for emergencies to arrive at a moment's notice.

What surprised Izuku was that even after taking his leave by the pink-skinned girl's side, she still followed him around without another word. Yet for some reason, he was neither annoyed nor creeped out by the sudden stalker he had gained. Instead, once he got closer to some of the more injured looking examinees, Izuku patiently asked them the same question he had to the pink-skinned girl.

Nearly a quarter of an hour passed before Izuku finished put healing up the rest of the injured examinees from his Practical Site. The pink-skinned girl was surprisingly the most injured out of everyone there; she was the only one to have shed blood — from her ankle as a result of the ruble crashing down on her. As was the case, Izuku barely had to expend any mental power, though once it was all combined with the mental strength he had used to fight — especially during that final all-out attack against the 0-pointer — Izuku was more fatigued than he anticipated.

He was just about to sit down and take a rest when from behind an old and weathered feminine voice called out to him, "That's a nifty skill you got there, sonny."

Turning around, Izuku's fatigue seemed to completely evaporate as struggled to contain his excitement. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but point towards the sky as his eyes gleamed with excitement and he said, "Y-you are the Youthful Heroine, Recovery Girl?" The disbelief in his voice made his statement sound more like a question.