9.2: Foundational Heroics Class

Chapter 9.2: Foundational Heroics Class

Time passed rather quickly, so before the students knew it they were back to their classrooms ready to get through their afternoon classes for the day. Now seated in his assigned spot in the middle row of the column furthest away from the door, Izuku's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he felt slight reverberations — presumably footsteps — approach from outside the class.

His expression bordered on incendiary had anyone turned to look at him at that moment, but they were too caught up as a surprise in the form of the number one pro hero burst through the door, ironically yelling, "I am… Walking in like a normal person!" Apparently, All Might would be working at U.A. starting this year as the teacher for Foundational Heroics.

As he awkwardly strolled into the classroom, making his way over to the podium for his first class, some students couldn't help but gasp and made sideways comments.

Kaminari started by carelessly blurting, "Yo, It's All Might! He's really gonna teach us."

Asui followed up by tilting her in thought as she said, "He's wearing his Silver Age Costume."

"Truly, a fully-fledged hero is a cut above the rest! I hope we can all measure up by the time we graduate." Iida chopped.

"Now is the time for Basic Hero Training!" All Might started, "In this class you'll all be put through the wringer, experiencing countless exercise and special training procedures to mold you into the next generation of heroes! We have no time to waste, so off we go..." he pulled out a card, flashing it to the class as he finished, "...to Battle Training!"

Even out of sight, the majority of the class could feel a certain explosive blond's eagerness as he faintly whispered, "Battle?" Anyone looking in Bakugo's direction at that moment would have no doubt seen one of the most malicious smiles humanly possible. With teeth exposed and all, Bakugo could only think, 'Perfect! Time to show all these idiots who's the top dog...'

"But for that," All Might continued, as he fiddled with a remote. As he finished inputting a code, compartments embedded in the walls of the classroom opened up to reveal cabinets line with suitcases which were confirmed to hold the student's hero costumes as All Might said, "You'll need these."

As he began to hand out the cases, he said, "In accordance with the information shared with us through the Quirk Registry and all the personal requests you were asked to submit before being admitted, we've completed all of your..."

"Costumes!" The class practically gushed with enthusiasm as everyone, regardless of the mood they had come into class with before, saw this as a pivotal moment in their lives.

As All Might passed Momo, the last student in the seating order, her case, he said, "Off you go to get changed. After that, I want you all to gather in Grounds Beta for today's class." Before letting them all go, however, he encouraged, "Looking good is very important, young men and women. So look alive! Because from today going forward, you're all heroes!"

At the predetermined Grounds Beta, Class 1-A reassembled looking spick and spam. Iida and Aoyama were both clad in armor, while most everyone else wore suits of one kind or another. Aside from Jiro and Kaminari, who wore rather casual clothes, and Hagakure, who wore no clothes at all aside from a pair of gloves and boots, the remaining girls wore skin-tight suits.

Kaminari matched Jiro's aesthetic, while the rest of the boys had wildly varying costumes. Some, like Shoji, Sero, Sato, and Mineta, wore skin-tight bodysuits, while others were more… unique. Kirishima, for one, forgoed clothing his upper body to facilitate his Quirk, while Bakugo looked like a commando eager to wage war as his costume had a heavy motif on "The Militant Look;" he had grenadier bracers attached to his hands, for god's sake. Then there was Tokoyami, whose costume amounted to little more than a black cloak, and Ojiro, who wore a karate gi.

Lastly, Todoroki and Izuku were in the same camp of wearing proper suits. But where Todoroki had the left side covered in ice, making him look like a demon of sorts, Izuku simply looked like a young entrepreneur; the concept of fighting, being foreign to all that look at him at first glance.

"Damn," Mina smirked as she circled Izuku, inspecting him as if she was appraising a treasure, "You really dressed to impress, huh?"

"Mhmm… Thanks. You also look," He hesitated to think of the proper words that could describe her costume, before finally saying, "rather impressive..." On first impression, he would have said that her estranged green and purple psychedelic bodysuit and jacket looked intimidating atop her inhuman body, and though that would have been a compliment as it would probably prove useful in demoralizing villains in the future, in the end, Mina was still a girl; a girl that he didn't want to antagonize needlessly. So naturally, he went with a more compliment-sounding… compliment.

"Midoriya-san is quite dashing in his costume," Iida nodded to himself before his eyebrows scrunched and he added, "though I wonder how the suit is supposed to help you out in the field."

Happy to explain at least the main benefit of his costume, Izuku said, "I'm sure we all have equipment and we all know it's not just the clothes that make the costume, right?" Seeing Iida nod, Izuku smiled as he showed everyone the small cube of titanium he had chained to his right pant pocket.

As he played with the cube, he said, "This suit mostly just to keep things covert, after all, you wouldn't expect someone dressed like me to be a pro hero right?"

"I'd think you were a banker or something, first," said Asui as she stared at him play with the cube in his hand.

"Right, and since I can use my powers from a distance it doesn't at all affect me. However, with a bit of spatial power, I managed to make a little pocket dimension in this here cube to store most of my hero equipment."

"DID YOU SAY P-POCKET DIMENSION?" Kaminari practically manifested actual fires of excitement from his eyes as he approached Izuku at lightning-fast speeds.

Sighing, as he activated the cube's already set extradimensional space, Izuku nodded as he said. "It took a couple of months of constant work and failures, but eventually I got this titanium cube to develop about ten cubic meters worth of space."

He pulled out a vast array of items including extra sets of clothes — including but not limited to: extra copies of his hero suit, combat appropriate attire, and casual clothes of all shapes and sizes — medical equipment, throwing knives, capture batons, and a pair of gauntlets and boots.

After he re-stored the items he produced from his cube, as most of the class watched on with reactions varying from full-on fascination to mild surprise, All Might gathered everyone's attention to begin the day's activity. "Alright everyone, today we're kicking the year off strong with Antipersonnel Indoor Battle Training."

Bringing his hand over to his chin, All Might elaborated by saying, "You see, while most recorded instances of villain attacks are outside, in reality, the most heinous of crimes are committed indoors. Between kidnapping, organized crime, and confinement, the most intelligent of villains always lurk indoors."

"So today," he finally got to what they would be doing during class, "You'll all be split up into teams of two and battle it out to simulate two-on-two hero vs villain battles!"

"We're skipping basic training, then?" Asui asked, perplexed.

All Might held up a clenched fist as he said, "I firmly believe that practical experiences will teach you more and at a faster rate."

"What determines victory?" Momo deadpanned.

"Can't I just blast my way to victory?" Bakugo glared at the ground.

"You're not going to threaten us with expulsion like Aizawa-sensei, right?" Uraraka shrunk back as she prepared for the worst and hoped for the best.

"How will teams be picked?!" Iida chopped…

"Mon ami, my cape is magnifique, non?" Aoyama sparkled.

Naturally, as all these questions were shot at a rate that was impossible for All Might to properly respond, he grew aggravated, thinking, 'Gah! One at a time! My Quirk isn't Super Hearing...'

All Might waved for his noisy students to silence themselves before he said, "Listen up… The villains will be holding a pretend nuclear bomb that the heroes will have to take care of. The heroes will have a limited amount of time to get ahold of the bomb, they will win if they touch it or capture the villains before time runs out. The villains win if they capture the heroes or manage to protect the bomb until the time limit expires. As for how the teams will be picked," All Might summoned a ballot box and flatly state, "It'll be random."

"Wh- Is that really the best way?" Iida gasped.

"Often, pros have to work with other heroes from different agencies at a moment's notice during a crisis, so this will just add another layer of realism, understand?" Izuku explained.

"I apologize for getting ahead of myself!" Iida bowed.