Chapter 11.3: Kindled Training Spirit
"Midoriya dude, you doing alright after yesterday?" Kaminari asked as he walked towards Izuku to meet him halfway.
"Me? I'm fine, but you guys… Are you all here for training?"
"I sure as hell am! Mina told me you're pretty brutal, but you methods lead to results and I don't want to be useless like I was in the USJ," Kaminari said.
"I concur wholeheartedly!" Iida bowed before Izuku.
"Tch! I'm just here to scout your training, so I can surpass it and ruin you in the Sport's Festival," Bakugo, the peer Izuku least expected to see, scoffed.
Lastly, one quiet and emotionless Todoroki simply pointed at Bakugo and nodded with a fierce look paradoxically manifesting in his eyes.
"Well alright then, let's get today's training started," Izuku said, as his mood improved.
"What's it going to be today?" Kirishima started, "Are starting with the same half a thousand reps of jumping jacks?" Izuku simply nodded. Though unbeknownst to all that didn't pay close enough attention to his eyes, he completed his set, not just in one go, but also under double the gravity a normal person experienced. Hagakure, who would occasionally steal glances his way, figured his ridiculousness by the faint purple color that washed over his emerald eyes.
Next on the training menu were push-ups as Izuku held a philosophy of avoiding overtraining by targeting different muscle groups with each subsequent exercise. Though, as he subjected himself to intensified gravity and completed a whole thousand reps in sets of two-hundred-fifty, Hagakure could only manage three-hundred in sets of seventy-five. Kaminari and Iida were only marginally better, being able to complete four-hundred in sets of hundreds. While Kirishima, Mina, Bakugo, and Todoroki managed to keep up with Izuku; albeit under normal gravitational pressure.
Moving on up to squats, as the group made head-way into their goal of a thousand total, they were surprised to see another one of their classmates arrive. Momo, having been held back by her worried parents only managed to slip past them nearly an hour ago, but since she couldn't rely on them to get to the beach, she had to jog there.
Humorously, when she finally arrived, she found nearly everyone feigning death as they were at the precipice of completing their individual efforts in squatting. Izuku was the only one who pressed on with hardly a pained look on his face, while Bakugo, Mina and Todoroki only looked mildly exhausted as their faces strained to complete a thousand squats. Hagakure, Kaminari, Iida, and Kirishima were all lying on the sand spread-eagle as they managed to complete, 350, 475, 500, and 800 reps respectively before giving out.
'Dear god… And I thought I had it rough just getting here...' Momo thought, suddenly realizing the very real possibility that this might not go over well for her. She integrated into the group with little trouble as Izuku readily accepted people into his boot camp of sorts. Though, she, like most people on their first time participating, debated whether to continue or not after sit-ups were picked as the next exercise.
Yes… Everything they had done until now was just a warm-up, as Izuku gave them half an hour to 'try' to complete 1,500 sit-ups. He made it sound easy by stating, "All you have to do is complete one sit-up per second for twenty-five 'short' minutes or just fifty reps a minute." But in reality, even the class' powerhouses in Bakugo and Todoroki barely squeezed out enough reps and even Mina, who had done similar routines a couple times, couldn't match Izuku's pace.
The rest of the newcomers all failed to meet the 1,500 rep goal, but at least they were properly warmed-up enough to make it halfway through. Momo on the other hand, struggled to barely reached 500 reps.
Next up were chin-ups and by then, Izuku's insanity was starting to shine through as he rather calmly declared 1,200 reps to be the goal. Skeptics would think Izuku was using his powers over Time to lessen the stress he faced by extending his time limit by an unknown amount. But even then, it would be forgiven the moment they learned he was actually under increased the gravitational pressure he faced to complete the exercise.
Following the trend of core, upper-body, and finally, lower-body, Izuku ended the routine by making everyone complete a kilometer through lunges… By the end of it all, nearly four hours had passed and literally everyone but himself were at the precipice of death — or at least it felt that way. But that was only the physical conditioning aspected of training and there was still Quirk Development!
Fortunately, teenage excitement of the prospect of improving one's personal Quirk somehow reduced the time spent recovering and since Izuku had already worked out what Kirishima, Mina, and Hagakure could do to improve their Quirks, he could leave them to their own devices as he moved on to the newcomers.
Walking over to Kaminari, Izuku sized him as he said, "I've already thought up a couple ways you could enhance your Quirk. From its power to versatility, it's a very strong Quirk. But your lack of control needs to be addressed… So," he gave the blond a pat on the shoulder which only intensified his look of pity as he concluded, "Let's get you better acquainted with your Electrification Quirk."
"Why are you looking at me like this is the last we'll ever see of each other?" Kaminari shed a tear of sweat.
"Here's what I plan to do," Izuku began, "I'm going to need you to first understand your Quirk, so..." For the next couple minutes, Kaminari repeatedly fried his brain, as he would put it, making use of Izuku's ability to rewind time until he discovered the spectrum of his Electrification. It was a mentally scarring process to say the least, but in the end, Kaminari found his maximum sustainable electrification at around 200,000 volts. From then on, the goal for Kaminari became simple. He was to remain with his Quirk activated at that level for as long as he could bear the strain; if possible, while moving around would be for the best.
"Whey~" Though Kaminari was still left in a half-retarded state, it was good enough as a start.
Izuku moved away from Iida and similarly sized him up before presenting his suggestion. There wasn't much to say for Iida as his Quirk, while definitely useful and effective, was rather simplistic. He was left with a simple dual sprinter-endurance runner diet in that he would train for both longer stamina and explosive power from the engines on his calves.
As for Bakugo and Todoroki, the two powerhouses of Class 1-A only second to Izuku himself, the greatest training Izuku could advise for them at the moment was neither for the improvement of their strength or control; both had ample proficiency in either category. They were like Izuku in that their base power and control could still be improved, but what they truly needed was experience; lots and lots of experience. So, it was pure sparring for them.
Last of all, Izuku arrived before Momo. He had several ideas for how to improve her Quirk, too, however, there were certain limitations to her Quirk that left Izuku staring for too long. Eventually, Momo couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze, so she took a step back and asked, "Is there something I can help you with?"
"Mhmm..." Izuku ignored her question as he began to ramble, "Out of everyone here, your Quirk is the only one whose use is tied to a resource other than stamina. You use your body fat to fuel your Creation Quirk, right?"
"See, that's where the problem lies," Izuku shook his head in frustration, "We simply can't have you overtraining your Quirk as it won't just fatigue you. It could also lead to your body's health overall deteriorating."
"Ok, but can't I just order food to sustain myself while training?"
"As a doctor, I wouldn't recommend it. Binge eating to refill your supply of fat and quickly exhausting that fat repeatedly could form an eating disorder. But then again, this is for your Quirk, which probably adapted your body to the irregular consumption anyway, and I'll be around to monitor you should negative side effects manifest."
"Alrighty then~" Momo pulled out her phone before asking, "What should order for all of us?"
"Uh, you're better off asking the others," Izuku admitted.
"Hamburgers," was Kaminari's response.
"Natto and okra, please~" was Mina's.
"I would greatly appreciate beef stew," responded the ever-verbose Iida.
"Anything with meat is good enough for me," responded the manly Kirishima.
"I prefer sweets, so it'll probably go better if you take someone else's suggestion," said Hagakure as she sighed.
"Cold Soba," was all that was said from Todoroki.
"Tch, piss off and don't disrupt our training again Ponytail!" Bakugo's surprisingly tame response humored Izuku.
Momo shrugged off Bakugo's brash personality as she, like most of the class, had gotten used to it; as they had Todoroki's borderline antisocial tendencies. Somehow she ordered everyone's favorite foods in ample quantities to supply her training and until it arrived, she and Izuku discussed ways to improve her Quirk.
"...So, while I think it's fine for you to know so many material compositions and study so hard, I think it would be more practical if you focused on creating the objects you'll mostly be using repeatedly. For example, in an ambush like the one we survived at the USJ, you said you were left to fight with only Kaminari and Jiro against a horde of villains, right?"
Seeing her nod, he continued, "What if you were left all alone?" He didn't need her to verbally respond as her pale face said more than she ever could, so he concluded, "See, without teammates giving you the support and time to make things with your Creation Quirk, you'll be put in dire circumstances. So, for now, working on the speed of your Creation Quirk's process is probably for the best and to make it as efficient as possible, I'd recommend you continue creating a single object until it becomes part of your muscle memory; where you don't even have to consciously think about it."
Impressively, it only took ten minutes for ALL the orders to be delivered; a fact even more absurd, considering they were in a rather ambiguous stretch of the beach. So, after everyone indulged in the foods Momo ordered, they all returned to work on improving their Quirks.
Bakugo and Todoroki were still adamant of fighting each other until one gave out, while Iida found a sparring partner in Kirishima. Momo obviously couldn't spar as she had just started the process of increasing the building rate of her Creation Quirk, while Kaminari also struggled to even move with his Quirk activated to the maximum tolerable level. Mina was close to making a breakthrough in her remote manipulation of her Acid Quirk, so Izuku could only turn to Hagakure.