12.1: Making Plans

Chapter 12.1: Making Plans

Five weekdays passed without anything straying from what had become routine. In preparation for the Sport's Festival, Class 1-A's Foundational Hero Classes mostly revolved around personal training wherein a third of the class went into short exercises while the rest of the class was given to the students to improve however best they saw fit. Call it lazy or wasteful, All Might was adamant about instilling a sense of personal work ethic into his students as it would be up to them to keep up with their training after they graduated and became fully licensed pros.

Of course, while the students were left to their own devices, they weren't entirely left to fend for themselves as their homeroom teacher, any other pros that dropped by, and the legendary number one pro hero himself were at their beck and call to answer any questions or guide them sensibly.

Then again some were more into the personal training than others and being part of Izuku's training group became synonymous with belonging to the camp of the hardest workers. All attributed to the fact that group training was allowed and Izuku's methods were encouraged; and for good reason, too.

Simply watching their more dedicated peers in Izuku and company train like soldiers enlisted in the most fearsome special operations groups for the military subtly made the rest of the class that much more into training themselves. To a lesser point, it even inspired the likes of Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and Uraraka to join in on Izuku's borderline torturous routine; if only for the time allotted for the class. Though after class only the most die-hard and competitive of the group joined in after school for Izuku's full training menu.

Still, training or not, everything was stable at least until the weekend rolled around. Even before then, plans were set in motion to add an extra bit of variance. All of it beginning one Wednesday night as Izuku sat by his computer indulging in a bit of media consumption when his phone vibrated.

Picking it up, he found that Uraraka had sent him a message, saying, "Say, Midoriya-san about last weekend, sorry for bailing on you. I know I said I'd come by the beach so that we could experiment with our gravity powers, but with the USJ incident, I really needed to take the full break."

Squinting at the text, Izuku rapidly fired back a message of his own, saying, "Didn't we already talked about this during our F.H. (Foundational Heroics) Class? Like I said then, you don't have to feel bad about missing our first get-together. I understand we all went through something pretty traumatic where our lives were on the line, so keeping to yourself at that time was totally normal."

"Sorry again anyways," Uraraka's next message came in, "I just wanted to tell you in private like this to get an accurate response. I wouldn't want you thinking I was using our class being around while we were at school as an excuse to sweep this under the rug."

"Its fine," Izuku begrudgingly sent out for the final time, before asking, "But are we still good for this Saturday? Again, don't feel pressured to come if you don't want to. Though, if you do come, remember it's all for the purpose of training, so you might see a couple of our classmates, too."

"I'll be there~" Was the last message Uraraka sent before the conversation went silent.

Coincidentally, however, not half an hour later, as Izuku was still on his computer he felt his phone start to vibrating again. This time, a random number he didn't have in his contacts texted, "Alright Mr. Five-time National Champion, it's been a week since the attack, so I think you've rested for long enough."

'Oh, it's Kendo?' Izuku thought before sighing as he replied, "What are you planning?"

As she typed away her response, Izuku saved her number in his list of increasing contacts and by the time he finished, a new message was received, stating, "Well, I know you've been training in isolation somewhere. Even if it wasn't for the Sport's Festival, I know your types can't and won't stop. Now, normally I'd have bugged you to tell me the time and place I'd have to be to finally get my best sparring partner back. BUT! We're class presidents for our respective class, so I thought we could arrange for it such that willing members of each of our class can also join in on the fun~"

Reading through that wall of text within half a second, Izuku smiled psychotically as he almost broke his phone from typing too fast to say, "I already have around half my class joining me on a training boot camp for the Sports Festival. I personally wouldn't mind the idea of training with you guys, but after Monday's fiasco, I don't know how well received my peers will be to the idea. Give me a day to talk it over with them and if I can get a short announcement out during homeroom, I'll have an answer for you tomorrow afternoon."

Met with a wall of Ascii Art and a "goodnight" from Kendo, Izuku's slightly eventful day came to an end. The next morning, however, the day kicked off with Izuku beaming as he walked into class. He didn't have to wait long for Aizawa to enter the room as the man always arrived around five to ten seconds before class started, and after he finished his round of announcements, Izuku raised his hand to get called upon.

Admittedly concerned over Izuku's odd enthusiasm, Aizawa said, "What is it Midoriya?"

"Yesterday, Class 1-B's class president and I discussed a potential cooperation of our classes to train afterschool for the upcoming Sports Festival. With your permission, I'd like to go into more detail about the potential get-together."

Looking at his watch, Aizawa gave Izuku a nod as he started zipping up within his sleeping bag and said, "Just finish your announcement before Present Mic arrives for English Class."

Happy to see his plan get past Aizawa, Izuku rose up and went over to the podium and began, "So, first I'd like to mention that I haven't exactly given a yes or a no to Class 1-B's president. Initially, I wanted to set up the cooperative training camp at the beach where we normally train, but without unanimous agreement from those of us who've already been going, I won't go through with setting that up as our meeting point."

"Second, I'd like to mention my biases in supporting the get-together. As most of you already know, I'm both acquainted with Class 1-B's president, Itsuka Kendo, and I'm kind of obsessed with training." Those that had known Izuku from the afterschool training camps all started shedding cold sweat at the mention of his "obsession."

"Lastly, I want to stress the pros and cons of this collaborative training. I'm sure we all know that the Hero Department here at U.A. only has two classes; us in 1-A and them in 1-B. Participating in the training camp will give us an opportunity to see our sister class' Quirks firsthand; or at least those of them that decide to participate. I know this is a double-edged sword as they'll get to see our Quirks as well, but alongside that, by participating in the training we can also bond with and improve our reputation as a Class."

"So," with his piece said, he asked, "Any thoughts, questions, or comments?"

"Tch!" Bakugo, not very pleased it seemed, said, "Caring about our reputation with those rejects is stupid and pointless."

"So, you're against the training camp with them, then?"

"Hell fucking no, I ain't! Like you said, it'll be a good chance to see what kind of second rate Quirks those losers have. Not like their going to beat me and my Explosions, but I'd rather not retardedly miss out on the chance to take inventory of their abilities. Losing like Icy-Hot did to you is the last thing I want happening in the Sports Festival of all places."

"Bakugo, language!" Iida chopped in his direction, "However do you plan on becoming a hero with that kind of attitude?!"

Knowing by now that arguing with the choppy Engine Quirked speedster of the class was a pointless endeavor, Bakugo simply scoffed and ignored the tall blue-haired boy.

"Um, about this training camp," Sato, a boy Izuku had yet to talk to yet, started, "what exactly will you guys be doing?"

"Well, usually we head to our training spot after school and spend around four hours doing 'basic' exercises before we begin training our Quirks." Before Aizawa could unzip his sleeping bag and tell Izuku off, he added, "We train at the beach where nowadays there are hardly any people and the damage our Quirk's might do is consumed by the sand or the ocean; even when it isn't I just used my Time powers to revert the beach back to its original state."

Again, the mention of basic exercising caused nearly half the class to shiver in fright. But then a stark silence consumed the class as no one else seemed to have anything to say. After five seconds, Izuku asked, "Is there anyone against having Class 1-B come to our usual spot in Dagobah beach, then?"

No one was against it, so Izuku continued, "Ok then, how many of you plan to attend the cooperative training?" In response to his question, the usual suspects in Izuku's original training group rose their hands along with new additions in Shoji, Ojiro, and Sato. Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and Uraraka promising they would go, but only in preparation for the Sport's Festival.

Later that day, after school, as Izuku walked with his group for another training session, he texted Kendo saying, "I got like three-quarters of my class to agree. You have any luck?"

With the second, Kendo was typing away and before five seconds passed, Izuku received a message, saying, "Well... Only half my class agreed to come." Though it was obvious she was bummed out by the fact, all Izuku got out of the message was that ten new additions to his hellish training had delivered themselves to him. It meant he would discover ten more Quirks U.A. deemed hero-worthy.

Izuku replied, "Great, so when do you want to start these dual-class training sessions?"

"It's already Thursday, so let's just say next Monday to give us a week."

"Alright, I'll send you the details later."