A**** VS B****

"So tell me, what's your name?"

Hesitant for a moment, the lady revealed her name to him.

"Bisha ... My name is Fujisaki Bisha."

Genesis nodded and asked.

"Tell me, what were you doing at night in this quarter? You know for a girl it's rather dangerous to go out at night in these quarter?"

Bisha lowered her head and tears rose to her eyes.

"Something bad happened to me, so I went to drink, but ..."

Genesis shook his head and replied: "Drinking to drown out your sorrows is not effective. At least you should have been accompanied. If I hadn't intervened, can you imagine what would have happened to you?"

Bisha lowered her head, sliding her golden hair down in front of her eyes. Her body shook remembering what it would be like if Genesis wasn't there.

Normally, she could beat a group of men easily, but being drunk, and emotionally exhausted, she had no strength in her body, which is why she had to be raped by these hooligans.

After a short moment of silence, Bisha spoke to Genesis who was sitting in front of her.

"Thank you for saving me then I would be eternally grateful to you." Bisha tilted her head towards Genesis with emotion.

Sighing in his heart, Genesis slapped Bisha's forehead and responded.

"You don't need to thank me, I would have saved anyone in this situation. After all I hate these despicable types of people." Genesis said with frozen eyes.

Rubbing her forehead in a cute fashion, Bisha looked at Genesis gratefully, and her lavender eyes were lost in Genesis' gray eyes. As Bisha stared into Genesis' eyes, Akiza walked out of the kitchen with some hot dishes.

"Genesis! It's ready, at the table."

Genesis stood up and walked to the dining room, motioning for Bisha to follow him.

Dinner passed in silence, with Akiza glancing at Bisha from time to time. When dinner was over, Akiza with the help of Genesis, cleaned the dishes, leaving Bisha alone.

The next two hours were spent watching television.

When it came time to go to sleep, Bisha felt uncomfortable because she didn't know what to do.

As she eyed Genesis and Akiza nervously, she saw Genesis come to her with clothes in her hands.

"Here, this is one of my pyjamas for tonight. After all, Akiza's would be a bit small. Besides, you can't sleep in your uniform after all."

Bisha nodded, as she was currently wearing her work outfit, which consisted of a white shirt with a black tie, tight black pants showing off her long legs, boots that reached her knees, and finally a black long coat with red inside.

With a slight blush, she asked, "Where could I change?"

Genesis directed her to an empty room, where she could sleep tonight as well.

After Bisha left, Genesis found himself staring at Akiza.


Staring at Genesis, Akiza turned away and walked towards her bedroom with a pout.

Genesis looked at Akiza's back with a bitter gaze, knowing what she was thinking. However, Genesis refused to become a bastard ... at least again.

After Akiza left, a few minutes later, Bisha left her room and stood in front of Genesis.

Bisha wore red pyjamas with wide sides, but it had a tempting side. The most noticeable things were his chest which pressed the front of the pyjamas, and at the level of the hips which were particularly visible.

With a blush on her cheeks.

"Thanks for the pyjamas…" Bisha had an uncertain face, and Genesis asked.

"Why do you have that face? Are you uncomfortable here?"

Hurriedly shaking her hands, Bisha hurried to explain.

"What ?! No, no, it's just… I don't know how to thank you."

Striking Bisha's forehead again, Genesis replied, "You don't need to thank me, just go to sleep and tomorrow call your loved ones to reassure them."

After that Genesis walked to his room, and entered it. After entering, Genesis rubbed his forehead, staring at a certain part of his body, and he whispered to himself: "... Damn puberty ..."

On the other hand, Bisha who had entered her room, was rolling on the bed, and she kept thinking about all the events of today. Thinking back to all these events, she couldn't help but remember those grey eyes ...


In the middle of the night, as New Domino City calmed down, a tall slender figure moved silently through an apartment.

She entered a room discreetly without making a sound, and closed it just as discreetly.

In the bedroom was a sleeping young man, wearing black and red pyjamas.

Approaching him discreetly, the figure approached the young man stealthily. As she approached him, the figure was revealed by the moonlight.

She was a divine woman, six feet tall, with long hair that reached her feet, and curls at the end. She had pale skin, which made her purple eyes glow in the night. She had a stunning figure, long sexy legs, divine hips, and a generous breast.

The woman leaned into Genesis' face, her eyes feverish. The moment her lips touched Genesis, she felt her whole body shake. Closing her eyes to enjoy her first kiss, Bisha lost track of time. After a few seconds, Bisha pulled her lips away and opened her eyes, however, she froze when she saw that Genesis' eyes were open.

"It's- It's-…"

As she froze, Genesis reached out and grabbed her arm to pull her into bed. Without the strength to resist, Bisha found herself squeezed by Genesis' body, staring her in the eyes. Bisha couldn't do anything in front of Genesis, she felt she had no strength in her body. Her hair was scattered all over the bed in a sexy manner, and her pyjamas were open at chest level, leaving a deep ravine exposed.

"What are you doing here ?"

Bisha stuttered, not knowing what to say.

Genesis narrowed his eyes, and his hand stroked Bisha's body, weaving her hand to move towards her chest, sliding her hand under the pyjamas.

"You sneaked into my bedroom to kiss me. You know, although I have some control over myself, if a gorgeous woman like you kisses me in my sleep, I won't know how to hold back." Genesis said, squeezing her chest with the hand that had taken off her bra, and looking into her purple eyes.

Bisha blushed under Genesis' gaze, and a hot breath left her mouth. Suddenly, Genesis released its grip, and stood up from Bisha's body.

"Leave. Leave my room before I or you do something that you regret."

Sitting on the bed, Bisha was breathing heavily. Her hair was a mess in front of her face, and with her bra undone, part of her chest was visible.

Genesis looked away, for he was having a hard time holding back. As he tried to calm himself down, he felt his body pressed down on the bed. Looking up, he saw Bisha above him, her hair flowing, and her pajamas open, showing her chest openly.

Genesis' gaze was fixed on his chest, when Bisha lowered her face and kissed Genesis with a wild, but inexperienced kiss.

Not wanting to be dominated, Genesis turned Bisha around and grabbed her hands above her head, and continued to kiss her hungrily. The sounds of tongues echoed in the room, and it was only after long minutes that Genesis parted his lips from Bisha's.

Looking into Bisha's misty eyes, Genesis with a heavy breath asked, "Are you sure you want to continue?"

Nodding, Bisha said, "Yes, I don't want to regret anything anymore."

Hearing Bisha, Genesis forgot everything, and kissed her. For long hours obscene noises returned to the room, and that night a young girl was changed into a woman.


The next day...

Akiza woke up, and after making breakfast, she noticed that Genesis hadn't woken up yet.

"Weird, normally he should be awake already."

Heading to her bedroom, Akiza didn't knock and entered, as she had made a habit of entering Genesis' bedroom without permission.

The moment she entered, she felt her world crumble.

Genesis was sleeping with Bisha on his chest.

Genesis had awakened the moment the door to his room opened, however, when he saw Akiza's tears, Genesis froze.

"A-Akiza ..."

"Why? Why are you sleeping with this woman!" finishing speaking, a strong wind rose in the room.

"Akiza calm down." Genesis said, trying to calm Akiza down. Bisha who was sleeping on Genesis' chest, was awakened by the sounds.

Furious, Akiza was losing control of her powers, and her hair began to fly. When she looked at Bisha, she saw an enemy.

"I won't calm down! Why is this woman in your arms ?! You don't want me? You want to kick me out?" tears in her eyes Akiza stared at Genesis.

Genesis gave a complex smile and said, "Akiza of course I won't kick you out. But you're too young-"

"I am no longer a child!" Akiza then looked hatefully at Bisha and said, "You want to take Genesis from me. He's mine!"

Seeing that Akiza was losing control of his emotions, Genesis got up from the bed with the blanket around his waist and walked over to Akiza.

As Akiza tried to stop Genesis from approaching her, using her powers, Genesis approached her without a problem.

"Stay away! You touched that woman!" Akiza shouted.

Ignoring him, Genesis gave Akiza a hug. Akiza struggled madly, not wanting to touch him. However, then she was surprised. His eyes widened when Genesis kissed him, and suddenly his powers calmed down.

Akiza hugged Genesis' back, wanting to stay that way for a long time, however Genesis broke the kiss.

"Akiza, get out for a second, I'll get dressed, and then we can talk, okay?"

"But this woman will not stay in your room!" Akiza said, staring viciously at Bisha.

"Okay, but at least get her tired of showering and dressing."

Akiza reluctantly nodded. Turning around, Akiza left Genesis' room while staring at Bisha, like an enemy.

When Akiza exited, Genesis looked at Bisha and gave a slight smile, "Looks like you saw an unpleasant sight. Sorry."

Bisha who was stunned by the events, she shook her hands and said, "No, no don't worry, I know people like her. I'm not afraid of her, but ... this is the first time I see this intensity of psychic power. "

Bisha was surprised. As a senior officer, she knew about the Arcadia Movement, and she knew that psychic powers could be great, but she had never seen or heard of this kind of overkill power.

Genesis nodded, and said, "Thanks then, but hurry up to get dressed."

Nodding, Bisha got up naked from the bed, to search for her clothes. As she searched for her clothes, she suddenly felt two strong arms hug her from her back.

"Kyaaa!" turning, she saw Genesis sniffing her hair.

"What are you doing? It's morning."

"I like your smell, you smell like lavender."

Blushing, Bisha tried to get out of Genesis' arms, but was unsuccessful. With a thin smile, Genesis scooped Bisha into his arms like a princess, and walked over to the shower.

Bisha left the shower tired and a look of resentment towards Genesis, and a tremor in her hips. As for Genesis, he looked satisfied.

After a few minutes, the two got dressed and left the room.