0. Creation

Meanwhile in another realm...


'What is god?' It wondered to itself.

Big and small, galaxies that ranged from the nail of a finger to the length of an arm swirled around the infinite room of spun nebula's and stars.

Inside each cyclone of space dust and blazing hot suns, planets spun delicately on their axis's twirling on about their rotations.

'What is god?'

It pondered again as it guided one small galaxy into another larger galaxy, fusing them together so that the two spun revolving in opposite directions, meters apart, on top of each other.

'Did it make one a god to do what he had just done so easily?'

It moved on to another system and fiddled with the weather here and there coaxing planets in the throes of Ice Age into thawing bit by bit.

'Is one a god if you played with the weather of planets like this?'

It moved its attentions again and this time it worked on the finer details. It compressed itself, shrinking and becoming denser, reducing its size gradually. When it was many fractions a miniature of its actual celestial extent it got to work, its numerous tendril of hazy white light reaching out to strum the fragile red strings of fate.

'Was god it?'

'Was it god?'

It did not quite know the answer.

Deftly, its many arms working independently cut threads here and re-forged them there. It cleared away the red threads that had turned black and fixed into place fresh young threads of vibrant vermillion. As it started to complete it's work, red threads draped like curtains and complicated webs, something caught its eye.

Far back away from where it floated, it, a fluctuating sphere of pulsating light neither gas nor solid. A thread glowed far near the back with a brilliance akin to its own. Curiosity piqued, it reached its misty arms out to grasp at the anomaly.

'What are you?' It cooed to the thread.

At its query the peculiar threads brilliance doubled, flashing gayly in its hold.

'How curious.' It thought.

So curious in fact it did something it only did on precious few occasions. Shaving off a piece of itself it sent that sliver of its true body into the thread, inspecting it.

'Amazing...' It breathed.

The thread it clasped pulsed brighter still- appearing as if to have overheard its whispered awe. It felt a foreign feeling arise within it's being as it felt how the stream of its energy resonated and absorbed into the thread. Was this excitement? How long had it been since it had felt that?

Impulsively the glowing orb halved itself again, the portion of itself this time bigger than the last. It molded the piece that was once a part of itself like clay and shaped it into something new. As the mold began taking form it felt once more elated. How long had it been since it itself had been to the physical realm? Could it even remember the last time it had walked among mortals?

No. It had been far too long.

Finally, the vessel complete, it carefully transports the shell to the proper dimension in which it wanted to go. On the same world as the bright little threat and nearby to the threads reborn living body.

What it failed to see though as it bustled about its business, was that attached to the starlit string a dark maroon shadow clung the sinews of the beautiful thread.

What it failed to see though as it bustled about its business, was that attached to the starlit string a dark maroon shadow clung the sinews of the beautiful thread

Satisfied, with its work complete the only thing left for it to do was flood the body with a bit of its celestial spirit and consciousness. Only then would everything be all set for it to glimpse upon the little thread that had so intrigued it. A glee sprung up inside it again as it prepared to bring the vessel to life.

Once again it failed to notice the blackened maroon shadow slip from the sun kissed gossamer strands of the glowing thread and fall slithering quickly to the vessel it had just created.

As the celestial orb compressed all the fixings to bring a piece of itself to life inside the new vessel, packed inside a single golden amber colored drop. The unthinkable happened.

A streak of dark maroon flashed before its eyes jumping straight into the vessel it had just created. Before it could fix the situation by dropping its own consciousness into the body the vessel flashed quickly like lightning accepting the new host. And it was not the celestial.

Dark aura exploded and poured from the newly born creatures pores inhabiting its vessel. Power surged readily available to the figure who laid lying in the separate domain it had created for its own use as the vessels eyes began to flutter.

Far, far, from where the drama lay unfolding before the celestial inside its dimension, an old consciousness inside a powerful new body began to stir as his soul settled inside the alien form. His limbs numb at first filled with his spirit as it adjusted itself more comfortably in their new host. He couldn't move just yet, to tired and weak for some reason as he felt more and more feeling return to him.

He tried his fingers first, the tips of them just twitching before, with great effort, he opened his deeply purple gemstone eyes.