Fallen Angel

Palace of Gardovenia, there the King stood with a sweaty face looking at the distant direction

'Why am I such a hopeless ruler?' The king said to himself, he saw a huge skeleton appear over a distance.

"Kradarko really want me to slowly give everything huh. If we weren't only near the abyssal crack, I would've ask for help from the neighboring kingdoms but why is it that no one wants to help us?" Tears rolled down his eyes, he was hopeless that he couldn't do anything with Kradarko. He was forced to give a quarter of his kingdom to him. They're manpower was not enough and his people was dying because of the lack in fluid funds.

If he was to stop Kradarko, he needed huge amount of funds.

Everything in this world comes with a price, some of his knights have already abandoned their loyalty just go and lived a better life.

But then...

"Khouk! What happened!?" The king shook, he was filled in confusion.

"Your Highness, are you okay!?" His personal assistant rushed over to the King and asked.

"L-look!" The king pointed out towards the skeleton who was turning to dust.

"Could it be that someone had defeat it?" The assistant said so. He thought of anyone that would willing to help them but nothing rings on his mind.

"Your Highness, what should we do?" The assistant ask the king who was still focusing his gaze on the skeleton who had slowly turned to dust.

"Tell all of our troops that will march towards Gutalac city A.S.A.P!" The king ordered his assistant and quickly the assistant moved and what he said.


'Did he just say a guardian had killed him?' Kris stared at Sugra, he wasn't certain what seat the guardian that had defeated Sugra but he's thoughts told him to avoid every guardian he might encounter.

Kris had just been a guardian for 12 hours. Time passed so much that everything went so fast. He wanted to do it by baby steps yet he had taken a full leap in discovering the meaning of being a guardian.





" Sugra readied his sword on to Kris.


His sword slashed up Kris. The sound made by the sword felt more of lighter than what he would make when hitting solid objects.

In his surprise, he was only slashing up Kris' afterimage.


A moment passed, Sugra felt a blade slashing down his chest where the gem was encased on made cracking noises.

"H-how?" Sugra was dumbfounded, and only then did Kris realize that he had amplified a huge damage to Sugra.


[+12,900,700 HP]


'What the fuck is this damage?' Kris was amazed, he couldn't believe himself and was greeted by a window notification.




Achievement earned after dealing 500 million damage.

+30% critical

+20% fatality

- Chances of completely ignoring the targets defense

- If target's defense was ignored, chances of tripling the damage dealt.

'Amazing!' Kris' eyes twinkled. Achievements were very hard to earn because it didn't specifically show what the player needed to do. It was a hidden feat that could be earned either by luck or perseverance.

Kris had achieve the GOD OF DAMAGE and felt more assured on defeating Sugra and his health went back to full.

Sugar's health bar depleted to almost a half. His appearance looked more fragile and the ruby on his chest had a little crack on it.

"You bastard! You dare kill me!" Sugra began to charge towards Kris. He wielded his sword focusing his attack to Kris. His sword began to emanate green flashes blinking like stars. His grip tightened and his eyes brightened causing him to be enlightened that could kill a fucking Titan.

"Warmonger!" Sugra slashed his sword in different angles. The sword generated waves of green glowing blades that pierced the wind.

It moved along with the blade's movement and tracked down Kris.

'What the?' Kris didn't hesitate and avoided the incoming barrage of waves.


Every change in direction, he would sent a wave flying through an obstacle.

He did this continuously but seemingly, the waves number didn't seem to decrease.

'Is he still not stopping his waves?' Kris quickly gaze his vision to Sugra. Just as he thought, Sugra didn't stopped throwing huge cycle of waves and everyone of it followed down Kris.

"Die! Die!" Sugra keep on throwing tantrums at Kris. He wanted this pesky gremlin to die before it could become a threat to him.

Swwiing! Swiiinng!...

Sounds of piercing continued to echo on Kris ears.

Every time a wave catches up to him, Kris would twist his body while flying midair.

A normal player seeing would be in shock. Moving your body while midair was something only master could do. The difficulty was not only with the gravitational pull but also with the speed in momentum whether how heavy the object being pulled and the speed of the projection is.

The body wouldn't be able to move with that variables but Kris didn't even care. He twist his body and evade each wave by an inch.

This was the continuous body exercise he had. Every experience he had gained on the brood mother raid to Kradarko. He didn't forget to enhance the mastery of his weapon until he could reach the peak.

But Kris always felt that he was lacking. He couldn't accurately tell the speed and direction when he was flying. So this was a bit of a problem. All he knows was that if he would make an angle with both of his cable not greater than 90°, his flying speed would decrease while if it was greater than 90°, his speed would increase.

But Kris knew of one thing, he was learning in every second passed.

'Lets do that again!' Kris began to place a cable to his front and back causing him to move at a slow rate.

Swwinng!! Swiiing!

The waves almost arrived at him and Sura began tons top his rummage of attacks.

"Hahahaha! Now die!" Sugra laughed after seeing that despair was at Kris.


Kris placed a cable on his side pushing him to the direction of Sugra in a fast momentum.

"Whaatt!!?" Kris was super fast, he blazed unto Sugra in an instant. The waves had also followed him so Kris moved across Sugra.

He slide down to Sugra spinning his blade through his weak parts of his body.


Continuous damage icon popped on Sugar's head causing Sugra to kneel on the ground.

Kris flew away from Sugra thinking that he had stopped his attack but no he haven't.

The green waves were all blasted towards Sugra pressing explosion through his directions.

Dust covered the whole grounds and the giant dome collapsed to the ground.


"*pant* pant" Kris kneeled on the ground and breathe in exhaustion.

But before he could feel a sense of accomplishment, he began to hear whirling noises.


A blade cut down the gun of dust and cleared the way.

There a flying figure floated like an angel.

It was Sugra in his fallen angel form.

He had now black giant bird wings on his back and every flap he made left a green wind.

"Immortality!" Sura went charging to Kris who was on his knees and used this as his final attack.

'Your still alive? Kuok?!' He was surprised not because the blade had flourish his neck. It was that Sugra's health was left in 1 point and it seems it didn't even decrease.

Below Sugra, he had also saw a glowing circle slowly spinning clockwise like a timer.

"Do you want to know my identity?" Kris spoke with a low tone.

"Finally you spoke! But before I could know your identity, I'll be leaving your head away from your body. graaghh!"Sugra slashed his sword to Kris.

Peng! Peng!

Kris couldn't use his skills since his energy was depleted and began defend it with his sword using the old fashion type.

He couldn't defend against all the slashing receiving him some damage.

"Now die!"