Chapter 7


That Euphoria girl. She irritates me. She can't take my Emperor away. He's mine.I did cheated on Emperor and it was a hell of a big mistake. I already have regretted that.

I'm now back to be with him again. I love him more than anyone. I drank my tequila and sipped a lemon and I recall our conversation earlier


After that Euphoria ang Clara stormed out to change clothes. Emperor grabbed my by my wrist and brought me in the farthest garden side

"What are you doing here?" He said not even paying a gaze at me

"I was invited" I answered

"and you have the guts to show up after what you did to me? tch. Apologize to Euphoria."

"Apologize? Me? Why? it's not my fault she's not loo-"

"You were the one not looking your way. Or maybe you did it intentionally."

I smirked a bit. He caught me.

"So what? It's her fault she was trying to hit on you. You're min-"

"I don't belong to you anymore. Stop acting like you're my girlfriend, We're through 2 years ago" He stated coldly. my eyes widened. it kinda hurts.

"What the hell is your relationship with that blue headed lady?!" I shrieked

"you don't need to know. You don't have to know" As said and stormed away. I crumpled my hands into solid fist to prevent myself from crying.

After a couple of minutes I did go back to the front garden but I was so shocked to see how Emperor embraced Euphoria into a tight hug, but what irritated me most was she hugged him back. I hate that brat. She's stealing what was supposed to be mine! Emperor held her hand as they leave. Where the hell they are going? I was about to follow them but my friend Anastacia grabbed me to this liquor booth.


"Jeez girl, What the hell was wrong with your mood?" Anastacia asked me

"I talked to Emperor. He hates me." I replied then ordered another drink

"What do you expect? You chose to be with your other boyfriend and to focus on your career leaving him behind plus the fact that you cheated"

"Shut up Acia." I told anastacia she just laughed and sipped her wine

"I'm going to get what's mine and what belongs to me." I simply said

"Fine. Let's go home, you're drunk" She said as she guided me to stood up. I'll make sure that Euphoria will suffer.


Euphoria opened up that she stopped singing ever since the accident happened. I can't believe that she would tell a story like that.


"Sapphiro. Thanks for driving me home tonight. Well I could say that anxiety didn't get to my nerve." She said.

"Welcome. Tommorow maybe after your class. I'll be exposing you to some activities that could help you treat yourself"

I said. I planned to take her out to a Yoga class. Relaxation is a great help and a good exercise for her.


After class She texted me that she'll meet me at a newly opened Ice cream parlor.

I quickly removed my labcoat and told her that I'm on my way. I entered the place and quickly found her sitting at a far west side near the window. The pinkish light of the place complimented her beauty.

"Hey.. did you wait too long?"

"Hmm?? No. I just came here when I texted you. I also ordered an Ice cream cake for you." She answered

"Thank you" I released a smile.

"So how are you?" She asked "Me? I should be the one asking you that question but I was fine" I replied. "Glad to hear so, Doc." She said. "Euphoria. You sound like bugs bunny when you say 'Doc' like wazzup doc!" I cracked into a laugh but she just frowned

"So I do look like a bunny?" she continued frowning like an angry bird

"The fairest bunny, Euphoria." I replied then continued to laugh when she started pinching me

"Look how sweet they are!" We both looked at the surrounding and we found out that the whole crowd was watching us.

"Uhmm.. Sir,Ma'am we have a secret special promo for Lovers. You won this giant rainbow ice cream" The crew said and took a picture of me and Euphoria

"But we're no-" I stopped Euphoria by thanking the crew and asking her to place the Ice cream as a take out order

When we got out of the Ice cream parlor, Euphoria hit me in my arms

"They assumed we we're couples and you didn't even stopped them" She ranted

"Be practical. Ice creams are the best in relaxation" She said and entered the car when I opened the door for her.

"By the way.. along the way maybe I should ask you some questions to see if you're going well"

"Yeah sure"

"Do you.. still think of your Dad, Fiance and your twin?"

"Well, yes. but not too much. Some things just kept reminding me of them." She passed the depression stage of grieving. She's somewhere near to acceptance, When she learns to accept she'll probably be able to be happy again

She's on her way to acceptance I'm sure.


After Dr.Sapphiro and I were through the yoga class I find it cool and nice. I got to meditate and focus on the stuffs that I'm thinking. It's like finding peace while exercising. It was comfortable.

Now, we're here at the mall. I asked Sapphiro to take me here because it's October and the people was decorating their own house and establishments.

I dragged Sapphiro into the elevator but then he said he doesn't want to get into a sardine-in-a-can like situation that's why we ended up using escalator. I bought a new hair color kit and additional hair colorants

My hair is still blue and heck I'm really still into Billie Eilish so I decided that my next hair color would be purple. I will apply it when blue starts fading I guess.

"Euphoria, let's go and play arcade games?" He suddenly said and grabbed to towards the game station. he bought too many tokens making us spend the whole day together playing. I saw how he smiles and laugh then I realized that he was such a very caring and loving person.

I suddenly wondered why Leona shit cheated on her. Sapphiro has almost got it all...

Looks.Personality.Profession. and Wealth

As I dig into my Beef steak thinking of those stuffs between Leona and Sapphiro. A dark witch came.

"Look who's here" Leona said smiling fake. psh

"A dark witch was here to curse me to have a bad appetite making me feel not eating anymore" I whispered

"What did you say bitch? Stop buzzing like a bee"

"Leona Arthemis Deana shut up and get yourself out of my sight. you're a total sore in my eyes" Sapphiro said his gaze was once again cold

"Me? a sore in your eyes? Before you used to stare at me like I was the most beau-"

"That was before." I interrupted

"What the heck? how dare you interupt my-"

"Daydreaming? reminiscing? Look, He doesn't want you anymore. stop trying so hard to play fetch." I sarcastically said

"You bitch!" She raised her hand preparing to slap me but I quickly hold on into a steak knife. it seems like she realized what I did so she stopped and look at me furiously.

"Listen, Don't bring your no-class attitude inside this beautiful restaurant." I gave her a glare

"Psh. You theif. You're stole what's mine-"

"Nothing belongs to you if you're referring to me" Sapphiro stood up and hold my hands he dragged m outside of the restaurant

"I didn't finish eating my meal" I murmured and pouted. Beef steak was my favorite yet I have to leave it out just like that because of that Leona.

"Sorry for the commotion she started" His voice was once again gentle

"I don't care about that. I was sad because I didn't get to finish my steak" I honestly told him as we got out of the mall I saw the thing that made me almost drool.

Quail Eggs. Fishballs and Kikiams my piece of heaven.

I quickle ran over the street food stall and ask the vendor for a large cup. "What are you eating there?" Sapphiro asked with hims hands inside his pocket "I bought some of this. let's go back in the car and eat this" I clinged into his arms and started walking towards the car

I'm so glad that Sapphiro and I are getting comfortable with one another. A perfect Psychiatrist to Patient relation.