Waking up

Tired. So tired.

It felt like she was walking for an eternity through a dark and desolate tunnel. She wanted to stop, but for some reason she kept on walking towards the small speck of light far away in the distance.

Her throat felt dry and rough, burning with extreme thirst.


She needed water. Maybe she could drink when she reached the end of the tunnel.

And so she kept on walking and walking and walking.

Water. The thought of water relieving her parched throat kept her going.

She didn't know how long she walked. Days, months, years…maybe even decades, perhaps even centuries.

She didn't know. She just wanted water.

Finally, the light grew larger and brighter.

Almost there.

Then she was bathed in pure, white light.



Inside the military base.

She opened her eyes and felt almost blinded by a soft, dim light. It took a few moments before her eyes adjusted.

'Where am I?'

Confused, she looked around the tasteful, hotel-like room. She didn't recognize the place. Then she noticed the sound of slow, constant beeping beside her. She turned her head towards the sound and was surprised that her head felt heavy. In fact, her entire body felt heavy. She couldn't move.

'What's going on?'

With great effort, she finally turned her head a little and saw that it was a machine making the beeping noise. She then realized that she was hooked to it and a lot of other medical apparatuses as well. It dawned on her that she was at a hospital and by the looks of it, her condition was rather serious.

"W-wa…ter…" She tried speaking but only a dry whisper came out of her cracked lips.

Nobody was around. She already felt exhausted. Her eyes started to droop, but she fought against the unconsciousness threatening to overcome her.

After waiting for who knew how long, the door finally opened and a nurse strode in.

"You're awake!" The nurse was shocked when she saw the patient's open eyes. She immediately pressed a button to call for a doctor.

"How are you feeling?" the nurse asked and began checking her.

"W-wa-wa…ter…" she croaked.

Fortunately, the nurse understood her. "You want to drink water? Wait a moment, child."

The door opened and a middle-aged doctor entered followed by three others wearing the same white lab coats. They looked like doctors too, but younger.

"Hello. Can you hear me? My name is Dr. Tang. How are you feeling?" The lead doctor pressed his stethoscope on several parts of her chest as he asked questions.

"She asked for water," the nurse told him.

"That's good. Let her drink via straw if she's able. If not, use drops or melt an ice cube on her lips."

The team of doctors began examining her, while the nurse left to get water.

Finally, the nurse returned with water in a papercup and a straw.

At first, she couldn't suck from the straw. Her mouth muscles felt weak. Only after a few tries was she able to get the water flowing but felt exhausted after just a few sips.

However, the feeling of water flowing down her dry throat felt so heavenly that her eyes pricked. She blinked the tears away, not allowing them to fall. It was almost unbelievable that she was getting so emotional over a few sips of water.

"Do you know your name?" Dr. Tang asked.

"My name…" She was about to say her name, but she suddenly remembered everything she's been through.

Her heart palpitated and her eyes moistened as she remembered her family. She knew had to keep it a secret as she wasn't familiar with these people.

She looked sideways and saw locks of black hair from her head on the pillow.

The doctors were alarmed at the sudden spike of her heart rate. The beeping frequency on the machine increased.

The doctors and the nurse looked at each other.

Dr. Tang faced the girl with a reassuring expression and said, "Calm down. Are you tired? Are you feeling pain anywhere?"

Dr. Tang hesitated and looked at his patient for a few more seconds before nodding at the nurse. The nurse left. When she returned,she came in with an old man about fifty years old and claded in military uniform.

He looked strong with a fierce aura around him. The years on the battle field had instilled on him a valiant aura.

General Yan eyes remained on the little girl. Her eyes were dark but clear. It was obvious that she had been through a lot. General Yan felt pity on the little girl.

The machine hooked to her beeped more quickly, worrying the doctors.

The injury was too serious for a child, especially since she felt so weak at the moment.

Her eyes closed and she succumbed to the familiar darkness.