

A red Portal appeared on An isolated Island and three people left inside the portal.

A boy with long red hair, golden eyes, pointed ears, wearing loose white pants on his lower body.

A girl with black hair and gray eyes, pointed ears, Wearing a frilly black dress.

And a woman with long black hair and purple eyes, and two giant horns pointed up, she was wearing an Exposed dress showing her Extremely Sexy body.

Esdras, Ophis and Trihexa.

"Strange, it seems that there are many beings with [Authority] on this planet." Ophis spoke feeling Divine Auras scattered all over the planet.

"Yes, although most are quite weak, there are some that are quite strong." Trihexa said showing a very funny smile on her face.

"They are gods. They were born of the faith of countless beings with intelligence." Esdras spoke explaining to Ophis and Trihexa that they hit the gourd listening to Him.

"Of course ..." Before Esdras finished speaking, Numerous explosions took place at Sea, creating Huge tsunamis that drove toward the continents.


The wind of the explosions caused Esdra's long red hair to shake violently.

Suddenly Esdras heard two Roars, which scattered to the clouds in the sky with his Strength.

Esdras looked at the Horizon and saw two Shadows colliding with each other. It was two dragons, one white and one red fighting with each other.


the two Dragons once again collided with each other, creating a small explosion in the sea.

"Ophis, these two lizards look like you." Trihexa spoke mockingly at Ophis as he looked at her with a look of contempt.

"Don't compare these two lizards with me, Trihexa." Ophis spoke coldly to Trihexa, who just shrugged, not caring about Ophis's threat.

What the two did not realize and that they spoke very loudly and Two Dragons heard Everything and were furious.

"WHO DARES TO CALL, THE RED DRAGON EMPEROR, WIDE DDRAIG." Ddraig roared furiously at Ophis and Trihexa.

"WHO DARES TO CALL, WHITE DRAGON OF SUPREMACY, ALBION DE LARGATO." Albion follows the same words as Ddraig and Roared Furiously.

"I said, you have a problem, Two Red and White Lizards." Ophis spoke coldly to Ddraig and Albion, who were shocked to hear Ophis.

"HOW DARE YOU ..." As Ddraig was about to finish speaking, Ophis disappeared from her seat and reappeared above Ddraig's head.


Ophis just punched Ddraig lightly in the head, and the red dragon flew toward the sea by the force of Ophis's punch.

Bright Red Blood slowly smeared the Sea of ​​red.


Ddraig roared angrily and flew at Ophis, who just punched Ddriag in the head and ordered him to fly once more.

In madness, Ddraig didn't care but his safety, and I flew once more to Ophis.

Seeing this, Ophis's eyes went cold and she began to tap Ddraig's entire body with force.


every punch Ophis gave Ddraig, but blood dripped from his wounds, and slowly a look of fear appeared in Ddriag's eyes.

Shortly thereafter, the red dragon emperor known as Ddraig stood on the floor all covered in blood while looking at Ophis with fear and respect at the same time.

Seeing his Rival being beaten so badly, Albion just swallowed hard and was silent for fear of Ophis noticing him.

Faced with all this, Esdras just burst out laughing as he held his belly tightly.

In the future for sure, Esdras will make a lot of fun of Ddraig in the future, remembering this moment.

"Ophis, leave this poor fellow alone, he's suffered enough." Esdras spoke smoothing Ophis's silky hair as he showed a very funny smile on his face.

"Okay then." Ophis spoke in his emotionless voice, enjoying the touch of Esdras in his hair.

Listening to Esdras, Ddraig only showed a look of thanks and his powerful Regeneration began to heal all his wounds.

"Little Red, tell me what is currently happening in the world." Esdras spoke looking at Ddraig with a gentle smile on his face.

Although Ddraig was discouraged to be called that, he still said it all.

"The biblical God is getting weaker over time and he has not been able to get all the factions together. So with that the other repressed factions were filled with happiness and greed, to decide who will be the King of the world and Great war was officially opened. " Ddraig spoke lying on the floor as he explained everything that happened in the world.

"Now in the world is simply a complete mess. The Mythological Faction has separated the entire Human Kingdom, the three Biblical Factions are still waging war, In the Lower and Upper world." Ddraig told Esdras, who felt a headache at the thought of Chaos happening everywhere.

"The last race that the Biblical God created is being suffered most in this War here, without the power of Magic, Humans have no power to fight back against whatever Magic contains. But it seems that the Biblical God created some things called Sacred Gear to empower Humans to fight back. " Ddraig finally finished his explanation and smiled at Albion with pride.

"Ddraig, thanks for the Explanation. My name is Esdras Origines, The first living being born in the universe." Esdras spoke with a kind smile to Ddraig.

"These two beautiful ladies by my side, are my sisters Ophis Origines , the Dragon of infinity and the other Trihexa Origines, the beast of Revelation."

[Note: Beginnings = Origines em Latim]

Listening to Esdra's explanation, Ddraig and Albion will swallow hard as they look mostly at Ophis with Respect and admiration.

After all, Ophis was the first Dragon to be born in the universe, this makes her the progenitor of the dragon race, so due respect to be given.

"Queen, before, I was just being ignorant, please don't hold a grudge against me." Ddraig spoke apologetically to Ophis. Albion next door also just nodded in agreement with Ddraig.

"All right." Ophis spoke carelessly and sat beside Esdras as she laid her head on his lap.

Esdras just stroked Ophis's hair with a gentle smile.

Trihexa, seeing their interaction, became jealous and hugged Esdras from behind. Ophis didn't stay behind and hugged him forward.

Esdras just showed a helpless smile on his face. Suddenly he looked in one direction and felt a Divine aura coming toward him quickly.

Esdras soon saw appearance, a middle-aged man with long golden hair as if every strand were made of gold, his gentle golden eyes gazing at Esdras curiously.

Though older, Esdras soon recognized him.

[Biblical God]

[Note: there may be some holes in the back of the story, but if I make a mistake, you talk and I edit to be right.]

[Ps: Thanks for your understanding.]