
When we arrived at school. I asked my dad if there was, anybody he wanted to be friends with. He pointed at the only other kid with no friends. He had blond hair and green eyes.


The boy looked familiar. Is that uncle Alex? this I time will not just ignore the familiar feelings. I learnt my leasson with dad. If I just listened to the feeling maybe I could have saved grandpa and grandma. Even could have possibly stopped, grandma from becoming a murderer.

I asked my dad to stay alone for a second. Then I walked towards the boy. He had the same style as uncle Alex. He was wearing a green shirt and black dress pants. He looked right at me. he looked up and down at the clothing I have been wearing for forever.

"You don't look like a peasant, do you want to play with me." He can see me, he then grabbed my arm. My dad came quickly came and pulled me away from him.

"My big brother," said my dad, how cute of him. It's weird calling my dad cute. I sound like an old man that hands out candy to kids on the street.

"Your family must not love you, your clothes look so old," this kid can't be uncle Alex. He sounds so childish and stupid. How can an orphan have family. Well other then me.

"Big Brother loves me!" Everyone in the class room started starring at them. They didn't know why they were fighting.

"Let's just all play together ok," they listened to me and, started to play together.

The Apple snacks were delicious. My dad and the boy both shared their food with me.

"What is wrong with this teacher, she just ignored you," the boy doesn't know that other people can't see me yet.

"it because I'm invisible," that describes my situation perfectly.

"What is invisible?" The boy quickly asked me. Oh no, I have to explain such a hard word to explain.

"It means that other people can't see me," he still looked confused. What so confusing about that kid. Does he want me to spell it out for him. Man, I have been watching to many movies lately.

" I can see you, he can see you," he even pointed at my dad. How could I explained this in a way, simpler then people not seeing me?

"hmmmmmmmmm!"I think I've got an idea.

"Have you ever imagined that you, had an imaginary car and drove it, but no one else could see it but you."

"So you don't exsist, your an imaginary big brother," my dad seem to get worried when he heared those words.

"Big brother is real," my dad said quickly. He looked like he was about to cry.

"What I ment was that I'm similar to the car but I exsist." I could not let my dad cry over this.

"Do you want to come home with me today?" He was looking straight at me as he asked this question.

"No," my dad spoke before I could.

" Do you have friends at home?" The boy as my dad a question.

"Yes, I have lots of friends at home." My dad was smiling with pride as he said those words.

"How much for your big brother?" I was shocked that he even asked this question.

"What do you mean?" My dad didn't understand the question.

"How much money to buy your big brother?" The boy sounded slightly annoyed.

"What is money?" I realize that my dad had never seen money before.

"Are you trying to be funny?" The boy took fifty dollars out from his pocket and gave it to my dad.

"What is this?" My dad looked really confused. He gave my dad another fifty dollars.

With this I can buy some stuff for dad. I put the money in dad's journal and made it disappear.

"You can't buy me with this small amount of money, but I can play with you for one day." The boy looked down and agreed to the one day.

I when home with the boy that day.


Big brother took the money and,went home with that boy. When I got home I asked Ace what money was.

"Money is something that you can buy food or toys with," So what did big bother need money for, he has food and there's toys at school."

"James we are having spaghetti and carrots today, your job is to wash the carrots." I forgot I had to help with dinner today.

Ace made the spaghetti then he just poured tomato soup in it. He put them on plates and told men to put three carrots on each plate.

"Yummy," big brother had to miss this. He's probably missing me right now.

"Thanks for the food Ace," Ace smiled at me.

After dinner Emily asked me why I was talking to Alex. Who is Alex? Oh the boy I talked to today.

"I'm talking to him because he my friend," then she just left. She is as weird as Ace sometimes.


After school a chauffeur picked him up. I sat in the back with him.

The seats were comfy.

"You can play with my tablet, I will play with my laptop," said the boy.I knew laptop's were normal for kids. Maybe my dad doesn't have one because he is an orphan. I searched up some some things I always wanted to know.

"hmmm, so that's what that word means."

I was shocked when I saw the house. It was bigger than My house, before I became whatever I am.

"I know this house is small, but please stay I have games."The boy was scared that I would leave him.

"I told you I will stay one day, so I will stay one day don't worry."

He took me up to his room. He had a giant Tv in his room and some old game consuls. We played some two player game for hours. I won most of the time. Someone knocked the door. In a rappid manner.

"Dinner is ready young master," they even rang a bell.

There was chicken, vegetables, rice, fruits. There was anything you could ever want to eat. He ate only with me. It felt kind of weirded eating with so little people around.

His bed was big enough for both of us. We went back to school the next day. After eating a very delicious breakfast.

My dad told me about the spaghetti dinner and I was glad I didn't have to eat it.

I went home with dad today even, when the boy said he would give me a another one hundred dollars. I'm not that cheap.

Dinner was soup today my dad helped by pouring water in the pot and drying the dishes.

I had some soup this time and it wasn't that bad. Maybe because dad made it.

"So what did you do at Alex's house," So he is uncle Alex. This is crazy it's like everyone I know is just appearing in front of me.

I will wait for uncle Alex to get older for revenge for leaving me. He is my dad's friend and I can't imagine life without uncle Alex. Never mind scratch that I can.

We are uncle Alex's only friends what would he be without, me or dad in is life. Never mind that too mean.


"What so funny big brother," oh yeah dad.

"Nothing," I will just change the subject.

"I played games and ate food that what I did at Alex's house."

"That sounds fun!" My dad sounded even more excited then I was, and I wasn't even excited.

"Let's play together!" He shouted that so hard I was afraid some on was going to hear him. Did I have that much energy two years ago. when I was five.

"What do you want to play?" Is what Ace said as he walked into the room. So someone did hear him.

So my dad played with Ace even Emily joined them.

"Wow! So truly ignored everday,"I whispered that.

So I went in the orphanage lady room to watch tv. I know her name now but it's not important.

I started sing one of my favorite songs called invisible. It reminds me so much of myself.

I had to pat Ace to sleep again not that normal anymore but whatever. He's not my dad and I don't even no him that much. No amount of imaginary conversations can amount to knowing someone. Big words, hahahaha. I laughed in my head this time.

I had so much energy that night that I decided to fly around. not to far this time. The star's were beautiful even the satellites looked nice.

I saw a shooting star but didn't make a wish. I didn't make a wish because my dreams were already coming true. I also thought that it would be funny to waste a shooting star so I did.


I couldn't stop laughing for the next four minutes and realized that I didn't have to breathe. That nice to know and, does that mean I can breathe under water? If yes that's cool.