Now (unedited)

"Just pee your pants!" Uncle Alex looked at me like I was crazy.

"No I won't do such a peasant thing," said uncle Alex while looking at the boy next to him. The creepy guy just kept looking at uncle Alex. Did he want uncle Alex to answer his question?

"Pee now!" Uncle Alex wet his pants. The creepy guy turned around disappointed? The ugly guy opened the window next to him, and the bad feeling I had disappeared. We need to get out of here fast. Dad is probably wandering where I am.

What should I do? Should I take uncle Alex and float away? I remembered that uncle Alex had a phone in his pocket. I just need to call the police. The police will save us.

"Do you still have your phone?" I asked uncle Alex that question not having much hope.

"Yes I !" said uncle Alex out loud I blocked his mouth before he could destroy my plan. The creepy guy looked back confused.

"Uncle Alex you need to whisper like this," I whispered that into his ears ignoring the smell of pee. That hit me like waves.

"It is in my back pocket," He whispered back. In his pee pee pocket great. why did I tell him to pee again?

Then he tried to roll over. It was just enough to show me his pocket. His pocket was soaked in pee. I stared at the phone for a while, I knew I had to grab it.

So I quickly grabbed the phone, hoping it wouldn't be so bad. It was wet and smelt like a unclean public restroom. What has my death brought me to? I like being clean so this was kind of painful in a way. Even though I don't get dirty. I would let water just flow through my body everyday.

"What's your password?" I whispered quickly in his ear I just wanted to get this over with.

"12345," he seemed so proud.Was I like that when I was five?

I snuck out the open car window and floated away never losing track of the car.

I opened the phone only to see the signal at one bar. I was just in time.


I woke up in a hospital room. What is going on? Why did that dream feel so real. Ace was seating next to me. He looked very surprised when he looked into my eyes. I looked around the room big brother wasn't there.

The dream felt so real. Was my life in the dream real? Is my life now the fake one.

That dream can't be real. Ace died in that dream. Ace would never leave me like that. I also can't believe a world without big brother can even exist.

"Ace I had such a weird dream, you died in my dream when I was two years old. It felt so real Ace."

Ace didn't looked surprised. He asked if I was ok, and started to cry. Then said "they said you might not wake up. I'm glad your awake James. Life would be boring without you."

I didn't understand what he was saying. Why would I not wake up. So I looked at the clock.

"Hmmmm, school finishes at this time. "

Ace walked out of the room and bought in the policeman. I could recognize him now. He was the one who brought me to the orphanage.

Does that mean some of that dream is true? I don't want it to be true. My heart felt so empty in that dream.

The policeman had a worried look on his face. He started to walk around in circles. So I tried to get him to notice me.

"Your the policeman that bought me to the orphanage right?"

"You remember me James?" Said the policeman with smiling eyes. His lip was twitch like he was trying not to smile.

"James I have to ask you some more questions, is that ok? A friend of mine will be there too." The policeman eyes started to sparkle as he looked forward to my reply.

"Okay," what did he want to talk about? I hope big brother gets back soon.

A policewoman with red hair walked into the room with a laptop. She sat on the bottom of my hospital bed.

"Hello little boy can you tell me what the strange guy looked like." She said those words with a slow weird voice that I've never heard before.

It was easy to tell her what the man looked like. After that strange dream, I could describe him in great detail.

After spending an hour getting the man on the laptop to look like the man at school perfectly. The lady pat me on the head and said," good boy." With a silly smile on her face. She even gave me an apple.

I never realized how hungry I was, until I bit into the apple. I eat the apple so fast that one of my front teeth, felt wobbly after eating it. Ace told me about this. When you get older your teeth fall out, when you get really old they don't grow back. I wonder what really old is?

Ace walked back into the room and gave me a bowl of Marconi and cheese. I love eating cheese. It was so yummy.

"Thanks Ace!" I was so happy.That I started to push that weird dream to the back of my thoughts.

"Your welcome James," he gave me a hug, then his face turned serious.

"Emily told me all about your friend James. Don't worry they will find him." said Ace while rubbing my back.

Oh yeah, Alex is missing. I completely forgot about him. I hoped Ace was telling the truth and that they were going to get back Alex soon.

I also hoped that big brother would come back soon too. He did promise to never disappear like my mommy and daddy. When I was two after all.


Just as I was about to call the police. The van stoped moving. I hid behind a tree. Why did it have to stop moving at that moment.

The two kidnappers came out of the van and started to set up a big tent. I flew away and called the police.

It took them one ring to pick up the phone.

"What you emergency." said a women with a robot like voice.

"I need the police to save me and my friends."

"Why do you need the police to save your friends?" She started to talk to me like I was just a kid. It was very annoying, and I was tempted to just hang up on her.

"We where kidnapped, put the police on so I can talk to them." I said that quickly.

"What's the name of your friends?" She started laughing. I felt so insulated.

"One of my friends is called Alex," I hoped she would start taking me seriously. I didn't remember the names of the other kids so I hoped she wouldn't ask me.

"Do you know where you are?" her voice sounded more serious.

"I'm in a forest, the kidnappers are setting up a big tent, I am in a car with the other kids." I flew closer to the car.

"Don't hang up we are tracking your location,We should be there in one hour so try to stay there." The she just hang up on me.

I put uncle Alex's phone back in his pocket, and tried to find a place to wash my hands. This time I was smart and left a trail, and counted the time by counting to sixty seconds over and over again.

I found a river after waking for around ten minutes, so I washed my hand in the river. I still felt like they where still dirty, I need some soap.

I need to find away I can have things.

I followed the trail back to the camp site. Only forty more minutes, and the police will be here.

Uncle Alex and most of other kids were untied with a bowl of soup in there hands, some where eating soup. Some weren't eating the soup, I could understand, the soup looked cold. Also It's was just soup in general. Uncle Alex looked scared, he was starting at the van.

So I went to see what was inside the van. The pee smell hit me again. I looked around but all I saw was the boy who wet his pants. He was looking at his leg in horror. There was a knife stuck in his leg. He reached towards the knife. I stoped him from pulling it out. By shoving his hands out of the way. Even I knew not to pull thing out of your body, when I was five years old. Uncle Alex taught me that with a sad look on his face.

"Don't pull out the knife, do you want to die?" The boy looked at me shocked. How can he see me?