First Defense Preperation

'Rusi start the tower defense domain integration system within a 1 miles radius' Arvin stated in his mind, commanding a better version of Rusi as she evolved from her former shell.

(Yes Master Arvin)

(Initialising Defense Procedure protocol of Linear Combat) . . .

(Landscape terra forming has been successful model out) . . .

(Scanning plans of defense and units at the battlefield)

(Procedures Complete Linear defense is fully and successfully simulated into the battlefield you may now start the battle)

"Yes it works" Arvin muttered as his plans went to fruition, there in his domain the enemies seemed to have slown down not knowing what is just happening to them.

Stopping the Gnolls from their tracks as the environment around them begins to shift and morph, almost illusion like visages of the landscape with one long road in the middle, making it impossible to tell whats going on.

Even Gwyndelin was slightly confused by what is currently at play, but could only look at her son with a slightly acknowledge as if she understands it at all.

"Mama . . . I need your help we can stop the Gnoll horde here on its tracks without any casualties if you follow what I say, And command the Rangers to battle" Arvin cutely exclaims catching the serious expression and attention of his doting mother.

"All right I'm listening my boy?" Gwyndelin responds back to him with a slight smile on her face, wanting to find out the reason he used one of his hearth slots to change the area around them.

"Station most of the Alvan Rangers Above the trees to shoot down the incoming Gnolls in certain spots,

Make sure they won't get out of my domain, because as soon as they do I will feel it, and it will be painful for me,

For I could only hold this without them being able to get out of it, Things can only get in but going out from the way they came from will be hard for them to do so, I can willfully remove the domain but that will remove the effects everyone will recieve. "

Arvin said almost out of breath from talking as quickly as he could to explain how his own domain works to his mother.

(Commencing first wave in Time minus 30 seconds) Rusi interjected him afterwards within his mind.

"Go Mom we don't have much time, take this earpiece with you that I made, And head inside the domain I'll tell you what to do" Arvin explained once more as Gwyndelin only nods at her son's explanation.

Ordering some but not most of the abled fighters to stay here and help them, while the rest should go on and about on the way to seek shelter in Galrandilron together with their families.

Then enters the domain slightly hesitant to leave Arvin Alone, As soon as she did enter it, this mechanical sounding voice bellowed in her surrounding direction, garnering everyones attention inside of it.

(Wave 1/3 twenty Gnoll ???)

She paused a bit startled to hear Rusi's voice, but shakes that off again when she hears her sons own through the ear piece that can communicate through telepathy while she thought.

'My son sure invents very convenient things' Gwyndelin thought as she begins to listen to Arvin's reasoning.

'Head fifty meters to the right, do you see that road, follow it and postion yourself on top of that big rock you see on the ground, try to tell the rest of the rangers to climb up the trees and start shooting those Gnolls from right there'

'But what if those vile beasts try to destroy the trees and the surrounding area, even if we do get height advantage there must be a limit to your magic spell right?' Gwyndelin questioned not knowing how her son is going to do what ever he's going to do.

'Trust me Mama I wouldn't do anything that seems pointless unless I know it will not work' Arvin responded wanting to get this show down started as the time seemed to be ticking against him.

'Alright . . . . whatever Spell you and Master Mercer made, I trust it . . . . . Adra Aztarte! (Come over there and shoot), Gwyndelin said trying to trust her son's words as the training off Mercer was probably what inspired confidence within her son.

Which somehow ended up inspiring her as well, there was this slight smile forming in her face as she commands the rest of her Alvan Rangers to form a tower like defense among the trees.

While this was happening Arvin looked around at the faerie folk paused right behind him, scanning the people as if looking for some one,

His eyes trailed them with this cunning light on it, as he ways looking for someone important within the band of old and retired heros of lunaria, making a lot of them be taken aback by his weird conduction of things.

Finally his gaze etches itself on one person, a muscular rock druid who boasts of magical powers.

'He'd be perfect for the Job' Arvin thought as he gestures towards the familiar warrior that he frequented in talking with for tattletale exposition.

"Mister Stonebrow I need your help, Are you still be able to use your earth bending powers through gravitas magic?" Arvin asked, questioning the old warrior if he was ready to put his life down the line once more.

"Kid, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't able to do anything, Can I? . . . . I still Can!" Stonebrow eagerly responded awaiting to listen to the young lads plans, to lay his life down once more for the kingdom he loves.

"Good then I need you to go inside my domain, go to the giant rock at the left, and hurl stones at those green skinned dogs!" Arvin told him finally readying his plans of action.

"Alright I trust that I won't get hurt, no?" Stonebrow asked seemingly worried about taking a hit again by his former enemies.

"Don't worry about that, just make sure to throws as many big stones at them as much possible" Arvin reassured with confidence, making Stonebrow only laugh jolily at the young boys words.

"Hahah alright then lad, keep your word" after saying this, Stonebrow enters the domain, commanding the earth beneath him to his will, standing on an earthen paltform towards the big rock formations, riding on top of it as if it is a surf board on waves.

Meanwhile heading straight towards the rocks, Gwyndelin casts powerful gravitas magic, forcing the big mound of stone to fly upwards to carry her form above ground to fight once more.

With the positions set up, it finalized the beginning of his defense mechanism, automatically shutting down the domain no longer siphoning his regal energy reserves.

The moment the domain was brought down, the Gnolls finally where able to see once more there supposed meals.

But to their astonishment the terrain still remained with the ground on their side being lowered and while their preys are in a higher positioning.

Its arrangement of placement goes like this, one ranger on each marked tree from the front to the end, three rangers hidding outside the terrain in the middle portion of the road, one Psionic mage on a floating rock, and one geomancer on top of a large hendge formation.

Seeing this menacing formation the Gnolls became taken aback by it, hesitating whether they should attack this sort of unknown tactics that the Alvans are employing on them.

But some weren't evidently frightened enough though, for they went towards the almost invisible Alvans hidding on the trees, sniffing away there position with obvious disdain as they felt mocked by the pretentious long eared pricks.

"Youer trickery is not going to work She elf, this plan will gu downe inr flames, I kkant wait to feast on youerr flesh" the commanding Gnoll warrior shouted back, angered by the notion of resisting prey.

Threading towards the Alvanis Rangers hideout, the Mithril Armored units begin to flinch slightly, judging by their demeanour they seemed pretty inexperienced in these kinds of situations as they never faced true battle yet by the hands of their foes.

Gwyndelin seeing this messaged Arvin her son in through his mind as they readied to attack as well.

'Arvin, My child their getting close! what now?"

'Don't worry just stay where you are! , For I' m about to do something that is called a Pro Gamer move!" Arvin calmly responded, with Gwyndelin raising her brow from the unfamiliar term that Arvin spoketh.

'Alright then, here goes nothing' Gwyndelin thought as she breathed in and out, Immediately shouting afterwards with a booming yet magical voice that seemed to echo all around.

"Listar apunta Fuego ! ! ! (Ready, Aim, Fire)" Gwyndelin commanded as the Alvans on top of the monolithic sized trees rained down their ammo towards those obnoxious yellow tooth flee bags.

*Shunt Shunt Shunt ~ Zwip Zwip

Arrow upon arrow flew down at the awaiting mass of Gnoll hordes, striking them with this guerrilla warfare that their all to familiar with.

*Uthh ~ Auhr _ Unff - Awn - Ahh

The whimpering of wounded dogs reverberated forth as the Gnoll hordes faced retribution by their common foe, bloodletting them to a extreme degree .

But as it went on no Gnoll corpse was seen on sight as they begin to tear and wear the arrows embedded on them.

They look battered and bloodied, but are still seemingly unfazed by a rain of arrows from the Alvan Rangers.

Gwyndelin seeing this could only curse at their enemies for their tuff bones and natural hide armor that is resistant to piercing damage.


The sounds of sadistic beast like laughter bellowed as they begin to casually walk towards the area on where some of the Alvan rangers are placed at, And started climbing on top of the raised ground with the notion to destroy them with their batons.

As Arvin saw this, a wide grin escaped his expressions as he disparaged the Gnolls for the thickness of their skulls, at the same time is glad that they are this stupid.

Waving his arms a magic spell soon appears in his arms with the screen of the magical system of Rusi appearing on his sight, giving the layout of the map which is straight line.

Dismissing that pop up for a moment he Activated a formation on the area where the Gnolls are climbing up at, making the tower and ground disappear from its place.

[Wow, I have to roll a dexterity saving throw for all of those Poor Gnolls] Regan the god of this world said to himself, pitying the fate of these little abominations.

Surprised by the immediate set off of another magical formation the Gnolls tried to skid down the rocky terrain but where soon met by an empty void, Making them plummet to their doom as the sound of a space like teleportation resounded throught the former area.


*Ahhhhhh Loud Wilhelm scream bellowed as the towering object disappeared followed by a loud crash.

(+5 gold, +5 gold)

(Curency Update, 1210 Gold, 3976 Elektrum, in the bag of holding)

(Bounty Reward set = 7 per 1 Gnoll) Rusi states.

(Adventurers Guild is Notified of this exchange, Please update your account at the nearest Pylon)

(New Update on Enemies, Open beastiary for more information)

Rusi continues, telling Arvin that he managed to kill two Gnolls when he did that and added them into his beastiary.

Appearing in another position, the Alvan Rangers on top of that structure were very alerted by the abrupt teleportation that transferred them.

'Don't worry I got your back' the voice of a powerful mage spoke to them, reassuring that no harm will come to them inside that spell.

Inwardly they feared and praised the power of whoever is that powerful mage who could cast such psionic wonders.

'Alright now to turn that place into an actual tower' Arvin exclaims as he begins to deduct gold from his account and convert it into magic.

(Currency: 1110 Gold, 3976 Elektrum)

(Applying details to New tower Slot)

(Initialising alchemical transformation)

(Congratulations my friend you made your first tower!)

(Hunters Arbor, 2 - 6 damage, critical chance 50% additional same dexterity modifier +3; stealth modifier and proficiency bonus +6, 1 arrow per 0.7 seconds, Range 320 meters, description: "Alvan archers waiting to ambush any trespassers."

These archers fire a constant stream of arrows into enemy forces. They deal low damage, but their fire rate is still relatively high, and they can attack both air and ground units.

Costs to Construct: 100 Gold coins)

'Nice all that's left is the arrangement, it's a shame that I can't just cover the path way with a wall, but this works just the same' Arvin happily shouts in his mind, praising Rusi without realising it.

"Now where were we, Oh yeah, IM RIGHT OVER HERE YOU STINKY BASTARDS" Shouted Arvin which catches the attention of all the enemies at the other side.

Seeing a easy target to pick the Gnolls begin to thread on the road to follow the path that Arvin magically made, Eager to destroy anyone in the Alvan continent.

There the first battle begins of the first defense begun.

(Wave one begins)

(New Enemy)

(Gnoll Reaver) (Class: Under Common Species: Hyena Brood') (Life Force: 80) (Regal Force: 0) (Physical Attack Damage: 4 - 7 per sec) (Speeds: 5 meters per second: Fast)

Description: Lowly creatures that serves as forward troops for every Gnoll Assault.

Danger Level: C+ Adventurers ranking, Dangerous in general.