Zombie Love

Frumble covered his eyes with his hands. "I'm going to die, I just know it. If that half dead being doesn't do it, Riot and her friends probably will. Do you know who her father is?"

"Er… no?"

"He's Havoc the Warlord, the evil and nasty warlord it goes without saying, of Real. You don't want to be messing with him, and he thinks the world of his daughter."

"I see," said Tybalt. "Well, in that case perhaps we should be getting back to Dreth then. As quickly as possible."

"I don't think that I'm going to allow that," came a new voice from behind them.

The two whirled around, to come face to face, or face to knee in Frumble's case, with a large human dressed in rich black robes.

"And who might you be?" asked Tybalt, putting a hand on a sword.

The figure smiled. "I love it when people ask me that," he said. He leaned forward. "My name is…"

"Veronica," interrupted Frumble. "Veronica the Violator."