
Red and black bunting had been hung around the walls, which clashed with the purple and silver balloons hanging from the ceiling. Several large banners were interspersed amongst them, proclaiming Harold's excellence. Long tables were laden with food of all kinds, whilst other tables gave the party goers a place to sit and rest. Sunlight streamed in through the large windows, rendering the magnificent lights above unnecessary for the moment. To one side a band of musicians blew, strummed or did whatever was required to make noise with their instruments, whilst groups of revellers in the middle of the room did their best to move with the beat, with varying degrees of success.

Miles pointed to a door near the other side of the room. "That leads to the dungeons," he said.

"Come on then." Dreth prodded him. "Move with confidence, make it look like you know what you're doing."

The two set out, keeping near the walls and trying to remain inconspicuous.