
"You'll be okay on your own then?" Dreth asked, gesturing at the Black Skull, which was anchored offshore. "Not that I care you understand, but I'm just curious. We went to a lot of trouble to get your hand back, and I hate to think I wasted my time."

"Never fear landlubber, they be proper respectful now they think Blue be dead," Hooks said.

"Do you think she's dead?" 

Hooks shrugged. "Maybe. Like as not she got away. Slippery one be Blue." He pulled at his beard thoughtfully.

"So we're east of the hills then?" Dreth confirmed, looking about.

They were standing on a beach littered with sharp stones and rocks. A seagull watched them carefully a little distance away, no doubt wondering if they were some kind of interesting new walking fish. The sound of breakers could be heard as the sea washed up against the shore.