Distress signal?

Now that everything was going well, Aariv spent his days like any other newborn baby. In the beginning, he was feeling shy drinking milk from his mother's breast, after all, he considered himself more than 2 billion years old.

He tried not to but in the end his hunger defeated him. He started acting like a normal baby, eating, sleeping and pooping. Though there was one thing that he hated the most, there were no diapers in this era. they would just tie a piece of cotton cloth around his ass and crotch.

It would itch a lot whenever it got wet. His father also came to play with him and his brother every day even after being so busy. Aariv had officially name Kautilya, Baldy and this was the only word he spoke since that day.

Surprisingly, Kautilya, instead of getting annoyed, enjoyed being called baldy by a 3-month-old.

Yes, it had been 3 months since his level-up. He was currently practicing to control his strength by trying to squeeze different things and see how much strength it would take to break.

He was also practicing his Novice level Psychokinesis powers.


{ for all those who don't remember his Novice level powers.

1: Aerokinesis- creating and manipulating wind, higher the level stronger the wind.

2: Pyrokinesis- control and extinguish flames (can create flames in advanced level).

3: Hydrokinesis- control and manipulate water. (Can change its structure in advanced level).

4: Levitation- can make objects levitate ( flying requires intermediate level).

5: Biokinesis- ability to edit genes, Minor Healing (Can only make genes stronger at this level not edit or change it)

for more info read chapter 8 }


He used his Aerokinesis and hydrokinesis power to dry up his and his brother's cloth diapers, Pyrokinesis was not very useful right now. Levitation was very helpful, he used levitation to bring objects placed in the room to him so he could experiment with his strength on them.

Biokinesis power was very helpful because once in every while he would mistakenly hurt his parents so he used Biokinesis to heal them.

He also found out that combining his energy manipulation powers with psychokinesis powers increased its effect 100 times, but doing this could be very stressful on body and soul, which is also why he leveled up.

He also found out that his powers came from the soul energy which originated from his own soul. Every time he would level up his upper limit for soul energy would increase which in turn made his powers stronger.

Currently, Aariv was only able to perceive and manipulate Natural energy, but he was excited thinking about the future because there were so many different kinds of energies, solar energy, gravitational energy, fusion energy, etc.


Aariv and Bindusara were sitting in bed, bored beyond wit. He was worried about his brother though as he was not showing much expression even when he poked him

In the beginning, Aariv thought that there must be something wrong with Bindusara's brain but after checking him up he found no defects, then again when Aariv thought about the history, the life choices made by Bindusara in the future could not be called wise exactly.

He was a sex maniac and had 101 sons and god knows how many women. His firstborn was a narcissist and psychopath but still, he wanted to pass the throne to him. Thank god history went the way it went.

Aariv had decided that he would not interfere much with Indian history, at least not before the year 304 BC. because the greatest emperor in the history of the Indian subcontinent was born in that year. Ashoka the Great, he was born to Bindusara and his 4 or 5th wife Dharma. Aariv wanted to carve his nephew into an even better emperor.

According to history, Ashoka saw too much gore and death in the war with Kalinga kingdom in 262 BC, due to which Ashoka became soft and abhorred war and became a Buddhist. He busied himself in spreading Buddhism to the world. Ashoka was the reason Buddhism became so popular in the later centuries.

Aariv had decided to not stop his nephew from becoming a Buddhist but he will also not let him ignore his duties as an emperor as he did in history.

Kalinga was too much trouble. Even his father was trying to find ways to deal with them, Aariv had already decided that as soon as Ashoka was born he would destroy Kalinga. If he wanted to, he could do it right now, but that would change too many things and could possibly erase Ashoka from this timeline. On another note, a 3 months old baby destroying kingdoms would be too much even for those blind devotees of gods.

Juno had become a NEET – short for 'Not in Education, Employment or Training', She refused to discuss anything with Aariv and had drowned herself in movies and tv shows from the future earth. Aariv felt weird thinking that he was raising a shut-in girl inside his own body.


Aariv was levitating a flower vase towards himself, he was finally ready to challenge himself with fragile things. his mission was to clean the vase with his hands without breaking but his plans were ruined when the most beautiful mother in the world walked in. She saw the levitating flower vase and then looked at Aariv who was using his hand gestures to levitate it.

He looked very cute waving his hands weirdly. Durdhara walked to the flower vase and put it back in the place. To her, Chandragupta and Acharya Kautilya, Aariv's powers had become a daily part of their life.

She came close to little Aariv and Bindusara. Bindusara was a normal baby so his body was still developing many muscles, he could only tilt his head a little and it would probably take him 1 year to start crawling. But Aariv was not your everyday kid. His body had already developed muscles required to crawl.

Maybe when Bindusara started crawling Aariv would start walking.

Durdhara was unusually smiling today and Aariv noticed this, he had a premonition that his mother must be planning something.

She came close to the bed and cheerfully said "My two little angels, it's time for a bath"

"Shi*" Aariv cursed himself, He hated bathing, every baby hates bathing. Without waiting, Aariv started crawling away from his mother. Because he was so strong his crawling speed was as fast as a normal human running.

Aariv remembers that it had been a week since he bathed last time. Every time his mother came he would just run away, but today was an unlucky day. He dashed towards the gate like always but this time his mother had told a guard to stand at the entrance with a fishnet.

The moment Aariv passed through the door he found himself in a fishnet. he tried to free himself like a fish but gave up when his mother picked him up. He was still conscious of not hurting her.

"HAHAHA... do not worry my little fish, I'll put you in water soon" She said laughingly.

Aariv accepted his fate and prepared himself for bathing but then he heard Juno laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA... Aariv the fish,"


It would seem like Aariv was acting like a spoiled child, Aariv also thought so but in reality, he was just trying to enjoy the time he had with his dear family because he knew that when he grows up he'll have to worry about the upcoming universal war. For now, he just wanted to feel loved.


After the bath he was back in the room, wrapped in a silk cloth like a burrito. he had his eyes closed, meditating. Meditation had become his greatest pastime and he seriously thought that meditation was very helpful to the body otherwise why did so many sages, and religions in the world preached about the benefits of meditation.

He was deep in his thoughts but suddenly he felt like someone was trying to talk to him telepathically. Aariv focused on this feeling and soon he heard a voice. It felt like an old man was speaking but in an unknown language. Aariv knew every language to have ever existed on earth but he had no knowledge about this.

This picked Aariv's interest, he tried to trace the voice, even if he could not pinpoint the exact location he could still know the general direction. As long as he walked in a straight line he would reach that place. He sensed that the voice was coming from the Himalayas and it was repetitive, like some kind of an automatic distress signal.

"Juno, Did you hear that voice?" he asked Juno, hoping that maybe she would have some data about this language in the junk section of her memories.

"Yeah, I did... But there is no mention of this language anywhere" She was also interested in this unknown language.

"Are we going to check it out?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes, but not now. Look at my body for god's sake, I am a baby wrapped like a burrito."


~I miss my voicebox.~