All mighty Juno

After the assassination attempt made on the Emperor's life, the whole capital city went into lockdown. Every single Royal Guard's background was being checked.

Meanwhile, Aariv was busy making a long-range communication device. His future-tech knowledge was very useful but the only problem he was facing was that he had to make everything from scratch. There was no pre-existing tech that could help him.

He had designed a Holographic communicator, which was very common in the 36th century. What he now needed to make was a battery and solar panels. For battery, he was going to make a simple graphene battery and to make solar panels he needed silicon, which was abundant on earth.

His powers such as Pyrokinesis, Aerokinesis, and Hydrokinesis would be very useful in making all these.

He got out of his room and started walking to Baldy's office. He needed some help from him.

"Hay Juno, you listening?" Aariv asked Juno while walking.

"Argh, what do you want now? I am busy watching Friends you know" Juno replied uninterestingly.

"What's Friends? and I wanted to ask you something important" Aariv had no idea what this girl said.

"It's a sitcom... Ah leave it, you wouldn't get it," she said in joker style.

~seriously, she acts like a 10-year-old and still thinks that she is above others~ Aariv thought, but he forgot that Juno could also read his thoughts.

"Ah... Excuse me. I am above everyone. Tell me, do you know who Tony Stark is? or Steve rogers, Jack sparrow, Darth Vadar... Jon Snow? right... You know nothing Aariv." She started mindlessly yelling.

Aariv facepalmed himself and started regretting disturbing this TV and Movie addicted little girl.

"Hayyyyyy, take that back I am not a little girl" She once again read his thoughts.

"Yes, you are," Aariv said.

"No, I am not," Juno refuted.

"The fact that you are angry for being called a little girl makes you a little girl." Aariv teased her more.

"You, ahhhhhhhhhh... So what did you want to talk about?" She changed the subject when she started to lose the argument.

Aariv rolled his eyes after hearing her getting serious.

"Well, I was curious, Do you also get stronger when I level up?" He asked curiously.

Juno took her time to think and said "Yeah, I do"

"Well, I think God must have given you some power, right? I mean, why would he send you with me if your job was just to watch movies," he said.

"You know what, I think you are right. That old man/god did say that I was supposed to help you in your conquest." She replied seriously which was very rare.

"But I don't know what to doooo" She wined.

"Umm... Try to focus maybe?... There must be something" Aariv also had no Idea.

Juno looked around and saw a guard standing near a pillar in the hallway. She tried to focus on the guy with all her might hoping that something would happen to him.


Aariv was still walking and when he was about to cross the guard he heard Juno scream.

"What happened?"

"I...I can see YOU!... in 3rd person." Juno said excitedly.

"What!..." Aariv closed his eyes and changed his view to Juno's. He really saw himself in 3rd person. Then he once again opened his real eyes and went near the guard and swung his hand in front of the guard's face.

"Yep... I can see you swinging your hand," Juno confirmed.

"Anything else? can you control his body?" Aariv thought that there must be more to this power.

Juno tried to move the body "Argh... I feel like I can but I can't"

"Maybe your level is not high enough to control the body, come back now let's go" Aariv started walking again.

Juno came back from the body of that guard but when she came back she screamed once again, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... This is so cool"

"Now what?" Aariv once again stopped and switched to Juno's view. He was shocked to see a holographic screen in front of him.

He looked at what was written on the screen.


1. Puppet Master - Level 1

Level 1- Vision control, range 50 Kilometers.

Level 2- Body control, range 5000 Kilometers. [LOCKED]

Level 3- Multiple body control(10), range 50,000 Kilometers. [LOCKED]

Level 4- Multiple body control(1000), range 500,000 Kilometers. [LOCKED]

Level 5- Multiple body control(10,000), range 5,000,000 Kilometers. [LOCKED]

Level 6- ???? [LOCKED]

2. Matter manipulation - Level 1

Level 1- Simple matter manipulation(combining and extracting simple byproducts)

Level 2- Complex matter control( combine or extract multiple complex byproducts) [LOCKED]

Level 3- All Macro control( All visible matter) [LOCKED]

Level 4- All Micro control(atomic and subatomic matter) [LOCKED]

Level 5- All Matter control, creation, and destruction. [LOCKED]

Level 6-???[LOCKED]

"What the hell, Juno you got a personal stats hologram, why don't I have this and what's with this OP Matter manipulation power? this would make you practically undefeatable. You could just conjure a fusion bomb when in trouble.

And your power levels coincide with my power levels, Novice->Intermidiate->Advanced->Expert->Supreme->???

This means that as long as I level-up, you will level-up too.

But we still need to experiment, what would be the point of all this power if it made you tired just after one use." Aariv said as pointed to a brick on the wall.

"Alright, try to separate Lime from that brick."

Juno focused on the brick with all her strength and soon some white powder came out of the brick and accumulated on the ground. soon the white brick turned into sandy color.

Aariv touched the brick and the moment he touched, it broke. he then looked at the white lime powder on the ground.

"Juno, try to separate calcium from that white powder" he wanted to test her limit.

hearing Aariv's words, Juno again started to focus on the white lime powder on the ground and soon another pile of white powder started forming but it was a lot less.

"I can't do this anymore, this is my limit and if I continue I feel like I'd fall asleep." She said, sounding worn out.

But Aariv couldn't describe his happiness at that moment. With Juno's help, he'll be able to make things faster. "Very good Juno, I envy your powers. especially that matter manipulation power, just think about the possibilities, things you can make."

He tried to encourage her more in the hope that she would leave her current NEET lifestyle.

"Whaaaat! but that's not fun, I'd rather watch movies" She sounded annoyed.

Aariv's eye twitched a little, even with such awesome power she wanted to watch movies. He needed to find another way.

"Juno, didn't god send you to help me in my conquest? now tell me, are you helping me?"

"No, I am not." She sounded a bit sad.

Not wanting her to be sad, Aariv thought of a better way to make her work: "OK! let's make a deal, you will help me whenever I ask you to and in return, you can watch movies whenever I don't need you. You can also use your powers to look at the city with other people's eyes, that would be like a real-life movie. You will report to me if you find anything good while exploring, this way you get to have fun while working."

"Oh my God, that would be so much fun, yes yes Deal. I'll be your James Bond, your secret spy,..."

She started blabbering about her movies stuff again which Aariv ignored and made his way to Kautily's office.

He knocked on the office door and entered. Kautilya was sitting there alone at his desk, there were 2 more desks but they were empty, most likely belonging to his assistants.

He looked at Aariv and stood up, he treated Aariv even better than how he treated the emperor Chandragupta, mainly because of what happened 3 years ago, he had blind faith in Aariv.

"Come on baldy, I am just a little kid while you are old enough to be my grandpa so no need to be so formal with me." He said with a warm smile.


Aariv had a lot of respect for Kautilya because he knew his story which even his father, the emperor, did not know. In the history books, it was said that Kautilya was born with canine teeth which was considered to be a good sign and a monk prophesized that he would become an emperor someday.

But being born in Brahmin(priest) caste. His family considered it bad and broke his canine, which changed the prophecy, the new prophecy was that he will make someone a great emperor someday.

Later he went to the Takshasila university to study politics and economics after which he was appointed in the Royal Court of Nanda dynasty(The dynasty which Chandragupta removed). But the king Dhanananda was a narcissist bastard and accused Kautilya of treason for some stupid reason.

Kautilya somehow saved his life and vowed that no matter what he would dethrone and kill king Dhanananda. The rest is history.


Kautilya smiled at Aariv. "What can I do for you Little Aariv"

"Hehe... I want some materials for my device and I don't know where to find them." Aariv said.

"Well I need silicon but I can make it from beach sand which I can get myself. What I really need is 50 kilograms of Graphite stone,100 kilograms of iron and copper, and Rubber trees." Aariv told him about his requirements.

Kautilya thought a bit before replying "I can get you Graphite stone, iron and copper by tomorrow but rubber trees are in the northern jungles so it will take some time."

"Awesome, this is perfect. You get other materials while I go to the northern Jungles and get rubber myself. I always wanted to see the city and outside territory, so this is a perfect opportunity.

He was excited to finally get a chance to test his powers.

Aariv then left the office while talking to Juno in his mind.

"Juno, get ready to do work"

"Ugh... just one more episode or two maybe or..."

Aariv ignored her and went to pack for his little outing.