Stupid love

After 2 days of traveling, they finally reached the city of Ujjain. It was a big city comparable to the capital, Patliputra. It was ruled by the Avanti royal family.

He steered the carriage to the special entrance of the city. He showed them his identity token. All the guards started acting alert the moment they found out that the Mauryan prince was there. Soon several guards on the horses came and introduced themselves.

"Your highness, we are the palace guards and are ordered to escort you to the palace." The leading guard said firmly.

Aariv nodded, the guards got into the formation and surrounded the carriage. They passed through the busy streets easily. Soon Aariv could see the palace some distance away. It was smaller than the royal palace in Patliputra but it still had its charm. It was surrounded by beautiful gardens and ponds.

Someone had gone ahead and notified the royal family about his arrival so the whole royal family was waiting for him at the entrance. The family consisted of the king, 2 queens, 3 sons and 1 daughter. Aariv didn't know much about them as there was no mention of them in the history books.

The carriage stopped in front of the stairs leading to the palace entrance. He got out of the carriage.

The king and the queens were surprised to see Aariv because according to the intel he was just 4 years old but the boy they were looking at was 5 feet tall and looked 12 years old.

Then Aariv helped Satya get down from the carriage. They all looked at Satya who truly looked like a 4 years old, they started thinking that he was the prince.

Aariv went ahead to greet them but before he could say anything they all looked at Satya and bowed.

"Welcome to Ujjain, your highness," The king said with a slight bow. Although he was a king but still, he ranked lower than the son of the emperor so he had to bow.

Aariv and Satya were speechless, Aariv didn't want to embarrass the King so he decided to clear the misunderstanding later, but fate had something else decided.

"YOUR HIGHNESS, sorry for being late" An old fat man came running from behind, shouting and deeply bowed to Aariv.

He looked at the fat man and recognized him. he had seen him once in the capital. He was Subhraj, the governor appointed to the city of Ujjain.

The king looked at Aariv embarrassingly. Aariv just nodded his head looking at him, he understood that it was not his fault, after all, Aariv didn't look like a 4 ear old.

The king then introduced his family to Aariv.

"Your highness, this is my first wife, this is my second wife, this is my eldest son Veer, this is my second son Vishrut, this is my third son Dhimant and the youngest one, my daughter Kaveri."

Aariv was foolishly looking at Kaveri, he had never seen such a beautiful girl in his entire life, she had an innocent and lovely face and well-defined figure. she looked to be 15 or 16, but already had well-developed assets.

Aariv was attracted to her and everyone also noticed that. He never really got a chance to get a girlfriend in his past life so it was a first for Aariv. He was a 2 billion-year-old virgin boy.

"Hey, stop embarrassing yourself, you fool," Juno spoke in Aariv's head, alerting him.

Aariv realized what he just did and looked away,

"Oh, let me introduce them, this is Satya and this is his mother Malini Devi"

The king nodded and invited Aariv. "Your highness, please come inside, we have ordered a feast to be prepared in your name"

Aariv looked at the sky, it was noon and he also felt hungry.

"Lead the way," he said.

Satya came close to Aariv,

"Your highness, you like that big sister right?" He said in a low voice.

Aariv didn't know what to say, he just ignored him.

"You should just confess, am sure they won't refuse, you are the crown prince after all" Satya advised,

Aariv looked at Satya with a dumbfounded expression, "You sure you're just 4 years old? because you really sound like an old man"

"Apologies, your highness, his father used to take him to school since he was 1, so he grew a little faster than his peers" Malini apologized embarrassingly.


Inside the palace.

Aariv was eating with all others, he was surprised to see that even the queens and the princess were eating with them. It was uncommon for a woman to eat in front of her husband or any man in the current era.

He was still drooling over the princess, maybe it was hormones. He decided to stay in the city for the night and try his luck.

The king knew that Aariv was interested in his daughter so he thought about doing something to get them together, after all, who in their right mind would reject the crown prince.

"My dear daughter, why don't you show the city to his highness?" He said to his daughter but his words sounded more like an order.

Kaveri smiled and nodded, she then looked at Aariv smilingly. Aariv had already fallen for her so he didn't notice the slight frown Kaveri had before smiling. But Juno noticed.


After lunch, Aariv and Kaveri took separate horses, and Kaveri started showing him the city. She pointed to stuff and told him about it. Aariv just foolishly kept on looking at her ignoring what she was saying.

This went on for a while, he then suddenly heard someone shouting.


Aariv came out of his stupor and noticed that Kaveri's horse had hit a kid who was playing with his friends. He quickly got off his horse, as did Kaveri.

She looked at the kid with a disgustful gaze,

"GUARDS," she yelled.

4 guards who were following them came running,

"Remove the filth from here, didn't I tell you already, I don't want anyone on the road." She started scolding the guards.

Aariv's jaw dropped seeing the real face of the beauty.

~Shi*t, I think I just dodged a bullet, she turned out to be a racist pampered bitc*~ He said to himself.

"I fricking knew it," Juno exclaimed.

The guards stepped towards the injured kid who was screaming in pain. All the other kids had run away and no adult had guts to intervene. Suddenly the mother of the kid came running and shielded her child.

"Please forgive me, this won't happen again," She said looking at Kaveri, they didn't know who was Aariv so to them, Kaveri was the highest authority there.

Kaveri stepped forward to the woman and kicked her, "How dare you look at me"

Aariv had enough of this spoiled princess.


He slapped her in front of everyone. Kaveri's left cheek turned red. She was shocked and couldn't accept that she just got slapped.

"How dare you slap me, not even my fath.."


She received another slap on her right cheek. The personal guards took their weapons out and aimed at Aariv, they were personal guards of the royal family which would explain their stupidity of pointing the sword at him.

"Put your weapons down, I have higher authority than her, her father and even the governor. I can get you all executed with just one word" Aariv said loudly, all the guards stepped back in fear.

"And you, I will deal with you later" He angrily said to the princess.

He then went to the mother and son, they were afraid of him as they understood that someone who can slap the princess must be a powerful person.

"No need to be afraid, I am Aariv Maurya, you did nothing wrong. Let me check his injury," Aariv said warmly.

He looked at the kid, the arm was broken but not something he couldn't heal. He used Biokinesis and healed heald the internal injury. To not make people suspicious, he didn't heal him fully.

"Guards, take him to the doctor" He had healed him mostly and the pain would also go away in some days.


The king had already found out about what had happened, he was anxious as he knew that his daughter had made a mistake.

"I apologize for my daughter's behavior, please forgive her," he pleaded to Aariv.

"She had guts to do all that in front of me, and I can't even imagine what she does when no one is watching," Aariv said.

He then looked at the governor, "Governor Subhraj, I want you to put her in 24X7 surveillance and if she harms the citizen then deal with her according to the law"

Aariv was done with staying there, "I am leaving for the capital"

"Please, stay for the night, your highness," The king asked.

Aariv just ignored him and went away. The king looked at his daughter disappointingly.


Back on the road, in the carriage.

"Your highness, what happened? Why did we leave so early, I thought you wanted to stay for the night" Satya asked with some interest.

"Little Satya, I am going to give you a life advice," Aariv said.

Satya nodded and looked at Aariv with firm eyes.

"Never judge a woman by her pretty face because sometimes, the pretty face is just a cover for hiding a demon," Aariv said with a serious face.

"Yeah, bitch*s be crazy" Juno added.

~What the hell happened between him and that big sister~ Satya said to himself.