The End (Outline)(long chapter)

While traveling above Himalaya, Aariv's plane would be shot down by an unknown plasma shot. He somehow manages to survive and finally finds out who shot him. MC finds a big alien spaceship parked there.

Soon an alien in full armor comes out and fights Aariv. He had trouble fighting the alien and he guessed that the armor was making the alien so strong. He forces his body and eventually achieves a breakthrough but he knew that he didn't have much time before he blacked out. He concentrated all the energy in his body, plus the natural energy around him and punched the Alien.

His punch left a hole in the middle of the chest of the alien and soon it fell down. Aariv also blacked out but before he blacked out he sent a message to his parents that he was all right and that it would take a lot of time before he comes back.

He needed a lot of time to recover and heal his injury. His soul was also going through a breakthrough to Intermediate level.

1 year passed but Aariv's body was still lying there on the mountain, covered in snow. Juno was awake but was stuck in Aariv's body. Suddenly someone appeared near Aariv's body. The man had bluish skin, he wore minimal clothes.

Just covering his lower part and one chest. Like what people wore in the stone age. The man also had a trident in his hand and a black snake around his neck. He also had a third eye on his forehead but it seemed to be closed.

"Oh my god... It's god Shiva" Juno exclaimed.

God Shiva was one of the 3 main gods of Hindu mythology. He was the god of destruction.

"Haha... you recognized me, little Juno," Shiva said.

Juno was shocked. "You can hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear you... It seems that the chosen one is having trouble waking up" he said and looked at Aariv's body.

"Yes, he's probably going through a breakthrough"

"Let me help you then... after all, you are my guest," Shiva said and put his hand on Aariv. Aariv's body started radiating golden light.

"Okay, he will wake up in an hour, I should go back now," Shiva said.

"Wait, mighty lord Shiva" Juno Shouted.

"Haha... since when did you become such a good girl. I just hope you stay like this when you get back your memories."

"Can you please tell me where I can find a body for myself?" She asked with a longing voice.

"Yes... Go to Iceland... there you will find the last remaining descendant of Norse gods or any god. She had neared the end of her life span. It is the only vessel that can contain you," he said and left.

After 1 hour Aariv woke up. Juno crazily started to scream that the must go to Iceland. When Aariv asked why Juno directly showed him her conversation with the god Shiva.

"So, we are on mount Kailash... Okay, Juno... let's go there. But my plane crashed. Although I can fly now but not as fast as my plane. Let's use the alien space ship."

He boarded the ship and searched for the transmitter. He destroyed it and then thoroughly searched the ship for any more aliens. He found none. The alien was probably stuck on the planet. Aariv fixed the ship and inserted the fusion reactor from his crashed plane into the alien ship.


They reached Iceland. Aariv was now able to materialize his full armor from that locket.

[The Armor looks just as it is in the cover picture]. He materialized his armor and started searching all the villages.

In one such village, Aariv was eating food in an outdoor kitchen. He just paid the people with gold. When he was eating a little girl with white-bluish hair walked to him and bumped into him.

He was fascinated with the hair color of the girl but he also felt sad when he saw her ragged clothes. He looked at her face and noticed that her eyes were damaged. Her pupils had mostly turned white.

"Mister, Mister... are you the new warrior everyone is talking about?" She asked with urgency and tearful eyes.

Aariv guesses that people thought of him as a warrior due to his armor.

"Yes, little girl, how can I help you?" He asked.

"Please save my mommy, some bad people took her away... sniff" She started crying.

An old man sitting beside Aariv heard the girl's words and told him about what happened. It turned out that the village was raided by thieves the last night, they sometimes kidnapped women for pleasure too.

Aariv angrily stood up and picked up the girl in his arms.

'Old man, I will give you 10 gold coins but I need your clothes"

"What... take them..."

Aariv was going to fly towards their camp and he doubted that the little girl could handle the cold air. After wrapping the warm clothes around her he suddenly started levitating in the air. People around him fell to their knees in shock and started praying to him.

He flew to the camp. When he was about to land he noticed something and made the little girl fall unconscious. He landed near the corpse of a woman with white hair. He noticed that she had a knife in her hands and her throat was slit open. He understood that the woman chose to kill herself with some pride, rather than be used by these animals and then be killed. The body was still intact which meant that the thieves didn't do anything to her dead body.

He killed all the thieves and prepared himself to go back to the village but Juno stopped him. It turned out that it was the vessel that Juno was destined to have.

After a long session of hard work, Juno occupied the body of the women. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she said was,


Yes, she regained her memories. She told Aariv that in her previous life, she was also a goddess. The Greek Goddess Athena to be precise, a goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. She told him that when Aariv was about to die in his previous life, She sacrificed herself and transported her soul into Aariv with the help of other gods.

Because of Athena, Aariv was able to keep on for 2 billion years, fighting the tug of wars with other souls.

But after he died, she lost her memories.


She looked at the little girl who was cutely sleeping.

"Poor little Freya," she said and hugged her. Her actions woke Freya up. She felt the same warmth as she felt from her mother. She started crying and held her mother tightly.

"Mother... I was so scared... uwaaaaa"

After an hour she calmed down. Aariv asked Juno/Athena if she had a father. Guess what, she didn't. her father died some years ago in a house fire and that's also how Freya's eyes got damaged.

"Well, I guess I will have a cute daughter from now on" Aariv smilingly said and caressed Freya's hair.

"By the way Juno. What should I call you now? Athena or Juno?"

"Juno is fine. You gave me that name and I am not Athena from the past. I am Juno" She said.

"Are you still a human or have you gotten your god powers back?"

"I am a full-fledged goddess now, even stronger than you. But, you don't have to worry as you are also on a god level. You could probably beat Ares. I can also help you train now, I am still connected to you, you know.." She said with a playful smile.

Freya walked to Aariv with difficulty and hugged him.

"Thank you, uncle warrior. You saved my mother"

"Hey, who are you calling uncle. You can call me papa and I can also heal your eyes, my little Freya."

With Aariv's breakthrough, Biokinesis power had reached a whole other level. He not only healed her eyes but also strengthened her genes and made her body extremely strong. He could give her superpowers too but he needed to do some research before he tried doing that.

Freya's eyes healed and after 2 years she looked at her beautiful mother. She teared up. Even Juno teared up. Maybe she truly felt like a mother. Then Freya turned to Aariv and saw his handsome face.

[new novel cover updated]


After the happy times, they all traveled around the world in the aircraft. Aariv didn't have plans on conquering empires so far away so he went back to Asia. He conquered China and Japan.

His tactics were the same. He helped someone unify the country under one banner, then he would make them his subsidiary. The same constitution and regulations would apply to new people too.

He finally took over all of Asia. In 297 BC he returned to Patliputra.

It was his coronation year. He formally became the emperor and started heavily changing society. To his surprise, he had a new little brother now.

Bindusara had also married a beautiful woman, her name was Dharma. It seemed that the prophecy couldn't be stopped. Ashoka was still born. But unlike history, this time he was handsome. Aariv took him under his wing and taught him everything.

He used his new biokinetic powers on his closed ones, increasing their lifespans and making them stronger. He did that so that they could deal with any enemy or assassination attempt. His closest ones could now live for thousands of years. Though they were not immortal. They could still die if someone at Aariv's level attacked them.

A new era had begun. It was 30 AD, he had passed the throne to Ashoka. People had started to treat Aariv as a god. He brought many advancements in the past 200 years. The intellectual level of the people increased and they started making machines on their own. Freya had also grown up to become an intelligent beautiful girl. She became the prime minister of the empire. Aslan had grown too big now. He had also started talking like normal humans and surprisingly, he calls Aariv, father.

Even Jojo had started to speak. Aslan, Jojo, Juno, Freya, and Aariv treated each other like blood relatives. Aslan, Jojo, and Freya called each other, brother and sister while Aariv, father and Juno, mother.

Aariv was going to leave now. He had decided to explore the pyramid. but, before that, he was going to meet someone important.


A man with long brown hair and beard was sitting on a chair. There were many pigeons in front of him whom he was feeding bread crumbs.

"Hello Jesus"

"I was waiting for you"

"Haha, all you gods act like you know everything," Aariv said.

"So, what can I do for you?" Jesus asked.

"Nothing, I just felt like meeting you."


Inside the Pyramids, Aariv found millions of androids in sleep mode. He tried to destroy one of them but ended up waking all of them up. He couldn't overpower them all and in a desperate attempt asked Juno to forcefully unseal his powers.

"Aariv, if I did this then it might take you hundreds of years to wake up," she worriedly said. In all these years, they had grown closer to each other. They had started to love each other.

"I have no other choice, Juno. The world is not ready for this. Just do it," he said and clenched his teeth.

Juno unlocked his powers. Aariv suddenly fell down on his knees. He felt unbearable pain in his body. He jumped power levels. From Intermediate, he directly reached expert level skipping advanced level.

At the expert level. There was a power called Technokinesis, which gave the user the ability to control any mechanical or electrical object. Aariv immediately used it and removed the mother program from all the androids.

He then fell down, unconscious. Juno was still okay. She could feel the crazy amount of energy in Aariv's body. Now that Aariv was in expert stage, she knew that ever her father Zeus could be played like a child by Aariv.

She placed Aariv's body in an enclosed tomb that she constructed and then left. She knew that it would take a lot of time for him to wake up.

She returned to the empire and silently lived there with Freya, Aslan, and Jojo.


Year 1500.

The era of exploration and development. The Renaissance.

Aariv opened his eyes and found himself in a black room.

He destroyed the wall and found himself back in the huge hall where all the disabled Androids were. He could feel that he now had control over them. He decided to make them change their appearance and follow him. Now he had an army of 3 million androids.

He returned to the Empire and found the economy and science flourish. He went to the palace. He couldn't find his family there. He only saw a bald guy.

"Your Majesty, is that you?" Kautilya asked with a happy face.

"Yes, it's me, baldy. I am back," Aariv hugged him.

"Where is everyone?" He asked.

"Your majesty, it's been more than 1400 years since you left. Your father, mother, and brothers left to explore the world. Only her majesty Juno is here."

After a happy reunion Aariv went back to work. He designed an advanced ship that could travel in air and sea. He left 2 million Androids to keep the empire safe and help in various matters. They were all under Aariv's control so they were basically workers that never got tired.

He then traveled, England, France, Spain and many other places. He met Leonardo da Vinci. Queen Elizabeth the first aka the pirate queen. conquered the people and lands. Met many ancient gods. Sometimes they even fought them.

By 1900s he had the whole world combined into one. Technology was flourishing. Science was the religion. Aariv was given a name by people. They called him the Immortal All-Father. And to be honest, he liked it.

He made the world reach the pinnacle of technology that he knew. But he warned humans not to go out in space yet. He established a world federation and prepared to leave for space.

He had a son with Juno 300 years ago. He was born with super strength and intelligence so Aariv was not worried about leaving things to his son. He couldn't take Juno with him as this time his target was to find the creator/the controller.

He promised that he would return and left.

In his journey, he saw many civilizations, met many alien gods. Even some earth gods who were looking for the creator. In his journey, he had another breakthrough and reached the Supreme level. Now only the ??? level was left.

He flew for years, to find the edge of the universe. He knew that the universe was expanding but also thought that there must be some container in which the universe is expanding. There can't be just dark infinite space beyond the last star. He passed the expanding universe and headed to the endless void.

After who knows how long he saw a small planet. It was covered with the bodies of various creatures. When he stepped on the planet a holograph appeared in front of him.

"So, you have decided to challenge the creator, just like these fallen men," it said.

Aariv looked around. He realized that all the bodies belonged to powerful beings like him who challenged the creator.

"Yes, I want to challenge him," Aariv said.

"very well, Look in front of you. Yes, that black crystal. That is the boundary of the universe. If you can break it and cross to the other side then you can see the creator. But beware. Punching a wall can sometimes break your hand too" it said and vanished.

Aariv started hitting the crystal with all his powers. He got injured and healed, again and again. After millions of tries, he finally made a crack in the crystal. Finding new motivation he kept ongoing.

After breaking the crystal, he crossed the wall and found himself in a white endless space. There were 7 huge humanoid lights floating. He also noticed 7 crystals in the room. He guessed that these all were universes.

"Congratulations, young one. You made it," one of them said.

Aariv looked at the light man and asked. "Who are you?"

"We are beings called originators, just like you, we evolved to the level that we could create universes...."

Aariv found out from the light men that there were just 7 of them and they all administered a universe. They were the ones behind the 500 million year war. They reasoned that they wanted to find people who could evolve and join their ranks. To them, the universe was just a trial ground.

Aariv felt pretty angry. So many people died in the hands of these so-called originators.

What followed was a fierce battle between Aariv and the 7 originators. Aariv was basically unkillable now as he had an undying body. Soon he broke through to the final stage, ???. Aariv realized that it was a question mark because it denoted that there was no limit. He could get stronger infinitely.

He fought and slowly got stronger. Eventually, he killed the 7 originators. But while he was killing the last originator, they telepathically warned him that he was foolish. They were just trying to get stronger and someday break the wall and kill the creator.

Aariv was shocked by those words. That meant that originators were not the creators. There was still someone out there.

From there Aariv spent an unknown amount of time to power up. At one point he was able to feel an invisible boundary around him. It was the boundary of reality.

He started attacking it and finally was able to make a big crack in it. He jumped out of it and found himself in a room. A room just like that on earth.

He looked around and noticed someone sitting on a chair. The person had his back faced to Aariv. He went close and found the man asleep. There was a laptop in front of him.

He looked at it and found the description of his fight with the originators written in it. At the end of the page 'THE END' was written.

He then completely searched the documents and found his whole life written in it. Aariv was shocked. He looked at the sleeping man. The man looked harmless to Aariv.

~Is he the creator? Is this how he made the world?~ Aariv asked himself.

He then looked on the internet on the laptop and found that he was in the 21st century. He was shocked to find out that his whole life was just a novel. He was a fictional character.

Aariv then thought about the infinite multiverse theory which said that if you can imagine a world then it probably exists somewhere in the infinite number of universes. He calmed down and made a decision. In no way could he leave the creator alive. but before killing he wanted to do something.

He had found out about the family of the creator and decided to help them as compensation for killing him. He went to all of them and healed them of any disease, also made them smarter so that they wouldn't waste all the money. He filled their accounts with crazy amounts of money. Last but not least, he used his Telepathic powers and edited the memory of every person in the world. This was so it wouldn't seem abnormal for a trillionaire family to come out of nowhere overnight.

After that, he returned and killed the creator and stored the body in his dimensional space. He then edited the novel and made the universe from chapter one in which he died and the universe in which he was born combine into one without creating any complications and confusion. He also integrated the other 6 universes into his universes. He removed the war. Made the universe truly infinite, full of resources and kindness. Made humans kind and the most advanced beings in the universe. He didn't change his own powers though.

After doing all that he hid the novel in the servers so that nobody would ever be able to find it and returned to his own universe.

The moment he returned. The cracks disappeared and left infinite space, full of galaxies behind. He teleported back to Earth and found his family. Not just the new one but also the old one. They had a long and happy reunion.

After the celebrations, he told them about his journey and then showed them the dead body of the creator.

"Son, whatever he did, he did it unknowingly. He created us and for that he should be properly honored and buried." Chandragupta said.

Aariv agreed and created a whole new planet for the burial of creator. The planet was covered with beautiful vegetation, parks, oceans, and animals. At the site of burial, there was a majestic 5-kilometer tall statue built. It could be seen from space. He told the whole universe about it and trillions of people came to see the mighty creator. Universe started treating the word 'creator' for taking vows and making promises. He wasn't turned into a god but a respected powerful elder.

Humanity flourished in years to come. The universe became one giant community where everyone was friendly. There were still some bad fishes in the pond but humans acted as the universal police and kept everything peaceful.

From then on. Everyone lived happily.