Family Dinner

"Hellloooooooo," I call out to see if the twins are home and kick my shoes off at the door.

"Yeah," Jackson and Journee call out in unison.

"Just checking to see if you guys were here," I call out to them as I head to my room and freshen up for dinner. I turn on my speaker and play music from my phone while I get ready.



"Na-na can I come in," Journee asks.

"Of course," I respond leaning out of the bathroom to see who it is.

"So what's new with you," she asks sitting in the chair at my desk.

"Hmm a lot apparently. What about you," I reply smiling at her sitting cross legged in my fluffy chair.

"Same as usual. I did make a little progress with Derek," she says with a shy smile.

"Really? I'm happy for you," I say genuinely happy for my baby sister who isn't a baby anymore.

"Sis, there's someone for you right now isn't it," she asks with a knowing look in her eyes.

"I'm not sure if he's for me. I've only spoken to him twice, but he's indirectly pulling me into the light," I say to her.

"Sis, what happened with you and Jay? I know you don't like to talk about it," she asks inquisitively.

"I forgot who I was, I lost myself to him, and then he betrayed me in the worst way. That's the best way for me to put it without so many details," I say to her feeling a little weight leave my body as I let those words leave my mouth.

"Hmmm and this guy is doing the opposite," she asks.

"Not exactly, I just feel something completely different with him. Like I've never experienced a feeling like this before, he calls to me on a deeper level. I know he's super attractive, but he's not the first attractive guy I've dealt with. I felt this awakening I'm going through coming for a little while and the other morning I put my foot down and determined that that day would be different. It felt different and that's when it all started," I say to her.

"I think I understand what you mean. Liking and loving someone can be complicated," she says with a sigh.

"Yeah you got that right and it's worth it, whether it's painful or filling there is something to be learned from experiencing it," I say to her with a small smile.

"So when is the next time you're going to see this guy," she asks.

"Tomorrow at his basketball game," I say feeling a light blush rise.

"Hmm, yeah something definitely is different this time around…in a good way I see," she says whether to herself or me though, I'm not sure.

"Yeah, you can say that," I say smiling at her while I stand up to stretch my legs.

"Jackson are you ready to leave yet," Journee says to Jackson who is standing in the doorway of my room.

"Jackson! How long were you standing there," I ask a little shocked.

"Long enough, I'm ready when y'all are though," he replies running his hand through his short curly hair.

"Cool, let me get my bag and I'll meet y'all downstairs," Journee says skipping past me to her room.

"Alright, I'll be down soon," I say to both her and Jackson who leaves to wait downstairs.

After checking myself in the mirror once more I grab my wristlet and head downstairs to leave with the twins. We lock up the house and head to Dad's restaurant downtown. There's a little Friday night traffic but we get there in a decent amount of time. We park in the rear next Mom and Dad's cars and walk around to the front. When we get inside we're taken to the table where Mom is already waiting for us. We greet our mother before we take our seats.

"Wow, all of you guys together at the same time," Dad says loudly walking over to us.

"Hey Dad," Jackson, Journee, and I all say at the same time.

"My love," he says to Mom kissing her cheek.

"My children," he says kissing each of us on the forehead before taking his seat next to Mom.

"It's been a busy week for us…" Mom says starting off the conversation.

We all talk about our various activities that we've had going on during the week. Tests, classes, clients, friends…it's a full out family catch up session. We keep in touch with each other in our family group chat and passing through the house, but Friday and Sunday dinners are reserved for family time. It's a ritual my parents have started to keep everyone grounded and in the know with each other's lives. I talk about my week with Rylie and Nova; I mention meeting up with Mekhi tomorrow as well. This throws my parents for a loop…like I know it's been a long time since I've mentioned a guy's name, but they don't have to act shocked or surprised. Maybe I should have kept that bit of information to myself, but we try to be as transparent as possible in my family. We all laugh together, cry together and just respect each other enough to be completely honest.

Dinner is delicious and filling as usual and we have dessert as well. The conversations start to calm down as we are all full and just about ready for bed. I stand to stretch my legs and to use the bathroom and notice that Journee follows along.

"Dinner felt long tonight, didn't it," she says as we are washing our hands.

"Oh my goodness, yes! I'm ready to go home and pass out now," I say giggling a little.

"Yeah, me too. I was surprised you told them about meeting up with that guy tomorrow," Journee says as we dry our hands.

"Yeah, I almost didn't, but we don't really hide anything and they'll start to notice anyway," I say to her.

"True! I didn't mean hide it though, I meant like waiting until you knew where the situation with this guy is going. It's good your way too though," she says smiling heading towards the door.

"Honestly, I didn't even think about that. It's alright though, it's better out in the open," I say to her returning her smile as we both head back to the table.

"Alright family, I can see that everyone is full and tired you all can head home and I'll be there soon," Dad says to us as we're all yawning after one another.

"Goodnight Daddy," I say because I know my shower routine will be fairly quick this evening; I am definitely exhausted.

"I'm going to stay here with your father for a little while longer, you guys go ahead," Mom says officially dismissing us.

We all stand to hug one another and head out. Once outside in the cool evening air I become a little less sleepy. It's not late at all, but I'm exhausted from being busy all week. The twins and I are walking around to the back of the restaurant to my car when I hear someone call my name.

"Lenaaaaaaa," a familiar voice calls.

I turn around to see who it is and I can't believe my eyes…it's Mekhi with a group of guys. That wakes me up more than the cool evening air does.

"Hey," I say as we walk toward one another closing the distance. I look back at the twins and they stop and stare as well.

"Hey baby," he says smiling hugging me and I'm losing my mind hugging him back.

"Hmm," I manage to get out as I take in his scent and relax into his arms.

"That's twice in one day. Since I've got you here let's exchange numbers; I realized I didn't have your number after I left the café this morning," he says releasing me and pulling his phone from his pocket.

"See, I knew you were a stalker," I say with a half-smile exchanging phones with him.

"Nah, me and the guys came down here after practice. I had no idea that I would be seeing you here," he says handing me my phone back.

"Mhmm, I'm coming from a family dinner," I say to him looking back at the twins.

"I figured that," he says to me. "How are you guys doing this evening," he says to the twins.

I turn around in time to see the twins respond and wave.

"I guess I'd better get going, it was good seeing you," I say looking Mekhi in the eyes feeling the pull to him from deep within.

"Yeah, you too baby," he says with THAT voice pulling me in to another hug.

"Hmm," I say taking another deep breath inhaling his scent one last time.

"I'll hit you later," he says releasing me with a smile.

"Yeah, okay," I respond with my own smile then turning around to walk away.

When I get to the twins I turn around to see if he's still there and he's back with his friends with a final wave we finally make it to my car. Once inside I turn on the radio and get ready to head home.

"Sis, you've got it bad," Jackson says with a whistle.

"Yeah, I've never seen you like that before," Journee adds.

"Remember earlier when I said that this feels different? What do you guys think," I ask them a little afraid of their response but ready for it nonetheless as I pull out of the parking lot.

"I mean he looks just as bad as you do and I mean that in the best of ways," Jackson says.

"I agree and he is as handsome as you said he was," Journee says with a giggle.

"Yeah, he's definitely that," I say with a laugh.

"Sis, he looks familiar like I've seen him before," Jackson says.

"Oh, he plays basketball for the University team," I say to Jackson.

"That's Mekhi Johnson," he asks shocked. "Wow sis, I didn't know you knew him."

"Yeah, well I just met him Monday. You know I don't follow basketball," I say to him.

"You just met him Monday? It seems like you've known him longer than that," he says shocked again.

"It feels like that to me too Jackson," I reply.

"If that's the case then I'm happy for you sis," he says in a quiet voice.

"Me too," Journee adds in a voice just as quiet.

"Thanks," I say and with that we ride silently for the rest of the ride home.

When we get home Jackson mentions that he has plans with his friends and he's heading back out; so it's just me and Journee left in the house. I head up to my room and sit in my chair to try and process the events of today. I ran into Mekhi twice! He called me baby, normally it's not a big deal, but hearing it cross his lips just sent goosebumps down my spine. I'm getting goosebumps thinking about it now. I really hope this dude isn't messing around with me because I don't know how I'll recover from this feeling. I won't be sad, but I don't think I'll be this in sync with another person. I have to tell the girls about this. I message them in the group chat.

Me: Y'all guess what?!?!?!?

Nova: WHAT?

Rylie: Whatttttt????

Me: I just ran into Mekhi while leaving Dad's place downtown!!!

Rylie: !!!!!!!!!

Nova: For real!?!?!?

Me: Yes y'all!! And the twins were with me!

Rylie: Well? What happened?

Nova: Yes mamma, details!

Me: We hugged and exchanged numbers! Y'all he smells so good!

Rylie: Oooo you got the digits! Yessss girl!

Nova: Whoop, Whoop!! Have you contacted him yet?

Me: Nah, I just got in 10 min ago.

Rylie: Well, what are you waiting for?

Nova: She said she just got in the house….

Rylie: True

Me: So what do you guys want to do tomorrow besides have brunch??

Rylie: I thought you wanted to go to the basketball game?!?!

Nova: Right…what ^^ said!

Me: I do, but I don't want to stay for the whole game. Let's go around half time or something…

Rylie: That's cool with me…maybe we can get mani/pedi's??

Nova: Yesssss, that sounds good, I'm in need of a foot rub

Me: Cool, I'm in need of one too…

Rylie: We know lol

Nova: Cool we can meet around 9, but I'm getting ready to head out with boo…so ttyl ladies

Rylie: Here you go…ttyl

Me: Alright cool, I'll meet y'all ttyl

I turn on my speaker and play some music on low while I lean back in my chair and rest my eyes. As soon as I close my eyes, it's like a replay of this past week playing in a loop. The memories bring a smile to my face and the next thing I know I'm sleep for real.

"The feel of his hand in mine as I step into the light burns as hot as the sun…"




I wake up and answer the phone without seeing who it is that's calling.

"Hello," I answer with a yawn.

"You sleep baby," the velvet voice on the other end says and now I'm wide awake.

"I was, what's up," I say stifling a second yawn.

"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you gave me the right number," Mekhi says with a chuckle.

"Why would I give you the wrong number," I ask sitting up in my chair cross legged.

"It's happened once or twice before," he says lightly.

"Surreeee it has. All the women around you surely no one would refuse you," I say sarcastically not believing him.

"Ah, yeah they're always around, but I don't want them…," he says leaving something unsaid hanging in the silence.

"And what is it that you do want sir," I ask while my heart is beating away so loud that I don't think I will be able to hear his reply.

"Baby, I think you know the answer to that," he says with that Panty busting voice and I take a deep breath to steady myself.

"Hmm, but I can't be sure," I say wanting to hear him say the words; daring him so that I know it's real.

"You," he says and my heart nearly combusts as I take this in.

"Me," I say in a small voice.

"Yes, you," he confirms.

"But we barely know each other," I say voicing the thing that we have both been avoiding. Good grief, I can't believe I just said that! I hope that doesn't get in the way.

"That's okay, we can take our time doing that," he says answering my silent prayer.

"Okay," I say to him because that was exactly what I wanted to hear. My heart is fluttering away and I do a silent cheer of excitement and relief.

"I know I asked you to come to the game tomorrow, but how about we meet after that," he says hesitantly.

"We can do that, but I'm still coming to the game," I say determined even though I know I'm showing up at half time I already said I'd be there.

"That's cool, just make sure you're free after that," he says.

"Okay, just let me know when you're free," I say not really believing the conversation that's currently being held. Talk about mind blown!

"Alright baby, I'mma let you get back to sleep," he says with that panty busting voice and now there are goosebumps all over once again.

"Okay, goodnight," I say breathless. Even over the phone that voice does something to me.

"Goodnight baby," he says and hangs up the phone.

I get out of my chair just to flop onto my bed and scream into my pillow. I cannot fathom what has just taken place, like I know he didn't directly ask me out, but saying that he wanted me was close enough. Wow! I didn't even know who he was last week and this week I'm lusting over this guy that I barely know, but want to know so badly. What will I wear tomorrow? What are we going to do? What am I doing? All these thoughts and questions start to race around my mind so I get off my bed and decide to go ahead and start my shower routine. While in the shower I run through the week's events in my mind again and I still can't believe I am meeting Mekhi tomorrow. I calm my nerves while moisturizing my body after my shower and begin to relax. After I put on a night shirt I grab my journal and record the day's events with as many details as I can remember then let the day's events and tomorrows promise carry me to sleep.