Opinions Don't Matter

"Jackson, Journee it's time to eat," I yell up the stairs taking the meatballs and the rest of the fries out of the warmer.

"Yes," Jackson says jogging down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Wash your hands," Journee says following behind him.

"Yeah, I know," Jackson replies standing at the sink beginning to lather up his hands.

I grab plates and cups for us while they're washing their hands. I place the cups on the table and the plates on the island. We make our plates and fill our cups before sitting at the table.

"Have you heard from Mom today," Jackson asks me.

"Not since I sent her and Dad the text telling them about what happened today," I say to him.

"She'll be calling soon I guess," Journee says.

"Yeah, between her and Dad, I'll be hearing from one of them before the night is out," I say.

We eat our dinner and talk about our day. Jackson has two subs as expected of him. Journee and I only have more fries.

"Oh yeah, Nova and Rylie will be meeting us tomorrow at night as well as my friend Susu and her siblings," I say to them.

"Sound like we'll have a big group," Journee says.

"It's going to be fun," Journee says.

"Yeah, we'll have to get there early to make sure we get enough seats for everyone," I say as I munch on fries.

We continue talking about our plans for tomorrow until my phone rings with a call from our mother.

"Hello," I say putting her on speaker.

"Hey are you guys having dinner," Mom says a little too loud.

"We're just finishing up. I have you on speaker," I say to her placing the phone on the table.

"Hey Mom," Jackson and Journee say one after the other.

"Hey, how are you guys doing," she says.

"We're fine Mom, we're going out tomorrow night to the wing place to watch the basketball game," Jackson says.

"I've heard. You guys have fun. Let me talk to Lena alone for a little bit and I'll call you guys later," Mom says cutting to the chase.

"Alright Mom, talk to you later," Journee says dragging Jackson out of the kitchen with his plate and sub still in his hand.

"They're gone Mom," I say ready to listen to her thoughts on the situation that happened today.

"How are you doing," she asks and I know that her question has multiple meanings.

"I don't know Mom. At first I was angry and upset like why does this have to happen to me. Then I rationalized with myself knowing Mekhi's status and reported the incident with Nova to the school security office. I don't even know who that girl is, but someone recorded the video of us and posted online and she ended up commenting on it so I have a name to give the security office if they haven't gotten it already. Even though I wish the video wasn't posted I'm glad that it shows my restraint and tolerance and corroborates my story. Mekhi has been calling me every moment he gets to check on me; he even reactivated his social media account and made a statement denouncing his involvement or any relationship with her as well as publicly displaying our relationship," I say to her taking a minute to catch my breath and listen to her thoughts on the matter.

"You handled yourself very responsibly given the situation you were able to maintain a level head and not feed into the energy that was put forth. You reported the matter as well so you shouldn't have to worry about another incident with the person, but I would be on alert and try to avoid this person as much as possible," she says motherly.

"I understand Mom," I reply to her knowing she has something more to say.

"Are you sure you're comfortable being in this public relationship with him? I know that he really likes you and you feel the same way about him, but is this what you really want," she asks seriously causing me to pause and think about it. I've already made up my mind, but I pause anyway just to consider her words.

"I'm sure this is what I want. I didn't want this to be so public at first, but now it's out I can't take it back even if I decided to end things to avoid any further problems I would still be facing some type of ridicule just for being connected with him. I really think I can handle this Mom. I've already made up my mind and he is who I want to be with so I'll bear the weight of the repercussions that come along with or relationship," I say to her confidently. I mentally pat myself on the back for having the courage and confidence to be this open about how I feel with my mother.

"Lena, if this is what you really want you know I will support you and if it's not I will still support you. You're a college student and technically adult so I can't make these kind of decisions for you all that I ask is that you be careful and look after yourself," she says deciding to support my decision.

"Thank you Mom. Seriously," I say to her taking a deep breath.

"Relax Na-na. I think Mekhi publicly supporting you is a good thing for you as well because it makes your relationship a fact and concrete thing. People will think and say what they will and their words mean nothing because their opinions don't matter," she says easily.

"Thanks Mom, I will remember those words when it gets tough," I say to her.

"I'm glad you know that it won't be all sunshine and lollipops, but rainy days as well," she says.

"Of course, I have the best role models and I feel as though I've grown more mentally and emotionally," I say.

"You have. If you're feeling any type of way about anything you know that your father and I are here to support and guide you. We will be your strength when you need it," she says with a tone that says she's done with this particular conversation.

"I understand. How was your day," I ask her changing the subject.

"It was alright. I met with another new client; I'm looking to get the buying process started within the next few days so that I can hopefully be home for the weekend before having to come back here to keep moving the process along," she says optimistically.

"Oh okay, sound busy," I say to her.

"Being a realtor is busy work and being in demand requires me to be even busier," she says in a matter of fact way.

"Kudos to you Mom. Make sure you get some rest," I say to her.

"You do the same. Tell the twins I'll call them shortly," she says.

"Alright Mom, love you," I say to her.

"Love you too, Lena. Take care of yourself," she says.

"Will do. Bye Mom," I say.

"Bye," she says and end the call.

'Whew! That conversation felt so heavy! I think I'll go out and take a walk to burn some energy and relieve some stress.'

I go to my room to change into some workout gear and stretch. I grab my ear buds and let the twins know I'm headed out before grabbing my keys and heading out the door. As I walk around my neighborhood I think about the day's events. I decide not to give it too much more of my time or attention and focus on building my strength and confidence to be able to withstand the obstacles that I'm sure will come my way in this relationship. I will return to meditating and yoga to focus my energy and mind in the right direction.

After walking and light jogging for an hour I return home and both shower and wash my hair. Washing my hair takes time as I condition and moisturize my hair before braiding my hair and hoping to the heavens that it's dry by morning. When I finally settle down I sit at my desk and respond to the texts from the girls I received.

Nova: Girl! Mekhi has made your relationship public!

Rylie: What?!?!?

Susu: I saw that too!

Rylie: Omg! He did! Good for him!

Susu: Good for them!

Nova: Definitely good for them!

Rylie: Lena say something!

Me: Sorry guys just finished showering and wash day.

Rylie: Oh, okay.

Nova: Have you spoken to Mekhi.

Me: I've been talking to him practically all day. He called me right after he sent the request to see if I was okay with him publicizing it.

Susu: Aww <3

Rylie: He reactivated his page for you!

Nova: That's how you know he's serious.

Me: Yeah, I was surprised too! Even more surprised when he released that statement about that bitch Camille and posted all of those pictures of us!

Rylie: That was a savage move!

Nova: Absolutely! He was left with no other options, he has to support Lena or the craziness would just continue.

Me: He wouldn't have announced our relationship if I didn't okay it though. He could've shut down the rumor and left me out of it all together.

Susu: Exactly announcing your relationship was just the cherry on top!

Nova: True.

Rylie: I wonder how campus is going to be tomorrow?!

Nova: Yeah, I wonder too!

Susu: Probably the same as today, but I don't think anyone would dare approach Lena because she might beat them up! Lol.

Rylie: Lol

Nova: Let's hope so! Lol.

Me: Alright you guys I'm getting ready to go to bed…are we still good for tomorrow.

Rylie: I'm still in!

Nova: Me too!

Susu: Me three!

Me: Alright ladies I'll see you guys tomorrow! Good night!

Nova: Goodnight!

Susu: Goodnight!!

Rylie: Good night!

I put my phone down and make a new entry in my journal filling in as many details as I can. 'These last few days have been busy to say the least.' I think to myself as I'm filling up the pages of my journal. When I'm finished I stand and stretch when my phone dings with a incoming video chat call. I see its Mekhi so I answer the call while getting settled in my bed.

"Hey baby," he says as soon as I accept the call.

"Hey," I say. Him calling me baby warms my heart even though he says it so frequently.

"How was your evening," he asks licking his lips. I can see that he's in his room on the bed.

"It was alright. A little busy from the online commotion," I say to him with a smile.

"Really," he asks.

"No, not really. I went for a long walk though just to relieve some stress and think," I say to him honestly.

"Hmm," he says.

"What about you? How are things going on your end," I ask him.

"Today has been a busy day for sure and the only thing I keep thinking about is if you're okay," he says.

"You have to focus! I'm fine! You really helped me making that post so everything should blow over soon," I say to him rolling my eyes.

"I can focus and think about you at the same time. I miss you baby," he says.

"I miss you too," I say smiling like a fool.

"Don't forget to watch the game tomorrow," he says.

"I won't. Do your best," I say to him.

"Always. I'm going to let you sleep now baby. I just wanted to see your face and hear your voice," he says with that velvet voice and I get goosebumps.

"Okay, good night," I say blowing him a kiss.

"Good night baby," he says ending the call with that panty busting smile on his face.

I text my Dad to let him know all is well and to tell him goodnight. I check to make sure my alarm is set then place my phone on the charger. I lay down, close my eyes, and let my feelings for Mekhi carry me to sleep.