What Do You Have Planned For Us

The next morning everything including time just flies by. I let the twins know about my plans with Mekhi and Dad's impromptu plans to accompany Mom for the last few days of her trip. They know the routine and we all keep our ringers on in case we need to contact one another throughout the day. It could be that I'm anticipating on finally seeing Mekhi after two days or the huge cup of coffee I drank this morning. I'm thinking it's the latter as I'm constantly checking my phone waiting for a message from him or any sign that he's back. As I'm packing up to leave History, my last class of the day, I hear commotion by the door. I sling my bag over my shoulder and grab my jacket as today is nice and warm I don't need to put it on. As I get closer to the door my heart flutters away sending my blood rushing through my veins. I hear congratulatory praises and squeals I lift my eyes as I walk through the door and see my handsome man in the middle of said crowd with eyes for no one but me.

"Excuse me," he says as he's making his way through the crowd towards me with that panty busting smile on his face. My heart continues to flutter and pound away in my ears as he gets closer to me and I can't help but smile and bite my bottom lip.

"Hey," I say when he finally reaches me and he grabs my face with both hands and starts kissing me.

Not one to back down I reach up and wrap my hands around his neck and deepen my kiss in return. Locked in our own world we don't notice the crowd around us finally dissipating and leaving us alone. We continue kissing until we're both breathless and instead of pulling away from me he pulls me into a tight hug leaving me breathless still.

"Hey," he says finally releasing me from the hug but still holding me close.

"It's safe to say you missed me," I say to him as he grabs my hand and brings it to his lips.

"Definitely safe to say," he says with a mischievous smile.

"Hmm, what would you like to do today? I did clear my schedule for you," I say as we start to walk out of the building.

"Let's get something to eat first. I've been waiting for you all day," he says with a sigh.

"Waiting for me all day? You haven't messaged me at all! When did you get back," I say to him shocked pulling out my phone to check for any missed messages.

"A few hours ago. I didn't want to disrupt your day so I waited for your last class to end to surprise you," he says with a sly look on his face.

"Surprise me you did," I say as we begin walking to the parking lot.

"Let's take my car today; I'll follow you home," he says draping his arm over my shoulder.

"Okay, we can do that," I say agreeing with him unaware of what he has in store for me.

As we walk through the parking lot to my car we chat happily and people pause only for a second to congratulate Mekhi on his victory. No one dares to cause any trouble with Mekhi present and we're able to make it to my car with ease. I notice his car is parked near mine so I don't even offer to give him a ride. I unlock my car and he opens the door for me and helps me into the car. I turn on the car and let it run for a few minutes before pulling out of my spot and waiting for Mekhi to do the same.

The drive home is easy as the traffic is light I make it there in fifteen minutes with Mekhi right behind. I pull into the drive way and signal to him that I'm going to take my bag inside. Once I get inside I take my shoes off and run my bag up to my room removing my wristlet and placing it and my phone into a handbag I rarely use. I freshen up my light make up and spray a little more perfume on me before I head back downstairs. I put my shoes back on and lock up the house and walk to Mekhi's car. He's leaning against the passenger door looking like someone straight out of a magazine. When I get closer he stands up and offers me his hand before he opens the door.

"Thank you," I say taking his hand and he gently squeezes my hand.

"Anytime baby," he says helping me into his car.

I watch him walk around the front of his car just as handsome as he wants to be and he's mine. When he gets into the car he reaches over and buckle up my seat belt as I sit there in shock by his gesture. He puts his own seat belt on and reach over to grab my hand and place it to his lips once again.

"What do you have planned for us today," I ask him as he pulls onto the road.

"You'll see, but right now we're going to get food. I'm sure you're hungry," he says looking over at me out the corner of his eye and he squeezes my thigh.

"Yeah, I could go for something to eat," I say as heat spreads from the place he squeezed on my thigh throughout my body.

'Please behave yourself. I'm sure he has no idea how he makes you feel. Relax, relax. Think about something else. Yes, midterms are coming up! Did we study for Biology class enough?' I think to myself trying to control my libido and consequences that come with his small gesture.

"We're going to have a good time baby, trust me," he says with his smooth deep voice and I'm not sure if he's addressing me or my libido who is up and stretching herself at the sound of his promise.

"I'm sure we will. You haven't disappointed me yet," I say reigning in my emotions.

"We're going to meet some of my friends a little bit later just to give you a heads up. I'm bringing you into my world so brace yourself," he says a little more seriously grabbing my hand.

"Okay, I'm sure it'll be fine as long as you're there besides I have my killer fighting skills to protect myself if all else fails," I say buttering him up giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm glad you trust me. You won't need your fighting skills any time soon although I am curious to see you in action," he says with a half-smile.

"I'll show you sometime," I say to him with my own half-smile as I see we're headed to the diner near the café.

"I'm sure you will," he says as he backs into a parking spot near the front of the diner.

After he's parked he turns off the car and jumps out walking around to my side and opening the door for me. He helps me out of the car and closes the door behind me. Holding hands we walk towards the diner looking like any other couple I'm sure. When we enter the staff and patrons alike all clap and congratulate Mekhi on his latest victory. He smiles and thanks everyone graciously and we're seated at a booth.

"I probably should've taken you to a different restaurant," he says with a small smile.

"It's fine! Really, it's all love for the sport of basketball," I say nonchalantly.

"Are you sure you're okay with it," he asks.

"Yes, I'm okay with it," I say to him with a reassuring smile as I pick up the menu.

"Okay, how was your day," he asks changing the subject picking up his own menu.

"It was agonizingly slow and fast at the same time," I say with a smirk.

"How so," he asks.

"I've been waiting for you to call or message me all morning saying that you're back. I had no idea that you would just pop up on me so as to surprise me," I say to him.

"But it was worth the wait when you saw me though, I know it was worth it for me," he says licking his lips.

"It was and you put on a show for all the world to see," I say blushing remembering the kiss he laid on me in front of everyone.

"Baby that was no show; I'd do it right here if you don't believe me. I really missed you," he says confidently.

"I missed you too and you don't have to prove it. I believe you wholeheartedly," I say and finally decide what I'm going to order.

"Good. Are you ready to order," he asks.

"Yes," I say and he calls the waiter over.

"Hi, my name is Joseph and I'll be serving you today. Could I start you off with a drink or go over the chef's special of the day," Joseph the waiter says.

"Hi, Joseph. I believe we're ready to order," I say looking at Mekhi.

"Yes, I would like to start off with the appetizer sampler and the New York strip steak medium with the loaded baked potato and garlic parmesan green beans," he says flawlessly.

"And I would like the country fried chicken with the mac and cheese and garlic parmesan green beans," I say.

"And for drinks," Joseph asks.

"I'll have the sweet tea no lemon," I say.

"I'll have the same thing, thank you Joseph," Mekhi says.

"Thank you guys, I'll place your order and your appetizers will be out first," Joseph says as he walks away.

"So how are you feeling? You guys just won a big game," I ask him.

"I'm still just as excited today as I was last night. If we win this next one we'll be going to the championship so I need you and all your luck cheering for me," he says with a smile.

"I'll always cheer for you. I'll be at the game Saturday for sure," I say to him.

"You should probably bring your brother and sister to this game," he says.

"Yeah, I should. I'm sure Jackson would like that and Journee would just come for the experience," I say.

"Cool. You look beautiful today baby," he says reaching out to grab my hand.

"Thank you! You say that even when I'm in my pajamas," I say to him.

"Because it's true. To me you're always beautiful," he says smoothly.

"You have a sweet tongue," I say to him shaking my head.

"Only for you," he says as the waiter places our drinks on the table.

"Thank you," I say to the waiter and shake my head at his comment.

"What's up," he asks feigning ignorance.

"You're shameless," I say giggling.

"Sure. What's new with you," he asks.

"Nothing much really. Still studying for the upcoming exams. So what will we be doing at your place later," I ask looking for details about our evening at his place.

"I can't tell you that, you'll just have to see when you get there. It's important though so take it seriously," he says cautiously and I start to think about what it could be.

"Hmm, okay," I say as I ponder the little bit of information he's given me.

"Don't think too much about it, we'll cross that bridge when we get there," he says grabbing my chin and kissing me on the lips when he's finished.

"Okay," I say returning his kiss.

"No pressure," he says.

"Okay," I say again and he releases my chin and goes back to holding my hand.

"Thank you for all the pictures by the way," he says showing me his phone's lock screen. It's a picture of me.

"Aww you made me your lock screen. Look," I say showing him my phone's background picture of us walking through the school's parking lot with me hugging his arm and him looking down at me smiling.

"Great minds, I guess," he says showing me that he has the same picture set as his phone's background picture and I start giggling.

"Here let's take some new pictures," I say holding up my phone and he leans across the table and participate in my picture taking antics.

He even comes around to my side of the table to take more couple pictures. My heart steadily skips as I keep taking pictures until our appetizer arrives. Mekhi goes back to his side of the table as we begin eating our food.

"Send me those pictures you just took," he says before placing a mozzarella stick in his mouth.

"Okay, are you going to post them to your social media," I ask him.

"Maybe just a few. You can't run away now that we're social media official," he says jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wouldn't run away anyway just so you know," I say to him with a sarcastic sigh.

"Glad to hear it," he says taking something else from the basket.

We continue to chat and eat until we are finished our appetizers. He tells me about everything they did leading up to last night's game. He really put his all into last night's game leaving everything on the court. I tell him about everything leading up to and after the incident. The time we spent at the wing place last night and how much fun it was. I chat away about our upcoming spring break plans until our food arrives. After the waiter places our dishes on the table we thank him and bless our food.

"Your food smells amazing," I say as his steak is still sizzling covered in sautéed onions and mushrooms.

"Thank you, baby. Your food smells good as well," he says cutting his steak.

"Thank you," I say as I cut into my fried chicken thigh and place a forkful into my mouth. It is so delicious I nearly melt in my seat.

"Does it taste good," Mekhi asks with a chuckle.

"Yes, why do you ask," I say coming back to my senses.

"I can see it all over your face," he says chuckling again cutting another piece of steak.

"Oh," I say.

"Here, taste this," he says holding his fork out to me with a small piece of steak at the end.

"Okay," I say eating the steak off of his fork.

"How is it," he asks as I'm chewing.

"It's really good," I say cutting a piece of my chicken for him to try. "Taste this," I say holding out my fork to him.

"Okay," he says and obediently eats the chicken off my fork.

"Well," I ask waiting for him to finish chewing.

"It tastes even better coming off your fork," he says with a smirk and my jaw drops.

"You are so shameless," I say with shock.

"Only for you," he says and we continue eating our food this way occasionally sharing bites of food until it is all gone.

When we are finished eating, Mekhi graciously declines dessert and I let him settle the bill without fussing. Mekhi holds my hand as we leave the diner and thanks the staff and other patrons again as they congratulate him once more. Outside the diner he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pull me close kissing me on the forehead. I smile and enjoy being in his embrace as we walk to his car. He unlocks his car doors and pulls my door open helping me into the car before getting in the car himself. I buckle my seatbelt as he starts the car and buckles himself in.