Come and Celebrate With Me

The two teams meet in the middle of the court for the ball toss. When the ball is tossed it is immediately recovered by the other team and they immediately drive it to their side of the court taking the first points of the game. I'm nervous at how ferocious and hard they have come out to play. Not ones to back down we answer with two consecutive scoring plays. The first half is a constant back and forth power of will between the two teams. Determined to pull ahead before the half is over our guys increase our lead by five points. With that last score we finally reach the half time break. The crowd continues to cheer as the teams head back to their locker rooms.

During this break I decide to attempt to use the bathroom again not wanting to miss a moment of the game. After talking to the group before I leave, we all decide to stretch our legs before the game starts back up. Trusting Nate and Owen to take care of Jackson, I lead Journee to the ladies bathroom relieve ourselves. Walking with our arms linked coming from the bathroom I decide to get us some popcorn. We can hear the music coming from inside as the halftime performances continue.

"Are you enjoying yourself so far," I ask Journee as we wait in line for popcorn.

"Yeah, it's more entertaining in person than watching it on TV," she says.

"Yeah, that's the same thing I was thinking when I first came," I tell her.

"It's even cooler knowing that you know someone that's playing," she responds.

"It is, its nerve wracking as well because you feel all of the same things they feel during the game.

Everything from the pregame jitters to the post game jubilation…hopefully there's jubilation after this game," I say to her

"Yeah, hopefully," she says as we finally arrive at the counter to place our order.

I place our order and pay for our snacks then we head back to our seats after receiving our food. When we reach our seats we see that the guys are already back and had the same idea that we had because they have snacks as well. I thank them for looking after my brother and taking care of him. We watch what's left of the halftime performance and then the second half begins.

Coming out both teams are filled with more passion and drive to win. It's really a battle on the court. It's a constant change in who's in the lead a few starters have been subbed out a few times in fear of fouling out before the game is over. With the arrival of the last quarter of the game the intensity in which the game is being played is taken up another notch.

After the opposing team scores and the rebound is recovered and passed to Mekhi, he stands at the opposite end of the court and puts his hand up signaling his team mates. With that sign the crowd starts chanting "WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU." We all join in with the chants stomping and clapping. I use my phone to record our support for our players and upload it to my social media before returning to participate with the crowd.

Mekhi has dribbled the ball down the court and passed it to another player when he was double teamed with nowhere else to go. The player he passed it to, took the ball bounced it twice and sunk a beautiful three pointer. The crowd went wild as the other team grabbed the rebound and tried to keep up with the tempo of the game. As the other team's player was passing the ball to someone else Cameron shot out of thin air like a bullet and stole the ball and dribbled hard down the court before two hand dunking it. The crowd and commentators went crazy with cheers and whistles our guys used it as energy to leave the opposing team behind in points taking over the game.

With just a few minutes left in the game the opposing team tried desperately to close the gap in points to catch up and at least tie taking the game into overtime. However with every bucket they scored we scored one as well maintaining our lead. The time steady winding down with a few seconds left Mekhi dribbles the ball slowly down the court and tosses it in the air towards the hoop with just one second left surprisingly sinking it just as the buzzer goes off. The stadium goes crazy as our team's bench empties onto the court running towards Mekhi with high fives and back slaps. We scream as well as I hug Journee and jump up and down with the rest of the crowd. The next thing we see is Mekhi being held up in the air as even the commentators lose it over the amazing buzzer beating shot. The DJ plays Queen's "We Are the Champions" and we all sing along at the top of our lungs.

After spending a little more time in the stadium relishing in the team's victory we head out with the help of Nate and Owen we are able to navigate our way through the crowd. My voice is hoarse after all the yelling and excitement so they end up walking us all the way to my car. We all chat animatedly about the game until we arrive at my car.

"Thank you for everything today guys. I really appreciate it," I say to Nate and Owen hugging each of


"You're more than welcome. I feel like we'll be seeing each other more often so don't be afraid to shout me out," Owen says.

"Yeah, same. You guys were pretty cool," Nate says to me and the twins.

"It was nice meeting you," Journee says.

"Yeah, you guys are cool. I hope I get to hang out with y'all again," Jackson says boldly.

"It was nice meeting you as well little beauty. Jackson man we'll definitely see you around," Nate says to them.

"For sure little man, we'll see you around. It was nice meet you too little beauty," Owen says.

"Thanks again guys, we'll see you later," I say to them unlocking my car doors.

"Sure, we'll see you later. Drive safe," Owen says and with a final wave he and Nate walk back toward the stadium.

Getting out of the stadium parking lot proves to be difficult as there's heavy traffic. It takes us about twenty minutes to get away from the stadium. The celebration is heavy on campus as we drive away. I'm so happy for Mekhi that I could cry, he worked so hard in the game today.

"Hey sis, you think we could stop and get something to eat," Jackson says.

"Umm, sure. Do you have anything in mind," I ask him.

"Do you have any preferences," he asks Journee.

"What about burritos or tacos," she says.

"Yeah that sounds really good," Jackson says.

"Alright we'll stop at the Tex-Mex place close to the house," I say as I ponder all the different food I can get.

"I can order ahead from my phone so that we can just go in and pick it up," Jackson says.

"Cool, do we all know what we want," I ask.

"Yeah," Jackson and Journee say in unison.

"Okay, go ahead and place you guys' orders," I say and with that they place their order through the phone app.

"Were you getting anything sis," Jackson asks.

"Umm," I say trying to decide.

"You know you'll wish you had gotten something once you smell our food, so you might as well get something," Journee says knowing me thoroughly.

"Okay, fine. I want a large fried plantain and medium black beans with rice," I say caving to my desire knowing that I'm full from all the snacks I indulged in at the game.

"Okay, the order is placed," Jackson says.

"Alright, we'll head there first. Are you guys leaving as soon as we get to the house," I ask them.

"Yeah, we didn't want to leave too late because we'll be right back tomorrow," Jackson says.

"Okay, do you want me to drop you off," I ask.

"Yeah, that'll be fine. We can just run in and grab our things and head back out," Journee says this time.

"Alright, cool," I say as we head towards the restaurant.

After driving for ten more minutes we arrive at the restaurant. Jackson goes inside to pick up our order and has it separated into three different bags when he comes back out. When he hands me my bag it feels heavier than it should be. We all check our orders and I discover the he has gotten me half of a charbroiled chicken as well.

'These guys know me too well.' I think to myself as I'm sure I would have been annoyed with myself for not getting chicken.

"Thanks for the chicken Jackson," I say.

"It's no problem," he says and with that we leave and go straight to the house.

Once we get home I place my food on the counter as the twins go to their rooms to get their overnight bags to head back out. As I sit and wait for them I text the girls to see what they're up to.

Me: Hey!!!

Rylie: What's up?!?

Susu: Hey, I heard we won…Congratulations!

Nova: Hey, mama! You're home?

Me: Yeah, we won! It was crazy and yeah I'm home getting ready to drop the twins off at their

friend's houses.

Nova: What are you going to do afterwards?

Me: I don't know…that's why I'm texting you guys.

Susu: I'm at work right now so I can't hang.

Rylie: I'm with Zain…I'm out too sis 

Me: Nova???

Nova: I'm meeting up with Devin now…sorry  

Me: Wahhh!!

Rylie: Oh stop it! I'm sure Mekhi will be calling you shortly and you'll be doing your own thing.

Nova: Right!

Susu: We're only spare time friends guys 

Me: Susu!!

Rylie: It's true! 

Me: Stop it!

Nova: Aww Lena, you know we're joking with you…you'll be fine. I'm sure there will be some huge party tonight to go to if it gets too boring for you.

Me: Yeah, we'll see otherwise I'll pester you guys all day.

Nova: No problem!

Me: I've gotta go…ttyl!

Rylie: See ya!

Susu: Byeeee!!!

Nova: Later guys!

The twins come back downstairs with their bags and we head back out. I drop Journee off first since she's the closest. After riding for ten minutes we arrive at Nathan's house where Hailey waves to me from the front window. I head back to the house and put my food away after taking a plantain to taste test. I take my plantain and go to my room and decide to play some music and study while I think of something to do. Placing my phone on the charger I turn on some music and my speaker as I pull out my study materials and put them on my desk. Before I settle in to study I take off the clothes I wore to the game and put on a pair of old soft sweat pants and a t shirt. About an hour into my study session my phone goes off and I stand to stretch my limbs before checking my phone.

Mekhi: Hey baby, where are you?

Me: Hey, I'm home…Congratulations!

Mekhi: Thanks, do you feel like leaving the house?

Me: Yeah, I could get out the house, I'm here by myself anyway.

Mekhi: Come and celebrate with me.

Me: Okay, where do you want me to meet you?

Mekhi: I'll come and get you.

Me: Okay, let me get dressed.

Mekhi: I'll be there in thirty minutes.

Me: Perfect it's enough time…see you soon!

Mekhi: See you soon baby!